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expiration of his term or removal from office deliver it to his


§ 8. Subdivision three of section thirty-two of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

Subdivision 3. In cities of the first and second classes, the board of inspectors of each election district shall, immediately after the close of the last day of registration, make and complete one list of all persons enrolled in their respective districts, in the numerical order of the street numbers thereof which list shall be signed and certified by the board of inspectors. Such list shall be delivered by the chairman of the board of inspectors to the police captain of the precinct in which the election district is located, or an officer thereof, who shall forthwith deliver the same, if in The City of New York, to the superintendent of elections as to each election district in the borough of Manhattan, and to the chief of the branch bureau of elections of each other borough in which the election district is located, and if in any other of the cities of the first or second class, to the city clerk. The police board of The City of New York and the city clerk of other cities of the first and second class shall, as soon as possible after the delivery of such lists, and before the day of election, print in pamphlet form for each assembly district or ward within such respective cities not less than fifty times as many copies of said lists as there are election districts in such assembly district or ward, so that each assembly district or ward pamphlet shall contain the lists of the several election districts in such assembly district or ward. Upon the written application of the chairman of the executive committee of the county committee of any political party entitled to a separate column upon the official ballot to be voted in such city at the election for which the registration is made, the said police board and said city clerk shall respectively deliver to such chairman five copies of each assembly district or ward pamphlets for each election district within such assembly district or ward in such county. Two pamphlets containing the lists of the registered persons in the election districts within his precinct shall be furnished to each police captain in such cities, and it shall be the duty of such police captains to cause an investigation of each name registered therein to be made and to report to his commanding officer any case of false registration found in his precinct. The remaining pamphlets so printed shall be distributed in the discretion of the said police board, and said city clerk, who shall have respectively the power to charge for each pamphlet a sum not exceeding ten cents a copy and any moneys resulting from the sale thereof shall be paid to the comptroller of the city for the benefit of the treasury of such city. Such lists shall be made and printed as near as may be in the following form, to wit:


Residence number or other designation. 14.


Name of voter.

Smith, John M.
Jones, Charles M.

§ 9. Subdivision two of section thirty-five of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

Subdivision 2. The register of electors made by the chairman of the board of inspectors shall be, and shall be known, as the public copy of registration. Such public copy shall be left in a prominent position in the place of registration from the first day of registration until election day, and shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection and for making copies thereof. Each other inspector shall carefully preserve his register of electors and shall be responsible therefor, until the close of the canvass of the votes on election day, except as hereinafter provided for in cities of the first class. At the close of each day of registration the inspectors shall draw a line in ink immediately below the name of the elector last entered upon each page of each such register. Upon the succeeding day of registration, they shall enter the names of electors in the alphabetical order of the first letter of the surname below the line so drawn upon the proper page after the close of the previous day of registration. Upon the close of the last day of registration, the inspectors shall again carefully compare all the books of registration, to see that they are identical as to their contents, and (after making and completing the separate list of the electors in cities of the first class, as provided in subdivision three of section thirty-two of the election law), shall certify as a board in the proper place provided therefor upon each such register that such register is a true and correct register of the persons enrolled by them in such district for the next ensuing election, and shall state the whole number of such persons so enrolled. In cities of the first class, at the close of the last day of registration, the chairman of the board of inspectors shall take from an inspector of opposite political faith from himself, the register of electors made by such inspector, and shall file the same on the Monday after the last day of registration, if in The City of New York, with the superintendent of elections in the borough of Manhattan and with the chief of the branch bureau of elections of each other borough in which the election district is located, and if in the city of Buffalo with the city clerk. Such register so filed, shall be a part of the records of the offices in which it is filed. The two other inspectors of opposite political faith from each other shall each retain their re spective registers of electors for use on election day. All registers of electors shall at all reasonable hours be accessible for public examinations and making copies thereof, and no charge of any kind shall be made for such examination or for any elector making a copy thereof. In cities of the first class the public copy of registration shall be used, if necessary, on election day by the inspector whose register was filed as herein provided by said chairman. Any person who shall alter, mutilate, destroy or remove from the place of registration the public copy of such registration, shall be guilty of a felony, and shall be punished upon conviction thereof by imprisonment in a state prison for not less than two nor more than five years, unless otherwise provided by law. If, in cities of the first class, the board of inspectors shall meet on the second Saturday before the election for the purpose of revising and correcting the register of electors in pursuance of an order of the supreme court, a justice thereof or a county judge, as provided in section thirty-one of the election law, the inspectors shall certify forthwith to the officer with whom the copy of the register is filed, the change or changes made upon such register in pursuance of such order. At any revision of registration for an election other than a general election, the quadruplicate register of electors for the last preceding general election shall be furnished to the inspectors of election by the officer or board having the custody thereof, and the inspectors shall certify to the officer or board in cities of the first class with whom the registers are filed, the changes, additions or alterations made in such registers for such election. In the cities of the first class at the close of the canvass of the votes of any election, or within twenty-four hours thereafter the two copies of the register of electors used by the inspectors and the public copy thereof shall be filed respectively with the superintendent of elections in the borough of Manhattan and with the chief of the branch bureau of elections in each other borough of The City of New York, in which the election district is located, and with the city clerk of Buffalo. In all election districts other than in cities of the first class, one copy of the register used on election day by the inspectors shall within twentyfour hours after the close of the election be filed in the office of the town or city clerk of the town or city in which such election district is, and the other copies with the county clerk. Such register of electors shall be carefully preserved for use at any election which may be ordered or held in either of such counties or cities, respectively, prior to the next ensuing general election, at which they may be required.

