BIB BODI "It is mere equivocation to call Palestine the Lord's heritage and the LONDON: HOLDSWORTH AND BALL, 1828. INTRODUCTION. THE following Letters were commenced without any view to publication; but before they were all written, the idea of submitting the writer's opinions to the public was suggested and urged by the Reverend Gentleman to whom they were addressed. The Author confesses that he felt but little reluctance in yielding to his friend's suggestion, both because of the deference due to the judgment of his adviser, and because he conceived the opinions controverted to be injurious in their tendency, and to require some corrective. If the Writer's views are just, his Letters may answer their end, if not directly, at least by stimulating some abler pen on the same side. If they are not just, some one, it is hoped, will take the pains to prove their fallacy, that thus, at any rate, the cause of truth may go uninjured, and its positions be the rather strengthened and confirmed. |