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Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, by BANKS, GOULD & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.

GEO. H. BELL, Print. 144 Nassau St.

On the thirtieth day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, Vice-Chancellor M'COUN reached an age which the then Constitution made the period to judicial duties; and, after the court had got through its work, His Honor thus addressed the Bar, (not without considerable feeling):


I have now arrived at the end of my judicial labors.

I have disposed of all the causes, matters of petition, special motions and exceptions which were regularly before me for decision.

My task is accomplished.

During the fifteen years and an half that I have presided in this court, I have faithfully and diligently applied myself-my whole mind and energies-to the conscientious discharge of my duties. The delays that have occurred in the administration of those duties have been unavoidable.

For the very general forbearance with which the delays and my honest errors in judgment have been met and for the full measure of courtesy and respect extended towards me by the numerous members of the Bar practising in this court through my term of office, I feel proud to make my grateful acknowledgments."

While all who know Mr. M'Coun are aware that his love of truth is equal to his great desire for justice, yet the people have a gratified knowledge that he did not speak prophetically when he said, "I have now arrived at the end of my judicial labors": for, at their first election of judicial officers, his Honor was made a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.

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Bank of the State of New York, Commercial Bank of Buffalo v.


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