The above engraving represents the very beautiful situation of Monghyr, a celebrated town and fortress of the province of Bahar, in British India, about 300 miles northwest of Calcutta. It is situated on the south side of the river Ganges, which is in this part very wide, and in the rainy season forms an immense expanse of fresh water. The town, as distinct from the fortress, consists of sixteen different bazaars or market-places, scattered over a space of about a mile and a half long and a mile wide, and contains a population estimated at about 30,000. This place was visited by the late Bishop Heber in an excursion up the Ganges, from whose journal we extract the following description: "Monghyr, as one approaches it, presents an imposing appearance, having one or two extremely good European houses, each perched on its own little eminence. The ghat afforded a scene of bustle and activity which I by no means expected. As we approached the shore, we were beset by a crowd of beggars and artisans, who brought for sale guns, knives, and other hardware, as also many articles of upholstery and toys. They looked extremely neat, but, as I meant to buy none, I would not raise expectation by examining them. There were also barbers in abundance, conspicuous by their red turbans, one of whom was soon retained by some of my dandees, who sat down one after another on the green bank, to have their hair clipped as close as possible, as became aquatic animals. A juggler, too, made his appearance, leading a tall brown goat, almost as high as a Welsh poney, with two little brown monkeys on its back. In short, it was the liveliest scene which I had encountered during the voyage. "I arrived early, and was therefore for some time a prisoner in my boat, exposed to the teasing of various applicants for custom. As it grew cool, I walked into the fort, passing by a small but neat English burying-ground, fenced in with a wall, and crammed full of those obelisk tombs which seem almost distinctive of European India. The fort occupies a great deal of ground, but is now dismantled. Its gates, battlements, &c., are all of Asiatic architecture, and precisely similar to those of Khitairgorod of Moscow. Within is an ample plain of fine turf, dotted with a few trees, and two noble tanks of water, the largest covering a space of a couple of acres. Two high grassy knolls are enclosed within the rampart, occupying two opposite angles of the fort, which is an irregular square, with, I think, twelve semicircular bastions, and a very wide and deep wet moat, except on the west side, where it rises immediately from the rocky banks of the river. On one of the eminences of which I speak is a collection of prison-like buildings; on the other, a very large and handsome house, built originally for the commander-in-chief of the district, at the time that Monghyr was an important station, and the Mahrattas were in the neighborhood; but it was sold some years since by the government. The view from the rampart and the eminences is extremely fine. Monghyr stands on a rocky promontory, with the broad river on both sides, beyond one of which the Rajmahal hills are visible, and the other is bounded by the nearer range of Curruckpoor. The town is larger than I expected, and in better condition than most native towns. Though all the houses are small, there are many of them with an upper story, and the roofs, instead of the flat terrace or thatch, which are the only alternations in Bengal, are generally sloping. with red tiles of the same shape and appe appearance as those which we see in Italian pictures. They have also little earthenware ornaments on their gables, such as I have not seen on the other side of Rajmahal. The shops are numerous, and I was surprised at the neatness of the kettles, tea-trays, guns, pistols, toasting-forks, cutlery, and other things of the sort which may be procured in this tiny Birmingham. I found afterwards that this place had been, from very early antiquity, celebrated for its smiths, who derived their art from the ped, and was supposed to have had a workshop here. The only thing which appears to be wanting to make their steel excellent, is a better manner of smelting, and a more liberal use of charcoal and the hammer. As it is, their guns are very apt to burst, and their knives to break, -precisely the faults which, for want of capital, beset the works of inferior artists in England. The extent, however, to which these people carry on their manufactures, and the closeness with which they imitate English patterns, show plainly how popular those patterns are become amongst the natives." Hindoo Vulcan, who had been solemnly worship- | formity, it is not accompanied with equally decisive ICEBERGS. Icebergs are large bodies of ice filling the valleys between the high mountains in northern latitudes. Among the most remarkable are those of the East Coast of Spitsbergen. The frost sports wonderfully with these bodies, and gives them the most fantastic, and sometimes the most majestic forms. Masses have been seen assuming the shape of a Gothic Church, with arched windows and doors, and all the rich drapery that an Arabian tale would scarcely dare to