ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE MASSACHU SETTS BUREAU OF STATISTICS Rooms 250-254, State House, Boston The Bureau is organized into five permanent divisions: 1. The Administration Division, charged with duties supervisory in relation to the several divisions; 2. The Labor Division, engaged in the collection and tabulation of statistical and other information relating to matters affecting labor and the condition of the working people, as well as questions of general economic and social interest; 3. The Manufactures Division, which collects and tabulates Statistics of Manufactures; 4. The Municipal Division, which collects and tabulates Statistics of Municipal Finances, audits munici pal accounts and installs accounting systems in cities and towns, and supervises the issuance of town notes; 5. The Public Employment Offices Division, embracing the administration of the State Public Employment Offices, of which there are three, located respectively at 8 Kneeland Street, Boston; 47 Water Street, Springfield; and 48-52 Green Street, Worcester. During the period of taking and compiling the Census a sixth division, the Census Division, is organized. The functions of the Bureau and the duties of the Director are summarized in Section 1 of Chapter 371 of the Acts of 1909, entitled "An Act to Provide for a Bureau of Statistics," as follows: SECTION 1. There shall be a Bureau of Statistics, the duties of which shall be to collect, assort, arrange, and publish statistical information relative to the commercial, Industrial, social, educational, and sanitary condition of the people, the productive Industries of the Commonwealth, and the financial affairs of the cities and towns; to establish and maintain free employment offices...; and to take the Decennial Census of the Commonwealth required by the Constitution and present the results thereof in such manner as the General Court may determine. PUBLICATION OF THIS DOCUMENT APPROVED BY THE SUPERVISOR OF ADMINISTRATION. Масод Mass, Dept. of Cabar & industrils. Decision 1 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts BUREAU OF STATISTICS CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Director не M4 SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL DIRECTORY OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS IN MASSACHUSETTS 1918 LABOR BULLETIN No. 123 (Being Part I of the Annual Report on the Statistics of Labor for 1918) APRIL 1, 1918 BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY STATE PRINTERS |