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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by


In the Clerk's office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

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URING the dread struggle through which the nation has passed, no conviction was stronger or more universal, than that of God's interference in human affairs. So clear were the revealings of

His hand, that even the undevout were compelled to bow before them with awe and reverence. There is ground for the fear, that this impression is becoming weaker with the return of Peace; and that unbelief and indifference are creeping back to their old seats in the public conscience. Sad, indeed, will it be, if the great teachings, which the Almighty has inscribed, in letters of blood and fire, on the most pregnant page of our history, shall fade away, and leave us as unwise and as unregardful as in the former days. In the hope of contributing,

however slightly, to the prevention of such a result, the writer has been induced to send forth the present volume. The thoughts which it contains were pondered, and, for the most part, written out, while the startling events of the war were still in progress; or while every heart was yet thrilling with the wonders of its end. Change of circumstances may have lessened their interest, but not their importance; for the truths to which they relate, are eternal, and, therefore, never inopportune. And, perhaps, at this calmer hour, the momentous questions which the conflict has decided, may be more intelligently and effectively considered, than when that conflict was at its height. To Him, who has so signally come forth for the vindication of His own honor,

this feeble attempt to trace the way of His outgoing is humbly committed.

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