Well, will anybody deny now that the Government at Washington, as regards its own people, is the strongest government in the world at this hour? And for this simple reason, that it is based on the will, and the good will, of an instructed people. h. JOHN BRIGHT-Speech at Rochdale. And having looked to Government for bread, on the very first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them. i. BURKE-Thoughts and Details on Scarcity. Vol. V. P. 156. So then because some towns in England are not represented, America is to have no representative at all. They are "our children; " but when children ask for bread we are not to give a stone. j. BURKE-Speech on American Taxation. Vol. II. P. 74. A power has arisen up in the Government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks. m. JOHN C. CALHOUN-In the U. S. Senate. May 28, 1836. And the first thing I would do in my government, I would have nobody to control me, I would be absolute; and who but I: now, he that is absolute, can do what he likes; he that can do what he likes, can take his pleasure; he that can take his pleasure, can be content; and he that can be content, has no more to desire; so the matter's over. CERVANTES-Don Quixote. Pt. I. n. The grave is Heaven's golden gate, WM. BLAKE-Dedication of the Designs Build me a shrine, and I could kneel Did I not see, did I not feel. That one GREAT SPIRIT governs all. O Heaven, permit that I may lie Where o'er my corse green branches wave; And those who from life's tumults fly With kindred feelings press my grave. BLOOMFIELD-Love of the Country. h. But an untimely grave. 0. CAREW-On the Duke of Buckingham. The grave, where sets the orb of being, sets p. ABRAHAM COLES-The Microcosm and Other Poems. P. 125.. In yonder grave a Druid lies. 9. COLLINS-Ode on the Death of Thomson. The solitary, silent, solemn scene, Where Cæsars, heroes, peasants, hermits lie, Blended in dust together; where the slave Rests from his labors; where th' insulting proud Resigns his powers; the miser drops his hoard: Where human folly sleeps. T. DYER-Ruins of Rome. L. 540. Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest, Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood. 8. St. 4. GRAY-Elegy in a Country Churchyard.. St. 15. |