§ 10. Subdivision one of section thirty-six of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:


§36. Subdivision 1. The secretary of state shall purchase wherever he deems it desirable for the best interests of the state, a suitable number of blank books for register of electors, with blank certificates and brief instructions for registering the names of electors therein, in the forms respectively provided in subdivisions one and two of section thirty-two of the election law, at least four of such books for each board of inspectors in the state, and such number of extra copies thereof as in his judgment may be necessary for each county or city to replace lost or damaged registers before delivery to the inspectors. Such register of electors shall have the leaves thereof indexed with the letters of the alphabet, beginning with the letter "A" for the first leaf, and so on. He shall transmit such registers, certificates and instructions to the county clerk of each county, except those counties the whole of which are included within The City of New York; to each such county clerk a sufficient number thereof for the use of the boards of inspectors within his county and not within The City of New York, and to the superintendent of elections of The City of New York, located in the borough of Manhattan, and to the chief of the branch bureau of elections in each other borough within The City of New York a sufficient number thereof for the use of each board of inspectors within said respective boroughs at least twenty days prior to the first day of registration for a general election in each year. The county clerk shall deliver such books to the town clerks of each town, and to the city clerk of each city in such county, by mail or otherwise, at least five days prior to the first day of registration, and such town clerks and city clerks, and the said superintendent and chiefs of bureaus of elections in The City of New York shall deliver such books to the inspectors of said boroughs, respectively, before the hour set for registering the names of electors on the first day of registration. On each day of registration, the police board of The City of New York, and the city clerk of Buffalo shall furnish to each board of inspectors in their respective cities, blanks for the list of electors provided for in subdivision three of section thirty-two of the election law.

§ 11. Section fifty-eight of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

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§ 58. Certificates of nomination of candidates for office to be filled by the electors of the entire state, or of any division or district greater than a county, shall be filed with the secretary of state, except that each certificate of nomination of a candidate for member of assembly for the assembly district composing the counties of Fulton and Hamilton, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of Fulton county, and a copy thereof certified by the county clerk of Fulton county, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of Hamilton county, so long as the said counties constitute one assembly district, and except that certificates of nomination of candidates for offices to be filled only by the electors or a portion of the electors of The City of New York shall be filed with the police board of The City of New York, in the office of the superintendent of elections. Certificates of nomination of candidates for offices to be filled only by the votes of electors, part of whom are of New York city, and part of whom are of a county not wholly within The City of New York shall be filed with the clerk of such county and in the office of the superintendent of elections and with the police board of said city. Certificates of nomination of candidates for offices of any other city, or for officers of a village or town to be elected at a different time from a general election, shall be filed with the clerk of such city, village or town, respectively. All other certificates of nomination shall be filed with the clerk of the county in which the candidates so nominated are to be voted for. All certificates and corrected certificates of nomination, all objections to such certificates and all declination of nominations are hereby declared to be public records; and it shall be the duty of every officer or board to exhibit without

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