Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Three years' and less than four years' experience, two thousand one hundred dollars per annum;

Four years' and less than five years' experience, two thousand two hundred dollars per annum;

Five years' and less than six years' experience, two thousand three hundred dollars per annum;

Six years' and less than seven years' experience, two thousand four hundred dollars per annum;

Seven years' experience and upwards, two thousand five hundred dollars per annum;

Principals of schools containing primary departments cnly:

Less than one year's experience as such principal, one thousand two hundred dollars per annum;

One year's and less than two years' experience, one thousand three hundred dollars per annum;

Two years' and less than three years' experience, one thousand four hundred dollars per annum;

Three years' and upwards, one thousand five hundred dollars per annum;

Principals of primary departments shall be paid at the same rate as principals of schools containing primary departments only;

Vice-principals, head assistants and first assistants of grammar and primary departments:

Less than one year's experience as such vice-principal, head assistant or first assistant, nine hundred and ninetysix dollars per annum;

One year's and less than two years' experience, one thousand and fifty-six dollars per annum;

Two years' and less than three years' experience, one thousand one hundred and sixteen dollars per annum; Three years' experience and upwards, one thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars per annum; Assistant teachers in high schools, male assistants: Less than one year's experience, one thousand five hundred dollars per annum;

One year's and less than two years' experience, one thousand six hundred dollars per annum, and for each year's experience thereafter at an additional salary of one hundred dollars per annum to not less than the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; Female assistants in high schools:

Less than one year's experience, seven hundred dollars per annum, and for each year's experience thereafter, at an additional salary of one hundred dollars per annum, to not less than the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum;

Vice-principals of high schools:

Vice-principals of high

Less than one year's experience, two thousand dollars schools. per annum, and for each year's experience thereafter, at an additional salary of one hundred dollars per annum, to not less than two thousand five hundred dollars per annum;

Principals of high schools:

Less than one year's experience as such high school principal, two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; One year's and less than two years' experience, two thousand six hundred dollars per annum;

Two years' and less than three years' experience, two thousand seven hundred dollars per annum;

Three years' and less than four years' experience, two thousand eight hundred dollars per annum;

Four years' and less than five years' experience, two thousand nine hundred dollars per annum;

Five years' experience and upward, three thousand dollars per annum;

Principals of high schools.

Model teachers in model departments of training Teachers schools for teachers:

In addition to the salaries herein provided for assistant teachers of primary and grammar schools, one hundred and fifty dollars, each, per annum;

Critic teachers of training schools for teachers:

Two hundred dollars, each, per annum, as extra compensation;

in training schools.

Critic teachers.

Principals of primary departments in training schools.

Teachers of methods in



Principals of training schools.



Principal of primary department of training schools for teachers.

Less than one year's experience, one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and for each year's experience thereafter, at an additional salary of one hundred dollars per annum, to not less than the sum of one thousand seven hundred dollars per annum;

Teachers of methods or supervisors of methods of training school for teachers:

Less than one year's experience, one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and for each year's experience thereafter, at an additional salary of one hundred dollars per annum, to not less than two thousand dollars per annum;

Principals of training schools for teachers:

Less than one year's experience, two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and for each year's experience thereafter, at an additional salary of one hundred dollars per annum, to not less than three thousand dollars per annum; provided, that if the annual salary of any teacher now employed in any graded school of any school district is less than the amount required to be paid to such teacher by the preceding schedule, the salary of such teacher shall, if such teacher's experience is approved as successful, be increased by adding thereto, annually, beginning with the first day of the fiscal year next succeeding the adoption of this article, in the manner provided in section two hundred and twenty-six of this act, a sum equal to the annual increase provided in the preceding schedule for the class to which such teacher belongs, until such teacher's salary shall be in accordance with the schedule; and provided further, that the annual salary paid to any principal or vice-principal hereafter appointed shall not exceed the annual salary paid at the time such appointment is made to principals and vice-principals of the same class respectively, and that the salary of every such appointee shall, if the experience of such appointee proves to be successful, be increased annually by the amount and in the manner described in this section, until the salary of such appointee shall be in accordance with the preceding schedule.

acceptance of


252. (226.) The Board of Aldermen, Common Council Referendum; or other governing body of any municipality of this State Article may, by resolution, submit the question of the acceptance or rejection of this article to the voters of such municipality at any general or charter election to be held therein, whereof at least ten days' notice shall be given by public advertisement in two daily newspapers of this State, circulating in such municipality, and if a majority of those who shall vote for the acceptance or rejection thereof shall be in favor of the acceptance of this article, then this article shall go into effect at the commencement of the then next fiscal year in such school district, and the grant of power herein made shall be deemed to be accepted by such school district and such district shall be bound by the terms of this article; persons entitled to vote at any election where this question is submitted to them shall express their assent or rejection of this article in the manner provided in "An act to regulate elections" (Revision of 1898). There shall be a canvass on the return of the votes upon Mode of the question of acceptance or rejection of this article acceptance. made by the election officers in the same way and manner as for officers voted for at such election, and if a majority of the ballots shall be found to be in favor of the acceptance of this article it shall then, but not otherwise, go into effect and be binding upon the school district situate in said municipality wherein such vote shall be taken.

253. (227.) All elections or submissions to the vote of the qualified voters of any municipality for the adoption of the provisions of any statute establishing the compen sation to be paid to teachers and principals in the public schools, and to provide for the payment thereof, in the

Validating district com Pensation Ibid.

action of


school district situate in such municipality, which statute was in substantial compliance with the provisions of this article, and the acceptance of the provisions of such statute by reason of a majority of the ballots having been found to be in favor thereof, and the attendant proceedings heretofore held, submitted, had, done or taken pursuant to and in substantial compliance with such statute are hereby validated and confirmed as fully and to the same extent as though done after the passage of and in conformity with the provisions of this article, and said teachers and principals shall hereafter receive and be paid salaries in accordance with the provisions of this article.

Penalty for improper use of school moneys. Ibid.


P. L. 1909,
Chap. 92.



254. (228.) If the Board of Education of any school district shall use any of the school money received by it, except such as shall have been raised within the district, for any purpose other than the payment of teachers' salaries, fuel bills, the transportation of pupils and the tuition of pupils attending schools in adjoining districts, there shall be deducted by the County Superintendent of Schools from the next annual apportionment to such district a sum equal to twice the amount thus used, and said County Superintendent of Schools shall apportion the moneys thus deducted among the other districts of the county; provided, that the Commissioner of Education may remit such penalty.

255. (229.) Every Board of Education shall employ a competent physician, to be known as the medical inspector, and fix his salary and term of office. Every Board of Education shall adopt rules for the government of the medical inspector, which rules shall be submitted to the State Board of Education for approval.

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