Imágenes de páginas

Acknowledgment and Affidavit of each Signer to be Annexed to the

Certificate signed by him.


COUNTY OF..........



On of............189..., before me personally appeared A B, to me known to be one of the persons described in and who signed the foregoing certificate and acknowledged that he signed the same, and the said A B, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a voter in the...............of.. said county, and that he has truly stated his residence in the statement of his place of

residence added to his said signature.

[blocks in formation]

A B.

(Notary Public, or Justice of the Peace.)

NOTE. It is not necessary that each signer should acknowledge separately. All or any num. ber may be included in one acknowledgment and affidavit. The signatures need not be appended to one paper.

(Form No. 4.)

[For filing this certificate, see section 59, chapter 909 of 1896.] Convention Certificate of Nomination for a Candidate Voted for by the Voters of only one County or a Portion of a County.

To the county clerk of...............county, State of New York:

( We certify that at a convention of delegates representing the, held...

[ocr errors]

189..., for.....................

(Name, county or election division.)

the following named persons were placed in nomination for offices to be filled at the next ensuing election :

[blocks in formation]

(Residence, city or town, street and number, if any.)

* Not more than five words to be used.

+ If in a city, the street and number of his residence and place of business.

* Where a political party or independent body makes no nomination for offices to be filled

by the voters of the entire State, the certificate must designate a device or emblem.

[blocks in formation]

A B and CD, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, says that the said A B was the presiding officer of the convention of delegates mentioned and described in the foregoing certificate, and that the said CD was the secretary of such convention, and that said certificate and the statements therein contained are true, to the best of his information and belief.

Severally subscribed and sworn to before)

me, this .... day of


......, 189..


(Notary Public or Justice of the Peace.)

(Form No. 5.)

[For filing this certificate, see section 59, chapter 909 of 1896.]

A B.

C D.

Certificate of Nomination for a Ward, Town or Village Office.‡

To the (Town or City) Clerk of......


We certify that a primary meeting of the voters of the

party, held.................., 189..., for..

(Name of ward, town or village.)



the following named persons were placed in nomination for the offices to be filled at the next ensuing election in the......................

[blocks in formation]


COUNTY OF.......




Presiding Officer.



A B and C D, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, says that the said A B was the presiding officer of the primary meeting mentioned and described in the foregoing certificate, and that the said CD was the secretary of said primary meeting, and that said certificate and the statements therein contained are true, to the best of his information and belief.

* Not more than five words to be used.

+ If in a city, the street and number of his residence and place of business.

Where a political party or independent body makes no nomination for offices to be filled by the voters of the entire State, the certificate must designate a device or emblem.

Severally subscribed and sworn to before)

me, this day of ......, 189..



(Notary Public or Justice of the Peace.)

(Form No. 6.)

A B.

C D.

Form of Printed Poster or List to be sent by County Clerk or City Clerk to each Town Clerk or Alderman in County or City.

[Same to be posted by Town Clerk or Alderman in election districts. For time of sending and posting, see section 62.]

To the (Town Clerk or Alderman) of (Town of ....or.... Ward of ....): Please take notice that the following named persons have been nominated as candidates for office, to be voted for at the next ensuing election to be held in your (town or ward) on......, 189.., as follows:

[blocks in formation]

List of Nominations to be Published by County Clerk. Section 61. To the Voters of (........ county):

The following is a true and correct list of all nominations to office certified to me pursuant to the provisions of chapter 909, of the Laws

[blocks in formation]

Clerk of


* If in a city, the street number of residence and place of business.



(Form No. 8.)

List of Nominations to be Posted by Town or Village Clerk. Section 63. To the Voters of (town or village of ........):

The following is a true and correct list of all nominations to office filed with me pursuant to the provisions of chap. 909 of 1896:

[blocks in formation]

Declination of Nomination. Section 64.

To the Secretary of State (or other officer): SIR. Please take notice that I decline the nomination for the office tendered me by the (convention, primary or voters) party, filed in your office.


of the










On this






day of 189.., before me personally came to me known to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing declination, and he acknowledged the same for the purposes therein mentioned.


Notary Public or Justice of the Peace.

(Form No. 10.)

Certificate of Appointment of Ballot and Poll Clerks. Section 11. We certify that we have this day appointed A B and C D to serve as ballot clerk and poll clerk, respectively, at this poll during the election this day.

[blocks in formation]

* If in a city, the street number of residence and place of business.

(Form No. 11.)

Oath of Office Prescribed by Law for Inspectors of Election. Section 12.

I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of. according to the best of my ability.

And I do further solemnly swear that I have not, directly or indirectly, paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing, as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote.


Subscribed and sworn to before me,

this day of





(Form No. 12.)


Oath of Office Prescribed by Law for Poll and Ballot Clerks. Section 12. I do solemnly swear I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Poll or Ballot Clerk according to the best of my ability.


Subscribed and sworn to before me, )
....., 189..


day of




(Form No. 13.)

Town Clerk's or City Clerk's Receipt for Official Ballots Received from

County Clerk, Section 87.

Received of.

.., Clerk of....


One package of official ballots, containing... .....ballots (

[blocks in formation]

Election Inspectors' Receipt for Official Ballots Received from Town or

Recived of......

City Clerk. Section 87.

One package of official ballots, containing.

One package of official ballots, containing
One package of official ballots, containing.
One package of sample ballots, containing.

One package of instruction cards....

[blocks in formation]

Stationery (itemized).




Inspectors Election.
Dist. Poll (town or city).

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