Free tuition. Supervision. Treasurer. Repairs and insurance. Ibid. Pupils; number, declaration. Ibid. Model schools. Ibid. science of education and art of teaching. The name and title of each such school shall be designated by the State Board of Education. Tuition in said schools shall be free. 214. (191.) The State Board of Education shall have the control and care of the buildings and grounds owned and used by the State for normal schools and of the funds for the support thereof; shall appoint and remove principals, teachers and other employes, and shall fix their salaries; shall purchase and furnish text-books, apparatus and supplies for the use of the pupils; shall prescribe courses of study for such schools; shall make rules for their management and shall grant diplomas. 215. (192.) The State Board of Education shall appoint a suitable person as treasurer of each of said schools, and shall fix his salary. All bills and charges for the maintenance of said schools, except as hereinafter provided, shall be paid by the treasurer thereof upon the certificate of said board. 216. (193.) Said board shall order necessary repairs to the grounds, buildings and furniture of said normal schools, and shall keep said buildings and furniture insured. The State Comptroller shall, upon the certificate of said board, draw warrants upon the State Treasurer for the payment of the cost thereof. 217. (194.) Each county shall be entitled to at least six times as many pupils in such schools as it shall have representatives in the Legislature. In case any county shall not have the full number of pupils to which it shall be entitled, pupils may be admitted from other counties. Pupils when admitted shall sign a declaration that they intend to teach in the public schools of this State for at least two years immediately after being graduated, unless excused temporarily by the State Board of Education, and that if they do not so teach they will refund to the State the cost of their education. 218. (195.) The State Board of Education may maintain model schools under regular teachers, in which pupils of the normal schools shall have the opportunity to observe and practice approved methods of instruction and discipline. Monerom tuition and board at Normal schools held in trust. P. L. 1910, Chap. 58. 219. (1.) The moneys collected by the State Board of Education for tuition fees from the model school and for board at the boarding halls connected with the State normal and model schools, and paid into the State treasury pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An act regulating the receipt and disbursement of State moneys in certain cases," approved October thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and the supplements thereto and amendments thereof, shall be held in trust by the State Treasurer, no part thereof to lapse Balance not into the general fund of the State at the close of the State fiscal year, and shall be paid out by the State Treasurer upon the warrant of the Comptroller for the maintenance of the normal school boarding halls and the model school upon bills duly certified and audited by the State Board of Education. to lapse. market. or 220. (2.) In the purchase of provisions and supplies Purchases by for the boarding halls of said schools the State Board of infern Education is authorized to purchase by contract or otherwise, without first advertising for bids for the same, as it shall deem for the best interests of the schools. ARTICLE XX. NEW JERSEY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. 221. (196.) A school shall be maintained for the pur- Name 1903, pose of training and educating deaf children. The name Special and title of said school shall be "The New Jersey School for the Deaf." Tuition in said school shall be free. 222. (197.) The State Board of Education shall have the control and care of the buildings and grounds owned and used by the State for a school for the deaf and the funds for the support thereof; shall appoint and remove a superintendent, teachers and other employes and shall fix their salaries; shall purchase furniture, text-books, school apparatus and other supplies; shall make rules Free tuition. Control, teachers, etc. Maintenance. Advertise. ments for supplies. Award contract. Qualifications of pupils. Ibid. Proviso. and regulations for the government and management of said school and for the admission of pupils thereto. 223. (198.) All improvements, additions and repairs to the buildings of said school and the furnishing thereof shall be by contract, after due notice given and specifications furnished. The State Board of Education shall invite proposals twice in each year, at intervals of six months, for supplying said school with dry goods, wearing apparel, groceries, provisions, vegetables, fuel, illuminating material and all other articles the necessity of which it shall be practicable to determine as being needed for the then ensuing six months. The standard quality of such articles shall be determined by the board, and standard samples of non-perishable articles shall be kept in the office of the superintendent for the inspection of bidders. The inviting of proposals shall be advertised for ten consecutive days in two daily newspapers published in the city of Trenton, which advertisement shall classify the articles which shall be grouped in each bid, and shall also state, as nearly as practicable, the quantity needed, and that said goods are to be delivered during the next ensuing six months as ordered by said superintendent. Said board shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder on each class or group of articles advertised for, and shall require contractors to enter into suitable bonds for the faithful performance of said contracts. But said board shall have the right to reject any and all bids not considered by it to be in the interests of said school. 224. (199.) Deaf persons of suitable age and capacity for instruction who shall be legal residents of this State and not over twenty-one years of age, shall be entitled to the privileges of the school for such a period of time, not exceeding fourteen years, as the State Board of Education shall determine; provided, that whenever more persons apply for admission at one time than can be properly accommodated in said school, said board shall so apportion the number received that each county admission. shall be represented therein in the ratio of its deaf population to the total deaf population of the State. Ap- Application plication for admission into said school shall be made to the State Board of Education by a parent, guardian or friend of the proposed pupil in such manner as said board shall direct, but the board shall require such application to be accompanied by a certificate from the judge of the inferior court of common pleas or the county clerk of the county, the chosen freeholder or clerk of the township, the mayor or other executive officer of the city, borough or other municipality in which the applicant shall reside, setting forth that the applicant is a legal resident of the township, city, borough or other municipality claimed as his or her residence, and the age, circumstances and capacity of such proposed pupil, and the ability or inability of such proposed pupil or of his or her parent or guardian to pay any part of the expense of the care and maintenance of such proposed pupil. Whenever said board shall be satisfied that the resources of any person applying for admission to such school or being a pupil thereat, or those of his or her parent or guardian shall be sufficient to defray either the whole or a part of the expense of maintaining such pupil, said board may require such parent or guardian to pay either the whole or such portion of the annual expense of maintaining such pupil as it shall deem just and equitable. When charge may be made. Ibid. 225. (200.) The State Board of Education shall ap- Treasurer. point some suitable person treasurer of said school and shall fix his salary. All bills and charges for the maintenance of said school shall be paid by said treasurer upon the certificate of said board. ARTICLE XXI. MANUAL TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR COL ORED YOUTH. 226. (201.) The "Manual Training and Industrial Control of School for Colored Youth" (now located at Bordentown) Bordentown school. Ibid. Tuition free. Number of pupils. Ibid. Annual appropriation to Bordentown school. P. L. 1907. p. 285. Treasurer. shall be hereafter conducted and managed by the State Board of Education, which board shall have the full management and control thereof; shall have the care and charge of the buildings and property thereof; the application and expending of the funds provided or appropriated for the support thereof; the appointment and removal of a principal, teacher and other employes; the fixing and paying of their salaries; the power to prescribe the studies and exercises of said school and rules for its management, and for the admission of pupils thereto. Tuition in said school shall be free. 227. (202.) Each county shall be entitled to as many pupils in said school as it shall have representatives in the Legislature, but in case any county shall not have in said school the full number of pupils to which it shall be entitled, pupils may be admitted from other counties. 228. (203.) In lieu of all claims, rights and title that the "Manual Training and Industrial School for Colored Youth" has or may hereafter have upon the annual appropriation coming to this State from Congress under the provision of the supplement to the act of Congress of August thirteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, a sum not to exceed twelve thousand dollars may be annually appropriated for the maintenance of said school out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. 229. (204.) The State Board of Education shall appoint some suitable person treasurer of said school and shall fix his salary. ARTICLE XXII. Appropriation. Ibid. MANUAL TRAINING. 230. (205.) Whenever in any school district there shall have been raised by special tax or by subscription or both, a sum not less than two hundred and fifty dollars for the establishment in such district of a school or |