Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

If people would learn and use this alphabet in. stead of the old one, you would have no more trouble from silent and useless letters; nor from having many sounds to the same letter, and many letters to the same sound. And it would be then almost impossible for you to read or spell wrong; for in reading, the letters would tell you exactly the sounds and words, which you must think and speak, and these would tell you the proper letters for writing them. You see "at,” say "eight," or "8;" for these letters mean that, and can mean nothing else. If you wish to write the word though, take the two letters L, o, which stand for the two sounds wanted.


Well, now begin learning to write by this good alphabet, and see how easy it will be. Come, say the letters till you shall have fixed the shape, name, and sound of each well in your mind. Then you can read the following easy lessons. There is but one sort-no large or capital letters to be learned.

Aчrt and ez3 Isnz 3n Le nu alfbt fqr red3 and


NOTE.-The lessons are numbered by the Arabic numerals, the Roman numerals, and by words also.

Isn 1-frst-I.

my ma, 3z 3t yu? ys, 3t 3z y.

н! my pа 3z ep Jo, go ǝp tǝ pa. se 3f he 3z so hy ǝp az pa. 0 ys, he 3z. La ar to hy ǝp 30 ma, do se. o de be to ǝs, pa. wl, so we go чn Le ne, 3n Le le.

so hy. pa, It Jo go ǝp tǝ yu.

Le Ar.

Le ne.

It me be чn

ma, lt es al

y ma be

go ǝp tǝ pa. o wl, so we ma. yl se 3f
Le ne av my pa. o be to me, чn my ne, pa sz.

Isn 2-skənd—II.

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An, go

3s Jo ǝp чf Lǝ bd? no, he 3z yet 3u bd. 8z he df? o no. Ln gt ǝp Jo; y sa so. 3n, go on, go ǝp. wl, my Jo, 3t 3z tə yu tǝ no, yu Altl no ly. o pa, yl tl no ly. se ma, Le 3z ap to ǝs. hp 3s 3t, ma ? 3s 3t my pa? ys 3t 3z. my ma, dɔ yu tl me a ly? o no, my Jo. y tl yu no ly. o wl, ma, 3t 3s my on der pa.

wl my Jo, 3t

3s tǝ yu ǝr to me to go to se 3t Le be 3z чn Le le. se! y am 3n my pn; so 3z my hn.

It me go to gt tǝ Jo.

Isn 3-qrd-III.

v! ho!


Le ok 3z so hy op 3n Le ar. o ma do se me go ap hy чn Le ok. o se! y am ǝp so hy! do, my pa, be ǝp to me so hy чn Le ok.

ma, ma y go up tə-da, tǝ se pa 3n Le ha? ys, Jo, yu ma go. 0, se pa go. It ǝs et py; Ln lt ǝs go tǝ se pa mo.

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yl go 3n, ma, tǝ go tǝ bd. 3z pa 3n?
3n. pa, we ma et py. O JO, sa yu so?
ly. o no, pa, Lo y dy, yl tl yu no ly.
ys. wl, lt hr be by my ne.
go tǝ bd.

ys, pa 3z tl me no 3z an 3n?

go, an, la it ǝp; Ln.

Isn 4-forq-IV.

rat. nov

do f3t Le

o se Le kat, ly чn Le mat, tǝ wчc Le se Le dug, rən 3n Le byg, to kac Le hчg. bd wl for my hd. mak 3t so flat az 3z a mat.


dryv Le sly mavs, prt чv Le hovs. o, lt as go, ta se pa mo. der ma w31 bak ǝs sem gud kak wз fчr nнn, bot whчts my on. se hov Lə bч3z do lav Le tq3z. lts sk3p and hqp, kəm, It ǝs jǝmp, bət gt no bəmp. pomp som water.

Isn 5-f3fq-V.

զո Le h3l-tqp.

ǝp jump, and

som kak. Le

Lo y pos qгo

he levz yu ǝlon. de ma mak me Jǝg standz un 3ts bчtəm lyk ə pчt. Le gat, y w31 nyt lt Le p3gz 3n. y want ǝ kwant3t3 ǝv fr hǝn3 and waks, kylktd by Le bəz3ă bez, pa, plez to g3v me a part av Le cr3z. H! whчts LAt qu my qrHt? ə bǝg; nчk 3t чf, d. g3v me a buk. Lar 3z ǝ trær 3n ǝ gvd byk. go fund yur pn31. ma, y ləv g3ngrbrd. w31 yu plez tə mak me səm ? pa, Jчn wчnts ən aks, ǝ 13tl aks, tǝ kət w3L. hov məc wed wǝn kast? o, about f3ft3 snts. do qlwa st a grd ggzampl, mar3.

Isn 6-s3ksq-VI.

