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will not be of any use to you. Your sentence will be: "Go thou cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for them as well as thee." The Bible says, "Follow not a multitude to do evil." "Enter not into the way of the wicked, pass by it, enter not, but turn aside." "Narrow is the way that leadeth unto heaven, and few there be that find it." They do not find it, my brethren, because they are always seeking how they may find the wicked things they lust after.

God give you all his grace to have a better a mind, and a better judgment: and may he be with you now and for ever!

And now to God, &c.



ST. MATTHEW Xix. 14.

Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

In my last Lecture to you, I told you much of what our Saviour said to his disciples concerning marriage. You have observed from it all, that marriage was between one man and one woman, and that when man has more than one woman, he sins against God and his Saviour, and will hurt his soul. I gave you a hint also, that though you were not married exactly as whitepersons are, yet that you, who were christened, might still go through some form,

adapted to your particular circumstances, and to your condition as slaves. This would make your marriages as like to ours as possible; draw down God's blessing on them, sanctify and make them holy. For marriage is a holy thing, and is to be observed as such. You would not wish, surely, to take up with each other, as beasts do. God never intended it should be so. Even when Adam and Eve were in paradise, he appointed marriage between them: and all Christian men and women will live with each other in no other way. I hope you will think seriously about this: and may God give you a right way of thinking on this and on every other point.

Our Saviour continued his discourse to his disciples, and told them, that no man must put away his wife for any other cause but adultery. If she is faithful to him, he must never forsake her nor put her away. If she is not faithful, he is then permitted

to put her away; and if she is not faithful, she commits a great sin, and will send her soul to hell, unless she repents and sins no more. She breaks her Saviour's commands: she breaks God's commands, one of whose first laws was, "thou shalt not commit adultery." When the disciples found, that they were thus to keep to one till death, and never to separate, unless for the cause of adultery, they said, as perhaps some in these days may say→ "If the case of a man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry." However, if people say so in these days, they mean differently from what these good disciples The disciples meant, that it was better to live chastely in a single state, to form no connection, man with woman. When people in these days say so, they mean that it is better, not to be confined to one, to let our passions and our lusts carry us away with them, to rove from one to another, and live without any bonds or ties of holy love. A horrid, abominable,


beastly kind of life! More worthy of the brutes that perish, than of men and of women, who have souls given to them by God, and whose souls will be happy in heaven, or miserable in hell for ever. Our Saviour's reply was, that all could not live so that some, who could not restrain themselves, were bound to seek for marriage, but that others could and would and did restrain themselves, did live chastely in single life, and sought no connection with each other.-Yes! my friends, many have lived so, because they thought that it left them more at liberty to serve God. I do not tell you that they were bound to this course, but I tell it to you, in order to read to you a solemn lesson, by example, that you can govern your passions, if you will, and that it is your duty to govern them according to your Saviour's laws. It is astonishing to think, how wicked and corrupt young people of your colour can be. They frequently begin to be wicked in this in

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