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" A sect whose chief devotion lies In odd perverse antipathies ; In falling out with that or this, And finding somewhat still amiss ; More peevish, cross, and splenetic... "
A Treasury of Humorous Poetry: Being a Compilation of Witty, Facetious, and ... - Página 289
editado por - 1902 - 407 páginas
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Samuel Butler - 1861 - 394 páginas
...antipathies; In falling out with that or this, And finding somewhat still amiss; More peevish, cross, and splenetic, Than dog distract, or monkey sick: That with more care keep holyday The wrong, f than others the right way; Compound for sins they are inclin'd to, By damning those they have no...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars, Volumen1

Samuel Butler - 1744 - 570 páginas
...content the Catholicks, but that She never could learn what ijaould content the Puritans. f. 213, 214. That with more care keep Holy-day, — The wrong, than others the right 'way.'] They were Ki remarkably obftinate in this refpefl, that they kept a Faft upon Chriftmas-day : (fee...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts

Samuel Butler - 1750 - 488 páginas
...findmg fomewhat ftill amifs ; More peevim, crofs, and fplenetick, Than dog diftraft, or monkey fick. That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way i 415 Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, By damning thofe they have no mind to. Still fo perverfe...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts. Written in the Time of the Late Wars. By Samuel ...

Samuel Butler - 1753 - 466 páginas
...finding fomewhat ftill amifs : More peevifh, crofs, and fplenetic, Than dog diftracT:, or monkey fick. That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way : 215 Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, By damning thofe they have no mind to. Still fo perverfe...
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Hudibras: Poëme, Volumen1

Samuel Butler - 1757 - 400 páginas
...d'autres les façons : More peevish , croff, and fplenetick , Than Dog diftract , or Monkey Jtck. , That with more Care keep Holy-day The wrong , than...Compound for Sins they are inclin'd to , "By damning thofi they htrve no mind to. Still fo perverfe andappojtte , As if they worship 'd God for fyight....
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Hudibras: Poëme, Volumen1

Samuel Butler - 1757 - 406 páginas
...blâmer d'autres les façons : More peevish , croff, and fplenerick , Than Dog diftraft , or Monkey jlat. That with more Care keep Holy-day The wrong, than others the right way : Compound for Sins they are inclin 'd to , Sy damning thofe they have no mind to. Still fo perver fe and oppojite , As if they...
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Hudibras: In Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars, Volumen1

Samuel Butler - 1757 - 494 páginas
...fpmewhat ftill amifs : More peevifh, crofs, and fplenetick, Than Dog diftraA, or Monkey fick. Thait with more care keep Holy-day The wrong, than others the right way : :*•. 210. And 'finding fomeiahatftill amij I, .] Mr. Butler defcribes them to the fame purpofe,...
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The Works of the English Poets: Butler

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 350 páginas
...finding fumewhat ftill amifs; no More peevifh, crofs, and fplenetick, Than dog diftraft, or monkey fick ; That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way.; Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, z15 By damning thofe they have no mind to i Still fo perverfe and oppofite,...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volumen13

English poets - 1790 - 342 páginas
...ufe, as the eating Chriftmas-pies and plum-porridge at Chriftmas, which tliej; reputed finful. That* That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way; Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, - J , By damning thofe they have no mind to: Still fo perverfe and .oppofite,...
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Bell's Edition, Volúmenes33-34

John Bell - 1797 - 722 páginas
...plum.porridge at Christmas, which thcy reputed sinful. Canto I. HUDIRRAS. 33 That with more care keep holy day The wrong, than others the right way ; Compound for sins they are inclin'd to, 21 ; By damning those they have no mind to : Still so perverse and opposite, As if they worshipp'd...
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