Official ballots - (Continued), mode of procedure, when one of, spoiled must be returned by voter before passing outside of guard- rail name of candidate, declining nomination, not to be placed on no portion of a full set of, to be delivered to voter of canvass ...... ... .... 15 .... .... 130 .... .... .... 111 Pardon. ........ P. ..... Party, how to be designated in certificate of independent nomina- to be designated in certificate of nomination in not more ......... Party nominations, what are ... certified copy of previous, to be delivered to inspector of 100 12 .... 11 .... 100 .... 14 ... 100 .... 14 .... ... .. .... ... ... form of, of candidates, to be sent to town clerk, etc. (No. 6) Primary, canvass of votes at... chairman and other officers, when to take oath.. .... candidates, delegates and officers of, when to be chosen by meeting of, when to be held open for voting not less than to be organized by appointment of chairman and secretary. to be delivered to and filed and recorded by secretary of .... Public officers, violation of election law by............. ................ 41j 163 majority of county board of canvassers to constitute 53 131 .... for packages of ballots, etc., to be given by inspectors...... to specify number and kind of package. for packages of ballots to be given by town and city clerks. Record, to specify number and kind of package........... of challenges................ Recorder of Albany, when to form part of state board. Refusal, of house-dwellers to answer inquiries ............... ... 41d 162 to deliver official ballots ........ ..... to permit employes to attend election............ .... 162 41f |