| Walter Morgan - 1705 - 140 páginas
...aflëmblëd, read an Engliflj Gertrficate-,of his Subfcriptiôn to the Declaration oí his Conformity, to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as it is now by Law Eftablimed. Which Certificate bore the fame Date with the Latin Certificate of Subfcriptions, under... | |
| Thomas Collins (rector of Beaconsfield.) - 1737 - 134 páginas
...likcwife makes this publick Declaration, in the Church, of his future Behaviour, in theie Words : / do declare that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as it is now by Law ejlablified. Rogation Sunday, or the fifth Sunday after Eafter, bears its Name as being the Head of... | |
| William Howell - 1742 - 806 páginas
...Arms by his Authority againft his ' Perfon, or againft thofe that are • commiffioned by him, £3V. That • I will conform to the Liturgy of • the Church of England, as it is ' now eftablifhed by Law. And I « do declare, That I hojd there ' lies no Obligation on me, or any • other... | |
| Thomas Salmon - 1744 - 504 páginas
...(viz.) That it is not lauful upon any Pretence whatfoever to take up Arms againjl the King, &c. And that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as now ejlablijhed , - &c. • On Pain of being deprived of their Places and Preferments ipfofaflo. Schoolmafters... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 516 páginas
...declaration or acknowledgement ^ in which ^ amongjl other things was contained^ as follows, viz. I A. JB. do declare, That I . will conform to the liturgy of the church of England, as it is C-? JOJ now by law eftablifhed ; and if any fchoolmafter, or other per f on inftrufling or teaching... | |
| Shute Barrington (hon., bp. of Durham.) - 1789 - 74 páginas
...in the church during divine fervice, within three months after inftitution, the declaration that he will conform to the liturgy of the church of England, as it is now by ( 56 ) by law eftablifhed ; and to read the Bifhop's certificate of having made and fubfcribed it,... | |
| Charles M'Cormick - 1792 - 534 páginas
...taking arms by his authority againft his perfon, or againft thofe that are commiffioned by him : that he will conform to the liturgy of the church of England, as it is by law now eftablUhed : that he doth hold, that there lies no obligation upon him, or any other perfon,... | |
| Richard Burn - 1797 - 640 páginas
...then .prefent, did read the declaration cr acknowledgment contained in the faid certificate, to wit, " I AB do declare, that I " will conform to the liturgy of the church of England, " as it is now by law efrablifJhed." dnd laj}!y, that he did on the day and in the year afarefaid, read the article! of religicn,... | |
| Richard Burn - 1797 - 606 páginas
...admiffion to be incumbent or having poffefuon aforefaid fubfcribe the declaration following; " I '* A. B, do declare, that I will conform to the liturgy of *' the church of England, as it is now by law eftabliflj" ed." 13 & 14. C. 2. c. 4./ 8. i W.ftf tc %.f. ii. . Which fiid declaration (hall be fubfcriUed... | |
| Richard Burn - 1797 - 588 páginas
...or having poffeflion afore faid fubfcribe the declaration following; " I '• AB do decfere, that 1 will conform to the liturgy of «* the church of England, as it is now by law eftablifc•« ed." 13 tt 14 C. 2. f. 4-/ 8. i IV. ft/. I. c. %.£ n. And if any fcboolmafter or other... | |
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