describe. Crystal of the richest blue, tables with one or more feet, and often immense flat-roofed temples, supported by round transparent columns, float by the astonished spectators. The icebergs are the creation of ages, and annually increase by the falling of snows, and of rain, which instantly freezes, and more than repairs the loss occasioned by the heat of the sun. THE UNIFORM ROTATION OF THE EARTH. The earth which we inhabit is not precisely a spherical body, but a spheroid flattened at its poles, zimilar in shape to an orange. Its shortest diameter is about 7940 miles, its longest about 7966 miies; their difference being about 26 miles. This body passes through its orbit, which is nearly a circle of 190 millions of miles in diameter, in a solar year; it also revolves uniformly upon its shorter diameter as an axis, so as to make a complete rotation in 23h. 56m. 4s.; and that without the slightest variation, in all seasons of the year, and in all ages of the world. Laplace, from a comparison of numerous observations, ancient and modern, affirms that this is decidedly and unquestionably the most uniform motion which the universe presents to observation: for, although the planetary rotations probably present the same positive uni evidence. Now, to the same time of rotation, there are two widely different forms, each of which is equally consistent with stability. Thus, if the earth were a homogeneous body, the ratio of the polar to the equatorial axis might be either that of 1 to 680, or that of 229 to 130; the latter of these is the one which actually exists; its adoption is a proof of design, by which many inconveniences to the inhabitants are avoided, which, however, cannot now be detailed, without deviating from the immediate purpose of this article. The earth is constituted partly of solid, partly of liquid matter, known under the general distinctions of land and water. If the solid matter had been formed into a precise sphere, and then the water created, that water, as soon as the earth received its rotation, would, by reason of the centrifugal force, Lave disposed itself about the equatorial regions, so as to cover them entirely with water. To prevent this, a protuberance has been given to the equatorial regions; and the forms, shapes, depths, contour, &c., of the land and water respectively, have been so mutually adjusted, not only there, but in every habitable part of the earth, as to promote, most exquisitely, the well-being of the inhabitants; so long as the period of rotation remains what it at first was. There could be but one time of rotation that would thus allow the waters just to fill certain cavities, and yet not to overflow the hills; that is, that would compel the general surface of the liquid parts to harmonize with that of the solid parts: and to produce that time of rotation about a given axis, a given force must act at a given point, and in a given direction. What but intelligence and design, operating for a benevolent purpose, could cause the union of these three independent circumstances? But farther, a more rapid rotation would cause more of the waters to flow towards the equatorial regions, and thus, if carried beyond a certain limit, to inundate the whole land there, and leave others dry; while a slower rotation would cause the waters to recede from the equatorial regions, and leave them dry, at the same time inundating the land in the temperate and other regions. So that the uniformity of rotation is essential to the well-being of the inhabitants of the earth; and yet there is a colistant tendency to destroy that uniformity, which is as constantly prevented by the benevolent operation of divine energy. To understand the reason of this, let the follow ing facts be considered. In consequence of the rotatory motion, night and day are always dividing between them the surface of the earth; and the day as incessantly rousing into activity that half of the inhabitants over whom the light of the sun is passing. Thus many millions of human beings are incessantly performing some mechanical action or other; and many thousand of animals, and many thousand of machines of different kinds, are as incessantly performing mechanical operations under their superintendence; and this with an inconceivable variety of effort, of direction, and of place, over the entire habitable surface of the globe. In all these actions, except those which are so regulated by refined knowledge and skill as to produce a maximum of effect with a given effort (not one in ten thousand probably,) there is a positive loss of mechanical power. WHAT BECOMES OF IT? Since action and reaction are equal and opposite, the amount of these losses of power is expended upon the earth, the necessary fulcrum of all our movements. Now, either all these millions of losses of power, incessantly occurring, must be directed towards the centre of the earth, which is infinitely improbable; or they must so occur, as every moment just to counterbalance and annihilate each other, which is also infinitely improbable; or they must constantly tend to change the velocity and duration of the earth's rotation, and thus to produce the evils which we have shown would result from such a change. It is, indeed, quite impossible to estimate the accumulation of mischief that would thus accrue, in one month, from ignorance in the application of human, animal, and mechanical agency; but a bare reference to the facts may serve to excite a train of devotional meditation upon "the goodness and mercy" that are constantly engaged in a wide field of providential operation which is thus laid open, and which is not the less real for being shut to the ken of our senses, since it is open to the enraptured view of intellect and sci ence. