Imágenes de páginas

Redemption to be within

months after this feffion.

Claim to be


and intereft for the fame, from the time of the payment thereof, after the rate of fix pounds per centum per annum, difcounting for what hath been received, for or in respect of the arrear or debt, by any fuch perfon or perfons, to whom fuch fale, affignment or authority was made or given; and upon payment, or tender of the faid principal money, intereft and charges, fuch fale, grant, affignment or authority, and all covenants and agreements concerning the fame fhall be void.

XXXV. Provided nevertheless, That fuch redemption, as aforefaid, be made within the space of fix months from and after the end of this feffion of parliament.

XXXVI. Provided always, That no fuch redemption fhall entered in the be allowed, unless the party, who fhall claim the benefit thereoffice where of, do enter or caufe to be entred a note or memorandum of the debt be fuch claim in the office where the faid arrear or debt became fore 29 Sept. due, in a book to be kept in every fuch office for that purpose, on or before the nine and twentieth day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen.

came due be


Saving claufe.


tion of


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XXXVII. Saving always to all and every perfon and perfons, bodies politick and corporate, their heirs and fucceffors, executors, adminiftrators and affigns (other than to her Majesty, her heirs and fucceffors) all fuch rights, titles, eftates, cuftoms, interefts, claims and demands whatfoever, of, in, to or out of any of the revenues or hereditaments, charged or chargeable by virtue of this act with any fum not exceeding thirty five thou fand pounds, as they or any of them had or ought to have had, before the making of this act, as fully to all intents and purpofes, as if this act had never been made; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXXVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the faid fum of five hundred thoufand pounds, or fo much thereof as fhall be rifed, as aforefaid, is hereby appropriated, and fhall be applied and difpofed in aid of the faid revenues or branches, which were appointed for fupport of her Majefty's houfhold, and of the honour and dignity of the crown, for or towards the paying and difcharging of fuch arrears of falaries, wages, diet money, and other allowances, and fuch debts for emptions, provifions, and other caufes, as fhall appear to be justly due, and owing to her Majefty's fervants, tradefmen, and others, as aforefaid, and to none other ufe, intent or purpose whatsoever.

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An act for the better regulating the forces to be continued in her Majefty's fervice; and for the payment of the faid forces, and of their quarters. EXP.

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An alt to enable fuch officers and foldiers as have been in her Majefty's fervice, during the late war, to exercife trades, and for officers to account with their foldiers.


HEREAS there hath been and are divers officers and foldiers who have served her Majefty in the late wars, and were inftrumental, by the bleffing of Almighty God, in obtaining an advantageous peace for thefe kingdoms, fome of which are men that ufed trades, others that were apprentices to trades, who had not ferved out their times, and others who by their own industry have made themfelves apt and fit for trades, many of which (the wars be-· ing now ended) would willingly imply themselves in thofe trades which they were formerly accustomed to, or which they are apt or able to follow, and make use of, for the getting their living by their own labour, but are or may be hindred from exertifing those trades in certain cities and corporations, and other places within this kingdom, because of certain by-laws and cuftoms of thofe places, and of the ftatute made in the fifth year of Queen Elizabeth, prohibiting the ufe 5 Eliz. c. 41 of certain trades by any perfen who hath not served as an apprentice to fuch trade for the space of feven years: for remedy whereof, be it enacted, E.

Officers and foldiers who have not deferted the fervice, having ufed any trade, or that were apprentices, and did not ferve out their times, may fet up and exercise trades: that is to fay, apprentices may fet up their trades, though they have not served out their times, and others any trade in the counties where they were born. And if indicted, may plead the general iffue, and shall recover treble cofts. Service, how to be proved. Penalty of producing a forged commiffion, or falle certificate. Paymafters to ftate accounts of disbanded regiments, and pay the arrears to the colonels Colonels to state accounts with the captains; and the captains with inferior officers, &c. and pay what is due, on forfeiture of double the fum. Disbanded foldiers fetting up trades fhall be freed from arrests for three years, and their stock, &c. from being taken in execution. Executors of colonels, agents, &c. who died indebted to the officers and foldiers, fhall pay fuch debts, preferably to all others. Executors having paid debts before the making of this act, fuch payment fhall be good. Neither this, nor the 10 & 11 W. 3. c. 11. thall prejudice the privileges of Oxford and Cambridge. EXP.


