SCHOOL LAWS AND Rules and Regulations Prescribed by the State Board of Education WITH Notes, Blanks and Forms FOR THЕ USE AND Government of SCHOOL OFFICERS. 1911 PREPARED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION TRENTON, N. J. EXTRACTS From the State Constitution Respecting Public Schools. SECTION VII. 6. The fund for the support of free schools, and all money, stock and other property which may hereafter be appropriated for that purpose, or received into the treasury under the provision of any law heretofore passed to augment the said fund, shall be securely invested and remain a perpetual fund; and the income thereof, except so much as it may be judged expedient to apply to an increase of the capital, shall be annually appropriated to the support of public free schools, for the equal benefit of all the people of the state; and it shall not be competent for the legislature to borrow, appropriate or use the said fund, or any part thereof, for any other purpose, under any pretence whatever; the legislature shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools for the instruction of all the children in this state between the ages of five and eighteen years. 11. The legislature shall not pass private, local or special laws providing for the management and support of free public schools. |