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. Do not press your children too much during their early years on the subject of religion. Show them, by your example, that it is the object of your own reverence; but suffer their religious principles to form gradually, as their understandings open. Do not make religion appear to them a burden; do not lay them under unnecessary restraints; do not let them see religion clothed in a dress repulsive to their youthful minds. To insure its making a good impression on them, let it be clothed in its native colors of attraction. Study to make them regard it as an object of veneration, but, at the same time, what it truly is, as a source of cheerfulness and joy. Do not let them regard the Sabbath as a day of gloom and restraint. Take them with you to the House of God, and accustom them to regard the institutions of religion with reverence, but do not compel them, during the rest of the day, to remain immured within the walls of your own house. Allow them the reasonable indulgence of air and exercise-an indulgence useful to their health, rational in itself, and no way inconsistent with their religious character; while the refusal of that indulgence has just the effect of making them regard the return of the day as a day of penance and mortification, in stead of hailing it as a day of joy. One of the most beautiful of cats is the Ocelot. It is smaller than the leopard, being generally about three feet in length and eighteen inches in height. Upon a gray ground, slightly tinged with fawn, are marked longitudinal bands, of which the margins are perfectly black, and the central parts of a deeper fawn than the general ground. These margins of black, inclosing a deep fawn, become black lines and spots, on the neck, and head, and on the outer sides of the limbs. From the top of the head towards the shoulders there pass several diverging black bands; and on the top of the back, the line is quite continuous. The tail is spotted upon a ground like that of the body. The ocelot in the garden of the Zoological Society of London, died during a late severe winter. The above portrait is from the specimen in the Tower, which is remarkable for the shortness of the tail. This animal was presented to the King of England by Sir Ralph Woodford, late governor of Trinidad. It is tolerable docile; and does not seize its food with the violence which distinguishes nearly every other species of the cat tribe. This ocelot is usually fed upon rabbits and birds, upon which it principally preys in a state of nature. The ocelot, in its native state is exceedingly fecocious, yet cowardly, and perfers blood to flesh, in consequence of which its victims are numerous. Advertisements. - We are sometimes astonished at the impu dent assertions of quacks in their public announcements at the present day. Their predecessors, however, went somewhat further, as the two following advertisements taken from the original edition of the Spectator will show :-" An admira ble confect which assuredly cures stuttering and stammering in children or grown persons, though never so bad, causing them to speak distinct and free without any trouble or difficulty; it remedies all manner of impediments in the speech, or disorders of the voice of any kind, proceeding from what cause soever, rendering those persons capable of speaking easily and free, and with a clear voice, who before were not able to utter a sentence without hesitation. Its stupendous effects in so quickly and infallibly curing stuttering and stammering, and all disorders of the voice and difficulty in delivery of the speech, are really wonderful. Price 2s. 6d. a pot, with directions. Sold only at Mr. Osborn's Toy-shop, at the Rose and Crown, under St. Dunstan's church, Fleet-street." "Loss of memory, or forgetfulness, certainly cured, by a grateful electuary, peculiarly liarly adapted for that end; it strikes at the primary source, which few apprehend, of forgetfulness, makes the head clear and easy, the spirits free, active, and undisturbed; corroborates and revives all the noble faculties of the soul, such as thought, judgment, apprehension, reason, and memory, which last in particular it so strengthens as to render that faculty exceeding quick, and good beyond imagination; thereby enabling those whose memory was before almost totally lost to remember the minutest circumstance of their affairs, &c. to a wonder. Price 2s. 6d. a pot. Sold only at Mr. Payne's, at the Angel and Crown, in St. Paul's Church yard, with directions." GENERAL PUTNAM. Few men have been more remarkable than General Putnam for the acts of successful