L3s Loz səm waz tə sqrtn ryt31.-no spund ns.

sr313 3mplyd nedz to be markt, gspáǝl3 g, and ə; Az b-t-r fur b-g-t-o-r; s-l-r fur s-g-l-ə-r. whn Le vokl nam əvə kчnsənnt 3s ǝ wrd, It Lat kynsinnt stand fur Le wrd; az Le ltr b fqr Le wrd be; LLe ; & Ke; s se, &c.

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səm s3ul karaktrz tə b yuzd at plвr fqr to ltrz, or mor; ylso sǝm abrv3aKanz; Az, & fur and; o fur and-so-forq; 6-43; 8—vv: x—ks; 9—gz; &—nt; 2—ɔn; ₺—sp; 1— st; fr-frqm; 3-3t; f-fyr, v―ov; z-3z; r—ar ; ч-wqz; n-nyt; nl-naml3; c-wh3c; LS-13s; LZ-Lez ; hz—h3z; t―tə; wL-w3L; Lt-Lat; mc— məc; mr-mor; ms-most; Lf-Lrfor; wf-wharfor; nt-not; wt-whqt; wn-whn; wr-whar; Al-Aal; Ad-Awd; wd-wed; kd-ked; bn-b3n; Lr-LAF; y-yu; yr-yur; --hɔ; oz-hoz; hm -hom; A--At; hv-hav; hd--had; ha--haz; kn --kan; sc-sǝc; 8--n8; hms--h3mslf ; Lms-Lmslvz; g--gud; bt--btr; bs--bst; gt-grat; grgratr; gri-gratst.

abrv3a2z & karaktrz f sǝm parts v wrdz; az, nr fqr 3ntr; k-kyn; --3n; km-kqm; x—εx; 9-g9; ds-d3s; sb-səb; sr-supr; srk-srkəm; ts-trans; ms-m3s; q-kw; 5-pr; 1-br; 4pre; 8-gr3; 7-re; -de; -3m; N-gn; -pl;,-bl.

Isn 7-svnq-VII.

səm gʊd myrəl rolz f yǝı pepl 3n L nu Alfbt: 1. It nyt yur fel3ız & fans3, yur propns3t3z & prлud3s rǝn ǝwa w3L yur d3skr 2 & лǝлm2, уur w3ts & w3zdəm.

2. g3v al krecrz az mc 13brt3 az La w31 yuz & nyt əbuz f Lr on 3nлr3 ǝr Lt v Əlгz.

3. də nəq3ı raı ər 2wr13 yurslf, nr try to mak OLTZ. h8 wd yu fel, Ad yu, by 9ampl ər əlгwyz, b L kr3m3nl kaz v gt31 yur brǝLr, ər yur skolmat, ər yur plaflo, ǝr gn3 wən gls, 3ntə L stats pr3zn, ər əpyn L galoz?

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4. kal nəq3 чnrəbl, ər man13, LAt z rax 3n 3tslf, & Ʌd nyt b dən.

5. kal nəq3u lo ǝr dgrad31 Lt z ryt & £d b don f gud, or f yurslf, ar oLr krecrz.

6. ǝ ly z wgtholdçı L troq, wr Lar 3z ə ryt tǝ no 3t, & Z Lf ǝ grat & bas krym. a vr3 3nлur3əs, dzynd,

& men ly, ma b told by mer sylns.

7. nyls & rfynmz, rycǝsns & bnvǝlns, gnlytnd & sql3d jəлmy, zləs & tmprt gnrл3, Ad b w3ɩ yu, ǝrl3 & kчnantl3, qbлks v vr3 ser3ǝs & qrə rflk£2, & ə ‡rqa kǝnsrn.

8. 3f yu wd kǝm ner 5fk2 - gvd manrz & sol myrlz, in kǝns3dr wl & kynd13 L kond342, fel3xz, & tryǝlz v əlrz. -лr & -sǝlt nнn, gspáǝl3 femalz, Laлd, L dfзáz, 1 por, 1 ranлr, L 2fqrcunt, & Loz Lt d3fr fr yu. 2 prлǝd3s, ǝr 3t w31 can yu t 3gnrns & fyl3, s3n & m3zr3.

Isn 8---atq---VIII.

9. nvr grat3fy ǝr gnr3c yurslf by -лг31 ǝrz. ¿vád al sǝc mengs & s3n. dont by raj wrdz ər aká2z afl3kt ǝ parz, ər mak yur mǝLr wep, чr yur brǝlr чr s3str, чr yur cyld, gamd v yu. Lz matrz r gsnål f 5snl, dəmst3k, & inrl чnr & hap3ns əməɔ mn.


10. al ged, wl brd, & rspktəbl c31drn w31 qnr & oba Lr faur & mǝLr, lǝv Lr s3str & brǝur, & i s3v31 & kynd t ec ǝLr.

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