An all for explaining the acts for licenfing backney chairs.


HEREAS by an act of parliament made in the ninth year 9 Ann. c. 231 of her now Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for licenfing and regulating hackney coaches and chairs, and for charging certain new duties on ftampt vellum, parchment and paper, and on cards and dice, and on the exportation of rock falt for Ireland, and for fecuring thereby, and by a weekly payment out of the poft-office, and by feveral duties on hides and fkins, a yearly fund of one hundred eighty fix thousand fix hundred and seventy pounds, for thirty two years, to be applied to the Jatisfaction of fuch orders as are therein mentioned, to the conVOL. XIII. tributors.


1. 158.

tributors of any fum not exceeding two millions, to be raised for carrying on the war, and other her Majefty's occafions, a power was given to the commiffioners therein mentioned, for licensing two hundred chairs within the cities of London and Westminster, and fuburbs thereof, and all parishes and places within the weekly bills of mortality, for the term of thirty two years, from the four and twentieth day of June one thousand feven hundred and eleven; and 10 Ann. c. 19. by another att of parliament, made in the tenth year of the reign of her faid Majefly, the faid commiffioners had a power for the licenfing an additional number of chairs, not exceeding one hundred, from the twenty fourth of June one thousand feven hundred and twelve, for the term of thirty one years, within the cities and liberties aforefaid, fo that the whole fhall not exceed three hundred: and whereas by the aforefaid act, made in the ninth year of her faid Majesty's reign, it 9 Ann. c. 23. is, amongst other things, cnacted, That the faid commiffioners fhould, in the first place, license all fuch perfons as had then been ancient coachmen, or ancient chairmen, or the widows of any of them, unless they should neglect or refuse to take fuch licences, upon the respective terms thereby allowed, within a reasonable time to be limited by the faid commiffioners, not less than twenty days: and whereas several doubts have arifen, whether the faid commissioners are obliged by the faid act of the ninth of the Queen, to license the widows of chairmen, or to let them have the benefit of fuch licences as were granted to their hufbands whilft living, and feveral fuits of law have been commenced thereupon, to the great oppreffion and grievance of the parties conconcerned; be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament The commif affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the commifthe first place fioners for the time being, for licenfing coaches and chairs, licence the wi- pursuant to the recited acts mentioned, shall and are hereby redows of hack- quired, in the first place, to license all and every the widow and ney chairmen, widows of fuch hackney chairman or chairmen refpectively, who unless they neglect to take have died or fhall die poffeffed of any licence or licences, grantout fuch li- ed by the faid commiffioners in purfuance of the faid acts, uncence in a rea- lefs fuch widow or widows fhall neglect or refufe to take fuch fonable time. licences upon the refpective terms allowed by the faid recited acts, within a reasonable time to be limited by the faid commiflioners, not lefs than twenty days.

fioners fhall in

their chairs

Such widows, II. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the autho and fervants, rity aforefaid, That fuch widow or widows, their chairs, ferliable to fuch vants, and every other perfon or perfons carrying the fame, rules, &c. as fhall be fubject and liable to such rules, penalties, punishments, other licented orders, and bye-laws, made, or to be made, concerning lis cenfed hackney chairs, by virtue of the faid recited acts, as any other licensed chairman is by the faid acts liable unto; any thing in this act, or in the said recited acts, contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.


Continued by 16Geo.2.c.26. to 24 June 1760, &c.



An act for making perpetual an act made in the feventh year of the reign of the late King William, intituled, An act to prevent false and double returns of members to ferve in parliament.

WHEREAS in the feventh year of the reign of the late King 7 & 8 W. 3.

C. 5.

William the Third, an act was made, intituled, An act to c. 7. prevent falfe and double returns of members to ferve in parliament, and was thereby enacted to continue for the term of seven years, and from thence to the end of the next feffions of parliament, and no longer; which act by another act made in the twelfth year of 12 & 13 W. 3 the reign of the faid late King, intituled, An act for continuing a former act to prevent falfe and double returns of members to ferve in parliament, was enacted, should thereafter be in force for and during the term of eleven years, and from thence to the end of the first feffions of the next parliament, and no longer; which faid act has been found by experience to be very useful for the prefervation of the rights of the feveral counties, cities and boroughs of this kingdom, in the election of members to ferve in parliament, and being near expiring be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the said act made in the feventh year of the reign of the late King William The act 7 & % the Third, intituled, An act to prevent falfe and double returns of W. 3. c. 7. made perpe members to ferve in parliament, and every claufe, matter and tual. thing therein contained, fhall be, and is hereby declared to be in full force, and is hereby made perpetual.

