We certify the foregoing statement is correct in all respects. ........ ... Board of Inspectors. (NOTE.-A similar certificate is to be made at the bottom of each sheet or half sheet of this return. If ballots are voted on any constitutional amendment or question or proposition submitted, a similar return is to be included. Two certified copies of this original statement and return are to be made.) (Form No. 38. Section 84.) Blank for the Report of Assisted and Challenged Electors.* Three blank statements in the following form shall also be furnished to each board of inspectors, which shall, at the close of the election, be filled by them, and one original statement shall be attached to the original return, and a copy thereof to each copy of the original return. 1. The names of persons who were challenged, and the challenge not withdrawn, were in all, three.... (3) 2. The names of persons who received assistance on account of physical disability, were... in all, five.... (5) 3. The names of persons who received assistance on account of being unable to write by reason of illiteracy, were. و.... We certify the foregoing statement is correct. in all two.... (2) (Form No. 39. Section 100 of Election Law.) Proclamation of Opening the Polls. Hear ye! hear ye! hear ye! The polls of this election is opened, and all persons attending the same are strictly charged and commanded, by the authority and in the name of the people of this state, to keep the peace thereof during their attendance at this election on pain of imprisonment. And all persons are desired to take notice that the poll will be closed at sunset. (Form No. 40. Form of Precept in Case of Section 15 of Election Law.) up for use.] Refusal to Obey the Lawful Commands of the Inspectors. [Blank precepts should be provided beforehand and be in possession of the board ready to be filled The people of the State of New York to the sheriff of the (city and) county of............, or the constable of said (city or) county: Whereas, at the present annual (or special) election, held in and for election district number...., in the town of..... * See section 103, subd. 2, of Election Law. ..... (or in the , ........ward of the city of........), or said county, did willfully and intentionally obstruct the passageway to the polls of the said election, thereby hindering and preventing free access to the said poll, in open and known violation of the command of us, the undersigned, inspectors of this election, previously and publicly given in his hearing. You are, therefore, hereby ordered forthwith to arrest the said and him safely keep and detain in custody until the final canvass of the votes given in this election district shall be completed. Given under our hands and seals this... day of......, 18.. (To be signed by all or a majority of the inspectors.) (Form No. 41. Section 15 of Election Law.) Form of Deputation to be Written on Back of Precept in Case no Sheriff or Constable is Present. No sheriff or constable being present we hereby depute cute the within process. (To be signed by all or a majority of board.) ..... to exe (Form No. 42. Section 15 of Election Law.) Form of Precept in Case of Disorderly Conduct in Presence or Hearing of Inspectors. The People of the State of New York to the sheriff of the (city and) county of............, or to any constable of said county: Whereas, At the present annual (or special) election, held in and for election district number...., in the town of............(or in the....ward of the city of............), in said (city and) county. و..... -, in the presence (or in the hearing) of us, the undersigned inspectors of the said election, did by disorderly conduct, towit, by (here describe the misconduct particularly, as by loud and boisterous noises, or by violent stamping, or by assaulting etc., or by commencing a riot and affray with divers persons, or as the case may be) interrupt and disturb the proceedings of us, the said inspectors, in conducting the election. You are, therefore, hereby ordered forthwith to arrest the said ......, and him safely detain in custody until the final canvass of the votes given in this election district shall be completed. .... Given under our hands and seals this....day of..........., 18.. (The above should be signed by, at least, a majority of the inspectors.) (Form No. 43. Section 102, subd. 3.) Form of Page of Poll-Book. (Form No. 44. Section 108, subd. 1 of Election Law.) Form of Preliminary Oath and Examination for Voting. You do swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching your place of residence and qualification as an elector. 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age ? 3. Where do you now reside? State as precisely as you are able the particular locality of your place of residence. 4. How long have you resided in this election district? 5. What was your last place of residence before you came into this election district ? 6. How long have you resided in this county ? 7. How long have you resided in this State ? 8. Are you a native or naturalized citizen ? If a naturalized citizen. 9. When were you naturalized ? 10. Where and in what court, or before what officer ? 11. How long have you resided in the United States ? 12. Did you come into this election district for the purpose of vot ing at the next ensuing election ? 13. How long do you contemplate residing in this election district? 14. Have you made any bet or wager, or are you directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending on the result of the next ensuing election ? 15. Have you received, or offered to receive, or do you expect to receive, any money or other valuable thing as a compensation or reward for giving your vote at the next ensuing election ? 16. Have you paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, offered or promised to contribute, to another, to be paid or used, any money or other valuable thing, or made any promise, to influence the giving or withholding of any vote at the next ensuing election ? 17. Have you been convicted of bribery or any infamous crime, or, if convicted, have you been pardoned and restored to all the rights of citizenship ? In addition, such other questions may be asked which may tend to test the qualifications of the person offering to vote as a resident of the election district, citizenship and right to vote at such polling-place. (Form No. 45. Section 108, subd. 2.) General Oath on Challenge. If the person so offering to vote shall persist in his claim to vote, and the challenge shall not be withdrawn, one of the inspectors shall then administer to him the following oath: "You do swear (or affirm) that you are twenty-one years of age, that you have been a citizen of the United States for ninety days, and an inhabitant of this State for one year next preceding this election, and for the last four months a resident of this county, and for thirty days a resident of this election district, and that you have not voted at this election." If the person so offering to vote shall be challenged for causes stated in section 2 of article 2 of the constitution of this state, the following additional oath shall be administered by one of the inspectors: “You do swear (or affirm) that you have not received or offered, do not expect to receive, have not paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, offered or promised to contribute to another, to be paid or used, any money or other valuable thing as a compensation or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at this election, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding of any such vote; and that you have not made, or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of this election.” If the person so offering shall be challenged on the ground of having been convicted of bribery or any infamous crime, the following additional oath shall be administered to him by one of the inspectors: "You do swear (or affirm) that you have not been convicted of bribery or any infamous crime, or if so convicted, that you have been pardoned and restored to all the rights of a citizen." (Form No. 46. Section 108, subd. 3 of Election Law.) Form of Memorandum of Challenges. At a general election held in election district No...., in the town of.........., (or in the....... ward of the city of..........), in the county of........, on the..... day of November, 18.., the following persons were challenged and respectively took the oath or oaths as stated below, to-wit: .. each took the preliminary oath; whereupon the challenge was in each case withdrawn. also the general oath (or affirmation). each took the preliminary and We certify that the above is all such minutes as to all persons chal lenged at this election. Dated at........, November...., 189.. (Form No. 47. Section 111 of Election Law.) Form of Statement of Canvass. Statement of the result of a general election held in and for the of..... election district of the town of.. (or of the ...), in the county ..., on the....day of November, in the year of our Lord .......... one thousand eight hundred and....... ., made by the inspectors of election in and for said district, viz.:* Protested as marked for identification, five votes. Number of void ballots rejected, ten. We certify that the foregoing statement is in all respects correct.f Dated this....day of November, in the year 189..‡ * Here insert separate return for each office of the votes cast for each candidate therefor in the form prescribed for such returns and statement in section 84, ante. See Form No. 37. + This certificate should be made at the end of each return contained in the original statement of the canvass, and also at the bottom of each sheet or half sheet thereof. Any inspector or poll clerk or ballot clerk who shall refuse to sign any return required by the Election Law, must state the grounds upon which such refusal is based upon such return over his signature. See section 111 of On the first page or pages of this statement there should be a return of the ballots voted. |