Majefty's fervice; and for the payment of the faid forces, and of their quarters. Cap. 13. To enable fuch officers and foldiers as have been in her Majefty's fervice during the late war, to exercise trades, and for officers to account with their foldiers. Cap. 14. For explaining the acts for licensing hackney-chairs. Cap. 15. For making perpetual an act made in the feventh year of the reign of the late King William, intituled, An act to prevent falfe and double returns of members to ferve in parliament. Cap. 16. For the better encouragement of the making fail-cloth in Great Britain. Cap. 17. To veft in the commiffioners for building fifty new churches in and about London and Westminster, and fuburbs thereof, as much of the street near the Maypole in the Strand in the county of Middlefex, as fhall be fufficient to build one of the faid churches upon; and for reftoring to the principal and fcholars of King's-Hall, and college of Brazen-Nofe, in the university of Oxen, their right of prefentation to the churches and chapels in Stepney parish. Cap. 18. For making perpetual the act made in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the reign of the late King Charles II. intituled, An act for the better relief of the poor of this kingdom and that perfons bound apprentices to, or being hired fervants with perfons coming with certificates, fhall not gain fettlements by fuch fervices or apprenticeships: and for making perpetual the act made in the fixth year of her prefent Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for the importation of cochineal from any ports in Spain, during the prefent war, and fix months longer: and for reviving a claufe in an act made in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of the late King Wiliam, intituled, An act for fettling the trade to Africa, for allowing foreign copper bars imported, to be exported. Private Alts. Anno 12 Anna, Stat. 1. 1. An act for repairing the highway or road from the Stones-End in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlefex, to the furthermoft part of the northern road in the parish of Endfield in the fame county, next to the parish of Chefhunt in the county of Hertford. 2. An act for confirming feveral grants in fee-farm made by Henry earl of Thomond, by virtue or fince the paffing a former act of parliament; and for giving fome ease and relief to the purchasers under or fince the faid former act. 3. 4. 5. An act for confirming articles, and vefting the manor of Kirby-Underwood in the county of Lincoln, and other manors, lands and hereditaments thereby agreed to be fold, in truftees, for difcharging the debts of Sir John Brownlow, bart. deceafed, and his daughters portions, and other purposes in the faid articles mentioned. An act for divefting the crown of the remainder in fee-fimple of and in the manor and advowfon of Stourton in the county of Wilts, and feveral lands, tenements and hereditaments, to the fame manor belonging, expectant on certain eftates-tail, and for vefting the fame in certain. other perfons therein named, to the intent the fame may be barred by proper methods in law, for the purposes therein mentioned. An act to enable trustees to fell fome out-parts of the eftate of Sir Bourchier IVrey, Bart. in the county of Devon, for the purposes therein mentioned. 6. An act to enable William Harvey, the elder efq; and William Harvey, efq; his fon, to fettle a jointure, and grant a leafe, and for vefting the inheritance, after a term of five hundred years, of lands in Suffolk, in trustees to be fold for raifing portions for his daughters. 7. An act for the exchange of the parfonage-house at Charlton in Kent, and close thereto adjoining, in lieu of another house and lands there. 8. An act for making the chapelry of Stockton in the county of Durham, a diftinct parish. 9. An act for naturalizing Lewis Vanden Enden. 10. An act for better enabling James earl of Salisbury, and his trustees, to make fale of certain manors, lands and hereditaments in the counties of Northampton and Dorfet, and a fee-farm rent, for the purposes in the faid act mentioned. 11. An act for the fale of the reverfion and inheritance of the manor of Morley in the county of York, together with the term of 500 years. therein, decreed to be fold for payment of debts, and alfo for exchanging a fee-farm rent of the coheirs of William late Marquefs of Halifax, iffuing out of part of Leiffield foreft in Rutlandshire, for a fee-farm rent of Daniel earl of Nottingham, iffuing out of Hartingfordbury in Hertfordshire, and for fettling the fame to fuch uses as the faid feefarm rent in Rutlandfbire was settled. 12. An act for raifing 5000l. portion out of several lands in Middlesex and Warwickshire, charged therewith (being the eftate of the Right honourable Gilbert earl of Coventry) and for paying the fame to the lady Anne Coventry, his daughter, at her marriage, though the fame fhould be before her age of eighteen years. 13. An act for vefting divers lands and hereditaments in the counties of Warwick and Bedford, (late the eftate of Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. deceased) in truftees, for divers purposes therein mentioned. 