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When floated once beyond his feeble ear:
And then, as if it were an unreal thing,

The wind will sweep from the neglected strings
As rich a swell as ever minstrel drew.


OH, misery to see the tomb
Close over all our world of bloom;
To look our last in the dear eyes
Which made our light of Paradise ;
To know that silent is the tone
Whose tenderness was all our own!

To kiss the cheek which once had burned
At the least glance, and find it turned
To marble; and then think of all,
Of hope that memory can recall.
Yes misery! but even here
There is a somewhat left to cheer,
A gentle treasuring of sweet things
Remembrance gathers from the past,
The pride of faithfulness, which clings
To love kept sacred to the last.

And even if another's love

Has traced the heart to us above


The treasures of the east, yet still

There is a solace for the ill.

Those who have known love's utmost spell
Can feel for those who love as well;

Can half forget their own distress,

To share the loved one's happiness.

But oh, to know our heart has been,
Like the toy of an Indian queen,

Torn, trampled, without thought or care,
Where is despair like this despair.


-THE gloom

Of a deserted banquet-room :-
To see the spider's web outvie
The torn and faded tapestry;—

To shudder at the cold damp air,
Then think how once were blooming there

The incense-vase with odour flowing,
The silver lamp its softness throwing
O'er cheeks as beautiful and bright
As roses bathed in summer light;
How through the portals sweeping came

Proud cavalier and high-born dame

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