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An act for the better encouragement of the making of fail cloth in Great Britain.

Moft Gracious Sovereign,


HEREAS the making of fail-cloth in Great Britain is of great ufe and benefit to the nation, being fet up in feveral parts of this united kingdom, imploying many thousands of the poor, and is brought to great perfection; but by the duties on hemp and flax imported, and drawback on foreign made fail-cloth exported, the makers of British fail-cloth have not a fufficient encouragement for fo ufeful and beneficial a manufacture; therefore we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjects, the commons of Great Britain in parliament affembled, have given and granted to your Majefty such additional duty upon foreign fail-cloth to be imported, as is herein after mentioned; and do most humbly beseech your Majesty, That it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the

E 2


After 21 July fame, That from and after the one and twentieth day of July one thousand feven hundred and thirteen, over and above all

1713. a fur

of Ireland.

ther duty of id. per ell, fubfidies, duties, impofitions and payments, already due and laid on foreign payable, or which ought to be paid to her Majefty, for or upon fail-cloth, &c. fuch foreign made fails and fail-cloth, or canvas ufually entred imported for as Hollands Duck or Vitry canvas, which thall be fit and proper feven years. to be made use of, for making of fails for navigating hips and veffels, and which fhall be imported into Great Britain by way Except canvas of merchandize, except fuch canvas as is of the product and of the product manufacture of Ireland, there fhall be raised and levied, collected and paid unto her Majefty, her heirs and fucceffors, a further duty of one penny per ell, and after that rate for greater or leffer quantities, during the term of feven years, and from thence to the end of the then next feffion of parliament, and no longer; the fame to be raised, levied, collected and recovered, by fuch ways, means and methods, and fubject to fuch penalties and forfeitures, and in fuch manner and form, as any, fubfidy payable to her Majefty, for any other goods or merchan dizes imported, or to be imported, may by any law or laws now in force be raised, levied, collected and recovered.

Out of the

reward of id.

fhall be ex

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II. And whereas hemp and flax imported draws back nothing of faid duty hall the duties paid for the fame, when wrought up into British fail-cloth; be allowed a be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That out of the faid per ell for fail- additional duty of one penny per ell, a reward or recompence cloth made in of one penny be given and paid for every ell of British made Great Britain, fail-cloth or canvas, fit for or made into fails, which from and which within after the one and twentieth day of July one thoufand feven the faid time hundred and thirteen, and within the faid term of feven years, ported. or at any time before the end of the then next feffion of parliament, fhall be exported out of Great Britain by way of mer The exporter chandize: provided always, That the exporter of fuch British to make oath made fail-cloth fhall always, before he receives any fuch reward, that it was make oath (which the proper officers of the customs have heres Great Britain, by power to adminifter) that fuch fail-cloth was made in Great is actually ex- Britain, is actually exported or fhipped to be exported, without ported, &c. any intention to be relanded in any part of Great Britain, and that no former reward upon this act was made for the fame fail-cloth.

made in

Penalty of relanding fail

cloth for

III. And it is hereby enacted, That if any British made fail cloth, for which fuch reward fhall be given, fhall be relanded in Great Britain, the fame fhall be forfeited; and every perfon concerned in bringing back, or relanding the same, shall forfeit been given. two fhillings for every ell fo brought back or relanded'; one

which fuch reward has

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moiety of which forfeitures thall be to her Majefty, and the other moiety thereof to fuch as will feize, inform or fue for the fame, or the value thereof, to be recovered by action, bill, fuit or information, in any her Majesty's courts of record at Well minster, or in the Exchequer at Edinburgh, wherein no effoin, protection, wager of law, or more than one imparlance fhall be allowed. This act is continued for feven years by ro Gen. 1. e 17. f. 4. and by 20 Geo. 2. c. 45 to June 1754,


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