Labor Bulletin, Temas123-129Wright & Potter, 1918 |
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1st and 3d 1st Sun 2d and 4th 3d Fri 3d Sun 3d Thurs 3d Tues 3d Wed 4th Fri 4th Sun 4th Thurs 4th Tues 4th Wed 62 Madison St 987 Washington St A. O. H. Hall Acts Bedford Bldg Boot and Shoe Boston Brockton C. L. U. Hall Carpenters Hall Central Labor Union Chsn commissioner commonwealth Cutters Day Week Regular days day Electrical Workers Essex Essex St F. S. and B. A. Fall River Firemen Fitchburg Haverhill Helpers High St Hod Carriers holiday Holyoke Hour Day Week HOURS OF LABOR industrial John LABOR OVERTIME DAY Labor Temple Letter Carriers Lowell Lynn Machinists Main St Makers Massachusetts months Natick OVERTIME DAY Number Painters Paperhangers pension Pittsfield Pres Railroad rate was increased RATES OF WAGES retirement Salem Shoe Workers Springfield Taunton Teamsters Trade Unions urday WAGES HOURS Week Weekly William Worcester
Pasajes populares
Página 89 - An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education ; to provide for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades and industries; to provide for cooperation with the States in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects ; and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditure,
Página 187 - The act is not, within any fair meaning of the term, a health law, but is an illegal interference with the rights of individuals, both employers and employees, to make contracts regarding labor upon such terms as they may think best, or which they may agree upon with the other parties to such contracts.
Página 108 - ... either in the identical form or in any such near resemblance thereto as may be calculated to deceive, and that the fac-simile or counterparts filed therewith are true and correct.
Página 39 - ... shall be a beneficiary of or receive, directly or indirectly, any fee, commission, gift, or other consideration for or in connection with any transaction or business of the bank.
Página 36 - Three for one year, three for two years, and three for three years, and members shall be eligible for reappointment.
Página 58 - ... be seized, taken, appropriated, or applied by any legal or equitable process, or operation of law to pay any debt or liability of a member or beneficiary, or any other person who may have a right thereunder, either before or after payment.
Página 36 - ... work required of them on each day of the week, the hours of commencing and stopping work, and the hours when the time allowed for meals begins and ends...
Página 22 - The members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to their actual necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
Página 50 - The said notice shall be in writing, and shall state in ordinary language the time, place and cause of the injury; and shall be signed by the person injured, or by a person in his behalf, or, in the event of his death, by his legal representative or by a person in his behalf.
Página 89 - State shall, through the legislative authority thereof, accept the provisions of this act and designate or create a State board, consisting of not less than three members and having all necessary power to cooperate, as herein provided, with the Federal Board for Vocational Education, in the administration of the provisions of this act.