Imágenes de páginas

employed, and the said custodian shall, immediately upon receipt of any such warrant or order, forward to the State Treasurer the amount of money named therein, together with a list of the names, the monthly salaries, the amounts deducted, and the percentage rates respectively, of the persons from whose salaries the deductions represented thereby have been made.

cies, etc.

II. All moneys and property received by donation, Gifts, legagift, legacy, bequest, devise, or otherwise, for or on account of said fund.


III. All interest on investments, and other moneys Interest from which may be raised for the increase of said fund.

245. (220.) Said Board of Trustees shall have power:

I. To frame and modify by-laws for its own government not inconsistent with the laws of this State; to elect its president and other officers, and to prescribe and enforce rules and regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this article.

Power of Ibidnake bylaws, choose


officers, etc.


II. To subpœna witnesses and compel their attend- Subpœna ance to testify before it in all matters relating to the operation of this article, and any member of said board may administer oaths or affirmations to such witnesses. III. To fix the salary and the term of office of secre- Salary of tary of said board.


IV. To draw its warrants upon the State Treasurer Pay


for the payment out of said fund of all annuities payable under the provisions of this article; the members

of said board, excepting the secretary, shall serve without compensation, but the State Treasurer shall, upon the warrants of the State Comptroller, pay their necessary expenses; provided, that if said board shall elect one of its members secretary, such member may receive


compensation for services rendered as secretary.


V. By the name of "The Board of Trustees of the Corporate Teachers' Retirement Fund," to sue and be sued, complain and defend, in any court of law or equity.

VI. To have, hold, purchase, sell, assign and transfer any of the securities in which any part of the said re

Control of securities.

funds and

Waiver of present rights, and acceptance of this act. Ibid.

Form of waiver and acceptance.

Copy of notice filed with school board.

When those entitled to may join fund.

tirement fund may be invested, and any moneys belonging to said fund.

246. (221.) Ι. Any person who is now a member of the Teachers' Retirement Fund may, on or before the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, waive all rights and privileges he now has as such member and accept the provisions of this act, with all its rights and privileges, by signing and delivering to the Board of Trustees of said fund a notice substantially in the following form:

To the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement

You are here notified that I hereby waive all rights and privileges as a member of the Teachers' Retirement Fund under the provisions of any act heretofore passed by the Legislature, and that I hereby accept the provisions of an act entiled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to establish a thorough and efficient system of free public schools, and to provide for the maintenance, support and management thereof,' approved October nineteenth, one thousand nine hundred and three," approved (here insert the date of approval of this act), and that I do hereby agree to be bound thereby. Dated

A copy of said notice shall be filed with the Board of Education or other body by whom he or she shall be employed. Any member of the fund as aforesaid who shall not file such notice shall continue to be bound by the provisions of the statute in force at the time he or she became a member of the fund, and shall be entitled only to such benefits as are thereby conferred.

II. Any person now entitled to membership in said fund, but who has not heretofore become a member, may join said fund on or before the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, by signing and delivering to the Board of Education, Board of Trustees, or other body by whom he or she shall be employed, a notice substantially in the form hereinbefore prescribed. III. Any person who may become entitled to mem- Members bership in said fund after this act shall take effect as shall give such notice on or before the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine.


IV. Every person who shall be appointed to any posi- New ap. tion hereinafter designated on or after the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eight, shall become a member of the fund by virtue of such appointment; provided, this shall not apply to any member Proviso. of the fund, or to any person eligible to membership in said fund, prior to January first, one thousand nine hundred and eight. (a)

of change of


247. (222.) Any member of said fund who shall cease Notification to teach or be employed in the school or position in which he or she shall have been employed, and who shall be employed in any other school or position, shall immediately give written notice to the Board of Education, or other body having control of the school or position in which he or she shall be employed, that he or she is a member of the Teachers' Retirement Fund, and said notice shall direct that the prescribed per centum of his or her contractual monthly salary be deducted monthly and forwarded quarterly to the State Treasurer as is hereinbefore provided. Such member shall send a copy of said notice, with his or her address, to the secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund, and another copy of said notice to the State Treasurer.

School boards membership

248. (223.) It shall be the duty of all Boards of Education or Boards of Trustees, or other officers charged with the appointment or engagement of persons entitled d to membership in the Teachers' Retirement Fund, to learn if a person so appointed or engaged is a member of

to ascertain


(a) The provisions of this section become a part of the contract entered into by a person accepting, after January 1st, 1908, any position designated in said article, by the mere fact of acceptance, and authorize the deduction and detention, for the Teachers' Retirement Fund, of the percentage prescribed by the School Law. Allen v. Passaic, 79 Atl. Rep. 101.

Eligibility to membership. Ibid.

for expenses
of teachers'
P. L. 1905,
Chap. 95.



Salaries of teachers. P. L. 1903, Special session.

said fund, and if such be the case, to deduct the percentage of such salary due to said fund from his or her contractual monthly salary and remit the same to the State Treasurer as is hereinbefore provided.

249. (224.) Any teacher, teacher-clerk, principal, supervisor, supervising principal or superintendent who shall teach or be employed in the public schools of this State, or in any normal, model or reformatory school of this State, or in any other school of this State supported either wholly or in part by public moneys raised under the authority of any law of this State, and any city, county or State superintendent of the public schools of this State, shall be eligible to membership in the Teachers' Retirement Fund.

250. (1.) The sum of fifteen hundred dollars, or such part thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated annually for the payment of the expenses of the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund provided for by article twenty-five of the act to which this is a supplement, for the administration of said fund, including the expenses of the State Treasurer and all clerical and other expenses of said Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund under the direction of the State Treasurer; provided, that no expenses shall be incurred for which the State shall be liable in connection herewith, unless first approved by the State Treasurer; and provided further, that such expenditure shall be in nowise a guarantee on the part of the State as to the security, condition or prospects of the fund.



251. (225.) Teachers hereafter employed in any graded school in this State supported in whole or in part by State moneys shall receive salaries proportioned to their experience and success in the school district where they may be employed, such salary, in the case of every teacher whose experience and success have been properly certified to, to be not less than the amount provided for such teacher in the following schedule:

Assistant teachers in primary and grammar schools and kindergartens:

Less than two years' experience, four hundred and eight dollars per annum;

Two years' and less than three years' experience, four hundred and fifty-six dollars per annum;

Three years' and less than four years' experience, five hundred and four dollars per annum;

Four years' and less than five years' experience, five hundred and fifty-two dollars per annum;

Five years' and less than six years' experience, six hundred dollars per annum;

Six years' and less than seven years' experience, six hundred and forty-eight dollars per annum;

Seven years' and less than eight years' experience, six hundred and ninety-six dollars per annum;

Eight years' and less than nine years' experience, seven hundred and forty-four dollars per annum; Nine years' and less than ten years' experience, seven hundred and ninety-two dollars per annum;

Ten years' and less than eleven years' experience, eight hundred and forty dollars per annum;

Eleven years' and less than twelve years' experience, eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum;

Twelve years' experience and upwards, nine hundred and thirty-six dollars per annum;

Assistants in

primary, grammar and kindergarten


Principals of schools containing grammar and pri- Principal of mary departments:

Less than one year's experience as such principal, one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum;

One year's and less than two years' experience, one thousand nine hundred dollars per annum;

Two years' and less than three years' experience, two thousand dollars per annum;

grammar and primary schools.

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