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therein, respectively, shall in like manner, deliver to the inspectors or presiding officers of the election at each polling place at which such meetings and elections are held, respectively, the official ballots, sample ballots, instruction cards and other stationery required for such election or town meeting, respectively, in like sealed packages marked on the outside in like manner, and shall take and file receipts therefor in like manner in their respective offices.

§20. Section one hundred and thirteen of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:


§ 113. Subdivision 1. If the election be other than an election of town, city, village or school officers, held at a different time from a general election, the chairman of the board of inspectors of each election district, except in The City of New York, shall forthwith upon the completion of such certified original statement of the result, deliver one certified copy thereof to the supervisor of the town in which the election, if outside of a city, is situated, and if in a city, to one of the supervisors of said city. If there be no supervisor, or he be absent or unable to attend the meeting of the county board of canvassers, such certified copy shall be forthwith delivered to an assessor of such town or city. One certified copy of such original statement of the result of the canvass, the pollbooks of such election, and one of the tally sheets, shall be forthwith filed by such inspectors, or by one of them deputed for that purpose, with the town clerk of such town, or the city clerk of such city, as the case may be. The original certified statement of the result of the canvass, with the original ballot returned, prepared by the ballot clerk, attached, the sealed package of void and protested ballots, the record as to challenged and assisted voters, and the sealed packages of detached stubs and unvoted ballots, and one of the tally sheets shall, within twenty-four hours after the completion of such canvass, be filed by the chairman of the board of inspectors, with the county clerk of the county in which the election district is situated. The register of electors and public copy thereof shall be filed as prescribed in section thirty-five of this act.

Subdivision 2. In The City of New York the original statement of canvass and the sealed package of void and protested ballots shall be filed by the chairman of the board of inspectors within twenty-four hours after the completion of the canvass with the county clerk of the county within one hundred and forty, one hundred and forty-one and one hundred and forty-two, respectively.

§ 28. This act shall take effect on the first day of January in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight.

Index to Provisions and Forms relating to Duties
and Liabilities of Inspectors, Ballot-Clerks,
Poll-Clerks and Registrars.

Inspectors of elections in cities:

absences and vacancies at meetings, filling of
appointment of...

oath of appointed or designated inspectors

oath, form of, No. 18.....


form of, for appointed or designated inspectors, Nos. 21,

22, 23, 26......

vacancies in office of

Inspectors of elections in towns:

absences and vacancies at meetings, filling of

accounts, form for, No. 27.......

appointment of additional inspector

form for, No. 18........

appointment, to fill vacancies

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

to fill vacancies, form for, Nos. 21, 22, 23, 26.

[blocks in formation]



compensation of...

[blocks in formation]

compensation, bills, form for, No. 27..

[blocks in formation]

election of

[blocks in formation]



election law to each...

oath of office of

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Registration of voters :

challenge of applicant, duty as to

[blocks in formation]

challenge, registry of

[blocks in formation]

compensation of....

[blocks in formation]

furniture for places of registry.

[blocks in formation]

meetings for registry

[blocks in formation]

misconduct of, penalty.

[blocks in formation]

naturalization papers, presenting fraudulent, to.

[blocks in formation]

places for registry...

[blocks in formation]

penalty for false registry

[blocks in formation]

mutilation, etc., registry lists.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

register of voters, addition and cancellation of names on..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

when applicant's name must be added to list of voters... when his name shall not be placed on list

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

boxes, placing of unauthorized matter in, prohibited.. 100

[blocks in formation]


proclamation of.


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