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" A fire devoureth before them ; and behind them a flame burneth : the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness ; yea, and nothing shall escape them. "
The People's Magazine - Página 183
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The Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety

Richard Allestree - 1667 - 464 páginas
...ports and Joys of more, this confequence ofhoftility we find well ex f re ft by the Prophet Joel 2. 3 . The land is as the Garden of Eden before them, and behind them a defolate wildernefs, and herein alfo hath the Lord ofllofts, the great God of battle /hewed himfelf...
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An Essay on the Revelation of Saint John: So Far as Concerns the Past and ...

William Whiston - 1706 - 406 páginas
...ytars of generation and generation. Л fire devourcth before them, and behind them a flamt bumeth : the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them л defolattWtidernejs, yea, a»d nothingßjall efcape them. The appearance ef them is as the appearance...
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Sermons and discourses on several occasions

William Wake - 1716 - 394 páginas
...hath not been ever . the like^ neither Jhall be any more after it. * 3> A fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burneth : The Land is as the Garden of Eden before them^ and behind them a defolate Wildernefs. The Earth Jbatl quake before them ; the Heavens {ball tremble j the Sun and the...
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Theron and Aspasio: Or, A Series of Dialogues and Letters: Upon the Most ...

James Hervey - 1755 - 478 páginas
...Leaf remains on the Boughs, or fo much as a fmgle Stalk in the Furrows. A Fire devoured before them, and behind them a Flame burneth : the Land is as the Garden of Eden before them, and behind them a defolate Wildernefe : yea, and nothing can efcape them *. Now, let the dreadful Artillery roar from...
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Travels, Or Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant ...

Thomas Shaw - 1757 - 590 páginas
...juftly have they been compared by the prophet Joel, ii. 3. to a great army ; who further obferves, that the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a defolate nvildernefs. Having lived near a month in this manner, (like a ftopofopev £t<po; ', orjword...
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The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated: In Nine Books, Volumen5

William Warburton - 1765 - 484 páginas
...great people and a ftrong, " there hath not been ever the like — A fire de" voureth before them, and behind them a flame "• burneth : The land is...the garden of .Eden " before them, and behind them a deiblate wil'* dernefs, yea, and nothing fhall efcape them. ** The appearance of them is as the appearance...
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Spectacle de la Nature: Or Nature Display'd: Being Discourses on ..., Volumen2

Noël Antoine Pluche - 1766 - 392 páginas
...Scripture declares with relation to a victorious People, whom God in his Wrath caufed to march forth : * The Land is as the Garden of Eden before them, and behind them a dejolate Wildertufs. The Country was a verdant Paradife before their Approach, but was rendered a dreary...
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Rhetoric; Or, a View of Its Principal Tropes and Figures, in Their Origin ...

Thomas Gibbons - 1767 - 532 páginas
...great plenty f." The defcription of the Invasion Qf this terrible army is renewed in chap. ii. 3,. " The land is as * the garden .of Eden before them, and behind .-, * them a defolate wildernefs, yea, «• mail efcape theiij." VT « X2 N° •f Npc foium jrorfu, fegetibus,...
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Theron and Aspasio: Or, A Series of Dialogues and Letters, Upon ..., Volumen3

James Hervey - 1767 - 574 páginas
...much as a fingle Stalk in the Furrows. A Fire devoured before them, and behind them a Flame burnetb : the Land is as the Garden of Eden before them, and behind them a defolate IFildernefs : yea, and nothing can efcape them *. Now, let the dreadful Artillery roar from...
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Observations Upon the Prophecies Relating to the Restoration of the Jews ...

Joseph Eyre - 1771 - 194 páginas any more after it, even to the years of generation and generation. A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, anil behind them a defolate wildernefe, yea, and nothing Jhall efcape them. The appearance of them...
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