Imágenes de páginas

(Form No. 15.)

Oath to be Administered in Case of Physical Disability. Sections 34,




subd. 3.

You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will be unable to write by reason of illiteracy, .... or you do solemnly swear (^r affirm) that you will be unable to prepare your ballot without assistance, because (insert specific cause or reason assigned by voter for disability) or you do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will be unable to enter the voting booth without assistance, because (insert specific disease or crippled condition).... .......or, you do solemnly swear (or affirm) that by reason of an accident (specifying time and place thereof), or of disease (specifying nature thereof), you have, since the day upon which you registered, lost the use of both hands, or become totally blind, or so crippled that you cannot enter the voting booth and prepare your ballot without assistance.


The last clause is for voter who registered without oath of disability.

(Form No. 16.)

Oath of Election Officer before Opening of Polls.*

COUNTY OF..........


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..., being duly sworn, says that he will not in any manner request, or seek to persuade, or induce any elector to vote any particular ticket or for any particular candidate, and will not keep or make any memoranda or entry of anything occurring within the voting booth, and will not, directly or indirectly, reveal to any person the name of any candidate voted for by any elector, or which ticket he has voted, or anything occurring within the voting booth, except he is called upon to testify in a judicial proceeding for a violation of the Election Law.

Sworn to before me, this....)

day of.........., 189..




(Official signature.)

*Same oath may be administered to person rendering such assistance. See Election Law, sec. 104 subd. 2.

(Form No. 17. Section 19 of Town Law.)
Appointment of Additional Inspector of Election.*

COUNTY OF...........

Town of...........



We, the undersigned, presiding officers (or a majority of the presid. ing officers) of the annual town meeting, held in the town of......... on of........, A. D. 18.., do hereby appoint......, in election district No. 1, election district No. 2, in said town, inspectors of election in said districts respectively, to be associated with the two inspectors in each of said districts respectively, who have been this day elected inspectors of election for the ensuing year; and we hereby certify that the said.........and.........were each one of the two persons who received at said town meeting the highest number of votes respectively for said office of inspectors of elections, next to the two inspectors in each of said districts, who were elected.

Dated at........ of.........., A. D. 18...

This order should be signed by the whole or by a majority of such presiding officers and should be filed in the town clerk's office.

(Form No. 18. Section 51 of Town Law.)

Oath of Office of Inspector.

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I, ..........., of the town of..........., in the county and state aforesaid, having been elected...........of said town, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution of the state of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of inspector of election of said town to the best of my ability. And I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any moneys or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding of a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding of any such vote.

Subscribed and sworn to before me, of ........, 18..,


Justice of the Peace.


* See section 13 of Election Law.


COUNTY OF..........,
Town of ............,


I, .........., a justice of the peace in and for the town of........, in the county aforesaid, do hereby certify that on the



day of

18.., before me personally appeared...., of the town aforesaid, who then and there duly took and subscribed the foregoing oath of office.

Dated this day of............, 18...



Justice of the Peace.

The additional inspector appointed under section 19 of the Town Law must take the above oath of office.

(Form No. 19. Section 65 of Town Law.)

Order of Town Board Appointing Inspector of Election to Fill Vacancy.

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WHEREAS, a vacancy has occurred in the office of inspector of election in the first election district of the town of........, .., aforesaid, by reason of a failure to choose or appoint inspectors of election at the last annual town meeting (or by reason of their absence, or that they have ceased to be residents of such district, or that they are unable to attend and hold an election, as the case may be); now, therefore, we, the undersigned supervisor, town clerk and justices of the peace in such town, having duly met for the purpose of filling such vacancies, do hereby, by virtue of the power and authority vested in us by law, in order to fill such vacancies, designate and appoint ........ and to be inspectors of election in the first election district, and and ....... to be inspectors of election in the second election district of said town; each of the persons so appointed being electors of the election district for which he is appointed and qualified according to law.


[L. S.]


In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands and seals of .. A. D. 18..

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(Signatures and seals.)

(The order of appointment must be filled with the town clerk.)

(Form No. 20. Section 12 of Election Law.) Form for Appointment, by Inspectors, of Inspector to Fill Vacancy. There being a vacancy in the office of inspector for election district No.... of the town of ....., held by ........, I (or we) appoint to fill such vacancy. Dated the day of........, 189..




Inspector of Election.

(To be filed in city or town clerk's office.)

(Form No. 21. Section 12 of Election Law.)

Form for Designation, by Inspectors, of Elector to Act as Inspector.

-, not being present at the meeting of inspectors held this day, I (or we) hereby designate -, a duly qualified elector of election district No... of the town of........, to act as inspector, in place of -, until he shall appear.

Dated of........, 189..

Inspector of Election.

(To be filed in city or town clerk's office.)

(Form No. 22. Section 12 of Election Law.)
Form for Designation, by Electors, to Fill Vacancies.

The offices of all the inspectors for election district No....of the town o ........, being vacant, we, the undersigned, qualified voters of said district, present, do hereby designate — -, and duly qualified voters of the said district, to fill such vacancies. (Should be signed by not less than ten duly qualified electors and filed in city or town clerk's


(Form No. 23. Section 12 of Election Law.)

Form for Designation, by Electors, of Persons to Act as Inspectors. All of the inspectors of election for election district No..... of the town of........, not appearing within one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the meeting of inspectors held this day, we, the undersigned, duly qualified electors of said district, hereby appoint to act in to act in the place of -, or until such absent inspectors, respectively,

the place of


Dated this


day of





(To be signed by not less than ten duly qualified electors and filed in city or town clerk's office.) Persons appointed or designated, under section 15 of Election Law, to act as inspectors of election, must subscribe and take the same oath as regularly elected Inspectors. (See Form No. 19.)

(Form No. 24. Section 12 of Election Law.) Form for Appointment of Poll Clerks and Ballot Clerks. We, the undersigned, inspectors of the....election district of the town of on this .... day of November, A. D. 18.. do hereby appoint to the office of poll clerk or ballot clerk in and for said district for the ensuing year. Dated November.... 189..




(Appointment to be filed with town clerk or city clerk.)

Where the law provides for the appointment of all the inspectors of any election district, the authority appointing such inspectors shall appoint the poll clerks and ballot clerks of such district, for the same terms of office as the inspectors. [Section 12 of Election Law.]

(Form No. 25. Section 12 of Election Law.)

Form for Appointment of Poll or Ballot Clerk to Fill Vacancy. There being a vacancy in the office of poll clerk (or ballot clerk) in election district No. of the town of to fill such vacancy.


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we hereby appoint

Inspectors of Election.

(Form No. 26. Section 12 of Election Law.) Form for Designation of Person to Act in Place of Absent Poll or Ballot


-, a duly appointed poll or ballot clerk, not being present


at the meeting of inspectors of election, in election district No. of the town of........, held this day, I (or we) hereby designate

to act as poll or ballot clerk, in place of

he shall appear.

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-, until

Inspector of Election,

(The above appointments or designations to be filed with the town clerk or city


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