14. An act for difcharging the manors and lordships of Bexwell and Tinworth in the county of Norfolk from the feveral ufes, trufts and estates thereof limited, in and by the marriage-fettlement of Sir John Holland, Bart. with the lady Rebecca his wife; and for fettling divers other manors, meffuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments of a greater value, and which lie more convenient in the fame county, in lieu thereof.. 15. An act for enabling Henry Lee the younger, alias Lee Warner, to make a jointure upon his marriage. 16. An act for uniting and consolidating the rectories, advowfons and parishes of Melton St. Mary's and Melton All Saints, in the diocese of Norwich in the county of Norfolk. 17. An act to amend several defects in an act of parliament, made in the tenth year of the reign of his late majesty King William III. intituled, An act to enable Thomas Byde, Efq; an infant with the confent of his guardians and next relations, to make a contract for the buying in his mother's jointure; and to jell a fmall eftate in Great Amwell in the county of Hertford; and likewife for the fecuring and raifing a portion for Barbara Byde, Spinster, fifter of the faid Thomas Byde, and for other purposes in the faid act mentioned, and to enable the faid Thomas Byde to raise monies, and to make leafes for the purposes in this prefent act mentioned. 18. An act to enable William Booth, gent. to fell certain lands and hereditaments in the county of Chefter, for payment of the debts of his brother, with whom and for which he ftands bound; and for applying the furplus (if any) of the money 2 2 money raised for such purpose, towards payment of his own proper debts. 19. An act to enable the right honourable Charles lord Weflon and fcury, Peter Ribot, Peter Laffite, and others, Anno 12 Anna, Stat. 2. earl of Arran in the kingdom of Cap. 1. FOR granting an aid to Ireland, to take the oath of office, as master of her Majefty's ordnance in the kingdom of Ireland, before the barons of her Majefty's court of Exchequer at Westminster, and to qualify himself for the legal enjoyment of the faid office. 20. An act for enabling Sir Charles Gresham, bart. to rife the fum of five thousand pounds, and intereft, and maintenance, for Elizabeth the daughter of his brother Sir Edward Gresham, bart. deceased; and to make provifion for his younger children. 21. An act to enable Sir Edward Leighton, bart. to charge his estate with 4000. (preferable to 6000l. already charged thereupon by his marriage-fettlement) for the purposes therein mentioned. 22. An act for fale of feveral lands and tenements of John Conftable, gent. in the parish of Ockley in the county of Surrey, for payment of his debts, and for fettling other lands in the fame county, of a better value, to the fame ufes, in lieu thereof. 23. An act to enable John Harrington, efq; and Dorothy his wife, and Charles Harrington, gent. fon and heir apparent of the faid John Harrington, to fell the reverfion of feveral meffuages and tenements in Liverpoole, in the county of Lancafter, being the inheritance of the faid Dorothy, for payment of their debts, and fettling an equivalent upon the faid Dorothy. 24. An act to enable Symes Parry to change his name of Parry to Symes, according to the will of John Symes, efq; deceased. 25. An act to naturalize Simon De her Majefty, to be raised by a land-tax in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year 1714. Cap. 2. For allowing a drawback upon the exportation of falt to be made ufe of for the curing of fish taken at North-feas, or at Ifleland. Cap. 3. For charging and continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the fervice of the year 1714, and for the encouragement of the distilling brandy from malted corn and cyder; and for making forth duplicates of Exchequer-bills, and lottery-tickets, loft, burnt, or deftroyed; and to enable the governor and company of the bank of England, and others, to lend money upon South-Sea stock. Cap. 4. For the better regulating the forces to be continued in her Majefty's fervice, and for the payment of the faid forces, and of their quar ters. Cap. 5. For taking away the new additional duty of 30 l. per cent. ad valorem, impofed upon all books and prints imported into Great Britain, by an act made in the tenth year of the reign of her prefent majesty Queen Anne. Cap. 6. For taking away mortuaries within the diocefes of Bangor, Landaff, St. David's and St. Asaph, and giving a recompence therefore to the bishops of the faid respective diocefes; and for confirming feveral letters patents granted by her Majefty for perpetually annexing a prebend of Gloucester to the mafterhip of Pembroke college in Oxford; and a prebend of Rochester to the provoftfhip of Oriel college in Oxford; and a prebend of Norwich to the mastership of Catharine-Hall in Cambridge. Cap. 7. To prevent the growth of fchifm, and for the further fecurity of the churches of England and Ireland, as by law established. Cap. 8. For encouraging the tobaccotrade. Cap. 9. For laying additional duties on foap and paper, and upon certain linens, filks, callicoes and ftuffs, and upon ftarch and exported coals, and upon ftamp'd vellum, parchment and paper, and for raifing 1,400,000l. by way of a lottery for her Majefty's fupply; and for allowances on exporting made wares of leather, fheep-fkins, and