rashness to which a bold and intrepid spirit frequently prompted him. When he was pursued by General Tryon at the head of fifteen hundred men, his only method of escape was precipitating his horse down the steep declivity of the rock called Horseneck; and as none of his pursuers dared to imitate his example, he escaped. But an act of still more daring intrepidity was his venturing to clear in a boat, the tremendous waterfalls of Hudson's river. This was in the year 1756, when Putnam fought against the French and their allies, the Indians. He was accidentally with a boat and five men, on the eastern side of the river, contiguous to these falls. His men, who were on the opposite side, informed him by signal, that a considerable body of savages were advancing to surround him, and there was not a moment to lose Three modes of conduct were at his option -to remain, fight, and be sacrificed; to attempt to pass to the other side exposed to the full shot of the enemy; or to sail down the waterfalls, with almost a certainty of being overwhelmed. These were the only alternatives. Putnam did not hesitate, and jumped into the boat at the fortunate instant, for one of his companions, who was at a little distance, was a victim to the Indians. His enemies soon arrived, and discharged their muskets at the boat before he could get out of their reach. No sooner had he escaped this danger through the rapidity of the current, but death presented itself under a more terrific form. Rocks, whose points projected above the surface of the water; large masses of timber that nearly closed the passage; absorbing gulfe, and rapid descents, for the distance of a quarter of a mile, left him no hope of escape but by a miracle. Putnam however placed himself at the helm, and directed it with the utmost tranquillity. His companions saw him with admiration, terror, and astonishment, avoid with the utmost address the rocks and threatening gulfs, which they every instant expected to devour him. He disappeared, rose again, and directing his course across the only passage which he could possibly make, he at length gained the even surface of the river that flowed at the bottom of this dreadful cascade. The Indians were no less surprised. This miracle astonished them almost as much as the sight of the first Europeans that approached the banks of this river. They considered Putnam as invulnerable; and they thought that they should offend the Great Spirit, if they attempted the life of a man that was so visibly under his imınediate protection. Fear. Charles Gustavus (the successor of Christina of Sweden) was besieging Prague, when a boor of most extraordinary visage desired admittance to his tent, and, being allowed entrance, offered, by way of amusing the king, to devour a whole hog, weighing two hundred weight, in his presence. The old General Konigsmare, who stood by the king's side, and who, soldier as he was, had not got rid of the prejudices of his childhood, hinted to his royal master that the peasant ought to be burnt as a sorcerer. "Sir," said the fellow, irritated at the remark, "if your majesty will but make that old gentleman take off his sword and his spurs I will eat him before your face, before I begin the pig." Gencral Konigsmare (who at the head of a body of Swedes had performed wonders against the Austrians, and who was looked upon as one of the bravest men of the age) could not stand this proposal, especially as it was accompanied by a most hideous and preternatural expansion of the frightful peasant's Without uttering a word the veteran suddenly turned round, ran out of the court, and thought himself not safe until he had arrived at his quarters. aws. Balloon Ascension. - Mr. Durant, the aeronaut, made his fifth balloon ascension from Castle Garden, in New York, on the 20th of May. The balloon, a few seconds after it sprang from the earth, was hidden in the clouds, which were low and dense, and nothing more was seen of the aerial traveller. Mr. Durant landed in Westchester county, eleven miles from the City Hall, at four minutes past five, so that he must have been an hour and thirty six minutes on his way. His rise, he says, was very rapid, but he soon passed through the stratum of clouds in which the balloon was so immediately lost to the spectators below, and then found himself in a clear region of sunshine, with a boundless ocean of fog beneath him. The balloon continued to rise with great rapidity, till, as Mr. D. estimates, he had attained the height of about 16 or 17,000 feet, (three miles.) His whole attention, however, being required to the means requisite to arrest the upward progress of his rapid bark, he could not ascertain by his barometer the precise height. When in the clear region, a northerly breeze wafted him towards the ocean, and just as he descended and tached the noper surface of the clouds again, he distinctly heard the roaring of the surf. After entering the clouds a southeaster drove him back, and he continued gradually lowering himself to the earth, till in about thirty-five mir.utes from the time when he heard the ocean roar, he landed on teria firma, about thirty miles, we may presume, in a straight line, from the