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which is only future history, contains all subjects that can be contemplated or discoursed upon.

Thus we have a new thought-method. Its soulless name was suggested, several years ago, by a serion in which a certain clever lawyer's brain was compared to a thinking-machine. Its two ancient names remind the reader of Francis Bacon, the restorer, and Aristotle, the originator, of science.

As every composition must come to a close, as well as start from a beginning, I have made the future to end in the name of Christ, as the Son of God. To those who believe Jesus never lived, the supposition of a mythical person in the designated time and place, will satisfy all the conditions of the present problem.

Part IV., it is not expected, all should sympathize with from a political point of view; but we do submit that politics can not be truly and heartily discussed except from one side or the other; that is, politics are necessarily partisan. To unite the parties, recourse must be had to religion.

[blocks in formation]




"From Locke's time downward, our whole Metap been physical; not a spiritual philosophy, but a materia grand secrets of Necessity and Free-will, of the mind's vital dependence on matter, of our mysterious relati and Space, to God, to the universe, are not touched inquiries."— CARLYLE, A. D. 1829, in Signs of the Times.

"Were we required to characterize this age, we tempted to call it, above all others, the Mechanical age


"The essence of things is number." - PYTHAGORAS, I

1. Time and space are, after all, the t fundamental ideas.

2. They are the latitude and longitude ceiving.

3. All things, tangible and ærial, material itual, are in space and in time.

4. Time and space resemble each other. looks like zero, future like plus, past like mi nity like infinity.

5. Mathematics is the science of number. 6. If three apples cost two cents, what marbles cost?

7. You cannot compare apples and marbles in that way.

8. But two apples are to four apples as three marbles are to six marbles.

9. Because the abstract ratios, two-fourths and three-sixths, are equal.

10. Hence you may represent apples by marbles. 11. As the philosophers do forces by lines, in demonstration, although forces are not lines.

12. The abstract is a conception, distinct from the concrete, always and everywhere the same.

13. Pure mathematics is concerned with the relations of quantities, rather than their absolute values. 14. Resemblance may be viewed as resulting from proportion, difference from disproportion, and identity from equality or coincidence.


"I am as I am."— JEHOVAH, through MoSES, B. C. 1600.

1. A mathematical line is conceived as composed of consecutive points.

2. A length of time is conceived as composed of consecutive moments.

3. Moments are to time-lengths as points to lines. 4. Hence, moments may be represented by points, and time-lengths by lines.

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