lamb-skins; and for distribution of 4000l. due to the officers and feamen for gun-money; and to adjust the property of tickets in former lotteries; and touching certain fhares of stock in the capital of the South-Sea company; and for appropriating the monies granted to her Majesty. Cap. 10. For raifing the militia for the year 1714, although the month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid; and for rectifying a mistake in an act paffed in this prefent feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for the regulating the forces to be continued in her Majefty's fervice, and for payment of the faid forces and their pounds fifteen fhillings ten pence halfpenny, by them duly iffued out of the fum of three hundred ninety eight thoufand eighty five pounds ten fhillings, which they received. Cap. 14. For rendring more effectual an act made in the third year of the reign of King James I. intituled, An act to prevent and avoid dangers which may grow by popish recufants; and also one other act made in the first year of the reign of their late majefties King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An act to veft in the two univerfities the prefentations of benefices belonging to papifts; and for vetting in the lords of jufticiary power to inflict the fame punifhments against jefuits, priests, and other trafficking papifts, which the privy council of Scotland was impowered to do by an act paffed in the parliament of Scotland, intituled, An act for preventing the growth of Popery. Cap. 15. For providing a publick reward for fuch perfon or persons as fhall difcover the longitude at fea. Cap. 16. To reduce the rate of in tereft, without any prejudice to parliamentary fecurities. Cap. 17. For the speedy and effectual preferving the navigation of the river of Thames, by ftopping the breach in the levels of Havering and Dagenham in the county of Effex; and for afcertaining the coal-meafure. Cap. 18. For the preserving all ships and goods thereof, which thall happen to be forced on fhore, or ftranded upon the coafts of this kingdom, or any other of her Majesty's do chequered and ftriped linens imported; and upon certain filks, callicoes, linens and ftuffs, printed, painted or ftained; and upon feveral kinds of stampt vellum, parchment and paper; and upon certain printed pamphlets and advertisements, for raising the fum of 1,800,000l. by way of a lottery, and for other purposes in the faid act mentioned; fo far as the faid act relates to lawns, canvas, buckrams, barras, and Silefia neckcloths. Cap. 20. To explain and make more effectual an act paffed in the tenth year of her Majesty's reign, for preventing abuses in making linen cloth, and regulating the lengths and breadths, and equal forting of yarn in each piece made in Scotland, and for whitening the fame. Cap. 21. To explain part of an act made in the feventh year of her Majefty's reign, (for enlarging the capital stock of the bank of England, and for raifing a further supply to her Majefty, for the service of the year 1709) fo far as the fame relates to unwrought incle, imported into this kingdom. Cap. 22. To continue an act of the fixth year of her Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to enable her Majefty to make leafes and copies of offices, lands, and hereditaments, parcel of her dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the fame. Cap. 23. For reducing the laws relating to rogues, vagabonds, sturdy beggars and vagrants, into one act of parliament; and for the more effectual punishing such rogues vagabonds, and fturdy beggars and vagrants, fending them whither they ought to be fent. 2. 3. Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk, by a duty or impofition on all coals, culm and cinders, to be landed there. An act for the repairing the highways between Shepard's Shord and Horfley Upright Gate, leading down Bagdon-bill in the county of Wilts, and other ruinous parts of highways thereunto adjacent. An act for repairing the highway or road from the city of Worcester, to the borough of Droitwich in the county of Worcester. 4. An act for repairing the highways between the Bear Inn in Reading, in the county of Berks, and a certain place called Burnt-Field in the faid county. 5. 6. An act for sale of part of the eftate of Jofeph Olliver, gent, lying in the county of Devon, and city of Exon, for payment of his debts, and for making provifion for maintenance and education of his daugh ter. An act for making more effectual an act paffed in the ninth year of her present Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for repairing the highways between Dunstable and Hockley in the county of Bedford. 7. An act for making the river Nine or Nen, running from Northampton to Peterborough navigable. 8. An act for vefting the lease of the rectory of Chesterfield in the county of Derby, in trustees, to be fold for the payment of the debts of George Smith, efq; deceased, and for making provifion for his daughter. 9. An act for the fale of the manor and barton of Widdicombe, in the county of Devon, comprised in the marriage-fettlement of Walter Hele, gent. and Philippe his wife, and for raifing and fecuring the fum of 1500l. for the benefit of the children of the faid Walter and Phillippe. |