sea. He was assisted in securing his balloon by two or three black men at work in the fields and returned to town, himself and his ship of the air, unharmed. Sheridan and Tickell. - Sheridan delighted in practical jokes, and seems to have enjoyed a sheer piece of mischief, with all the gusto of a school-boy. At this kind of sport, Tickell and Sheridan were often play-fellows: and the tricks which they inflicted on each other, were frequently attended with rather unpleasant consequences. One night, he induced Tickell to follow him down a dark passage, on the floor of which he had placed all the plates and dishes he could muster, in such a inanner, that while a clear path was left open for his own escape, it would have been a miracle if Tickell did not snash two-thirds of them. The result was as Sheridan had anticipated: 'Tickell fell among the crockery, which so severely cut him in many places, that Lord John Townshend found him, the next day, in bed, and covered with patches. "Sheridan has behaved atrociously towards me," said he, " and I am resolved to be revenged on him. But," added he, his admiration at the trick entirely subduing his indignation, "how amazingly well it was managed!" Story told by Luther. A monk who had introduced himselt to the bedside of a dying nobleman, who was at that time in a state of insensibility, continued crying out, "My Lord, will you make the grant of such and such a thing to our monastery?" The sick man, unable to speak, nodded his head. The monk turned round to the son, "You see, Sir, that my Lord your father gives his consent to my request." The son immediately exclaimed, "Father, is it your will that I should kick this monk down stairs?" The usual nod was given. The young man immediately rewarded the assiduities of the monk by sending him with great precipitation out of the house. VARIETIES. The New York Com. Advertiser, contains a letter from Port Praya, which states that THIRTY THREE THOUSAND of the inhabitants of those islands have perished by famine within a year. The wretched sufferers are still dying daily. Clouds of locusts, have lately made their appearance in Arkansas. In the forests their course is marked by the wilted and yellow leaves of the young and tender branches which have been perforated by them for the deposit of their eggs. The latest statement of the Moravian brethren makes the whole number of their sect, dispersed over the globe, to consist of not more than 16,000 members. Notwithstanding thi they maintain 127 missions for the conversion of the heathen, at an annual expense of 60,000 dollars. The President of the United states, accompanied by the Vice President and Secretary reached Washington on the Fourth of July, from a tour through the northern states. MONUMENT TO WOLFE AND MONTCALM. The citadel of Quebec is as impregnable as a commanding site, massive ramparts, and guns of the largest caliber can make it, and is the strongest fortress in the western world. With barracks and casements, there are accommodations for many thousand men, and the magazines are large and fully supplied with the munitions of war. Below the highest part of the rock, is the spot where the American general, Montgomery, was shot in an unsuccessful attempt to surprise the town. Outside the citadel is a tall obelisk, erected by subscription in the time of Lord Dalhousie, to the memory of Wolfe and Montcalm. An engraving of this obelisk is presented above. Quebec was formerly the capital of the French dominions in North America. It was well fortified, situated in the midst of a country hostile to the English, and defended by an army of 20,000 men, regulars and militia, besides a considerable number of Indians. The troops destined for the expedition against Quebec consisted of ten battalions, making altogether about 7000 men. On the 13th of September, 1759, the grand attack was commenced. General Wolfe landed his army on the northern shore of the river St. Lawrence. The difficulty of ascending the hill was so great, that the soldiers not being able to go two abreast, were obliged to pull themselves up by the stumps and boughs of trees that covered the declivity. The French commenced the battle with a brisk fire of musketry. Wolfe ordered his men to reserve their fire until they were within forty yards of the enemy. They then attacked with great fury, and the French gave way. In the commencement of the battle, General Wolfe was wounded in the wrist by a musket ball; he wrapped his handkerchief round it, and continued to give his orders with his usual calmness and perspicuity. Towards the end of the engagement, he received another wound in his breast, which obliged him to retire behind the rear rank. Here he laid himself on the ground. Soon after, a shout was heard, and one of the officers near him exclaimed, “See how they run!" The dying hero asked with some emotion, "Who run?" "The enemy," replied the officer, "they give way every where." The general then said, "Now, God be praised, I shall die happily." It has been asserted, that when Wolfe received his death wound, his principal care was, that he should not be seen to fall. Support me," said he to such as were near him; "let not my brave |