A February 14, 1763. ADVERTISEMENT. LTHOUGH this Volume is now printed at the particular Requeft of many Subscribers, and for their immediate Ufe and Convenience; yet, the University being defirous to render their Privileges moft extenfively beneficial to the Publick, it will be fold to any other Purchasers, and continued from Year to Year. Such Gentlemen, not Subfcribers to the whole Work, as choose to take in the Continuation, are defired to fend their Names to the Publifher, C. Bathurst, that he may for the future provide accordingly. THE Statutes at Large, Anno fecundo GEORGII III. Regis; Being the FIRST Seffion of the Twelfth Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN. BY DANBY PICKERING, of GRAY'S INN, Efq; |