PAGE. Supervising principal, how appointed, section 96, 47 State board may appoint, section 3, division IX, 9 30, ...13, 18 Supervisor of elementary education, section 7, division IV, secondary education, section 7, division III, industrial education, section 7, division V... what the term includes, rule 19, or city superintendent, apportionment of school moneys, Supplies, advertised for, section 58, and text-books, free, section 171, Surplus revenue, interest of, section 257, of principals or teachers, section 75, II 10 II 177 98 27 84 131 9 33 68 Teachers, agents, for supplies, not to act as, section 173, certificates, must hold, sections 27, 117, 124, 129, 162, rule dismissal of, sections 57, 75, 95, 118, divisions II, III, 97, 129. .....27, 33, 45, 48, 62, 65 rules for employment of, sections 57, 59, division III, 117, rule I, .27, 45, 61, 175 salary, sections 124, 127, 251, article XXVI., rule 1, supervising principals, sections 96, 97, 138, division V,. 47, 48, 78 118 amount of, section 242, application for membership in, section 246, 122 Teachers, retirement fund, appropriation for, section 250, PAGE. 124 assets, section 244, expenses, section 240, investment, section 240, officers of, section 240, president, section 240, report of, section 240, secretary, section 240, treasurer, section 241, trustees, section 238, ungraded schools, section 205, division I, keep school register, section 120, school register, must keep, section 120, permanent tenure, section 127, temporary, section 205e, vaccination of, section 136, Term of night schools, section 164, office, members of boards of education, sections 45, 46, powers of, section 245. 121 99 63 63 64 99 68 82 25 section 104, free, section 171, union-graded schools, section 150, Text-books and course of study, section 95, division VII, IX, kindergarten supplies, section 58, officers and teachers not to be agents for, section 173, 75 46 51 84 28 84 Title to property vested in school board, section 93, 44 school property, in whom vested, sections 41, 55, 22, 26 Township boards of education, how chosen, section 86, 39 committee, power to make appropriations, section 83, 38 to certify to assessor, section 84, 38 raise money for school buildings, section 85,.. 39 incorporated town and borough school districts, Article VII, PAGE. Townships, bills, payment of, sections 98, 99, board of education, accounts of, section 100, affidavit to bills, section 99, 48 49 49 Townships, board of education, penalty for failure to attend meet- penalty for violation of law, sections 19, 44, pension, teachers, section 130, PAGE. 50 ......14, 24 66 45 petition to call meeting of legal voters, section 95, division X, colored children, not excluded from school, section 140, 70 contracts, how made, sections 98, 99, 48 |