C. 22. C. 2, 1 Ann. ftat. 1. there was another act made in the first year of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act to declare the alterations in the oath appointed to be taken by the act, intituled, An act for the further fecurity of his Majefty's perfon, and the fucceffion of the crown in the proteftant line; and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended prince of Wales, and all other pretenders, and their open and fecret abettors; and for declaring the affociation to be determined; and for the fame end there was another aft paffed in the fourth year of her faid late majesty Queen Anne, inti4 Ann. c. 8. tuled, An act for the better fecurity of her Majefty's perfon and government, and of the fucceffion to the crown of England in the proteftant line: and whereas by the treaty of union, and fecond article thereof, it is provided, That the fucceffion to the monarchy of the united kingdom of Great Britain, and of the dominions thereunto belonging, after her faid late most facred majesty Queen Anne, and in default of iffue of her faid Majefty, fhould be, remain, and continue to the most excellent princefs Sophia, electorefs and dutchefs dowager of Hanover and the heirs of her body, being proteftants, upon whom the crown of England flood fettled by the aforefaid act, made in England in the twelfth year of the reign of his late majefty 12 & 13 W. 3. King William; pursuant to which treaty and ftate of union, there were fundry acts made in the reign of her faid late majesty Queen Anne, for taking certain oaths and declarations for fecurity of her Majefty's perfon and government, and fettling the crown in the proteftant line: and whereas the Jaid pretended prince of Wales hath affumed the file and title of James the Third, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, in open defiance of the provifions made for the eftablishment of the title and fucceffion of the crown by the faid acts of parliament, on which faid acts the fafety of your Majesty's royal perJon and government, the continuance of the monarchy of Great Britain, the prefervation of the proteftant religion, the maintenance of the churches of England and Scotland, as by law established, the fecurity of the ancient and undoubted rights and liberties, and the future peace and tranquillity of this kingdom do (under God) entirely depend: and whereas the faid pretended prince of Wales, fince the demife of the late Queen, in prejudice of your Majesty's just right and title to the imperial crown of thefe realms, has continued to affume the faid name and title of James the Third, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, in manifeft violation of your Majesty's most lawful and rightful title to the crown, and of the acts and treaty above-mentioned, made for fettling, and further fecurity of the fame, and for extinguishing the hopes of him the faid pretender, and of all other pretenders, and their open and fecret abettors: and whereas alfo feveral wicked and evil-minded perfons have, even fince your Majesty's happy acceffion to the throne, in riotous, feditious, and treasonable manner, taken upon them to give to the faid pretended prince of Wales the aforefaid name and title: to the intent therefore the faid acts may be for ever inviolably preferved, and that all future questions and divifions, by reafon of any pretended titles to the crown, may be prevented, we your Majefly's most dutiful and loyal fubjects, the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, do bumbly humbly befeech your most excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted; All officers, and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and civil or miliwith the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal tary, &c. and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by authority of the fame, That all and every person and perfons, as well peers as commoners, that fhall bear any office or offices, civil or military, or fhall receive any pay, falary, fee or wages, by reafon of any patent or grant from his Majefty, or fhall have command or place of truft from or under his Majefty, or from any of his Majesty's predeceffors, or by his, her, or their authority, or by authority derived from him, her, or them, within Great Britain, or in his Majefty's navy, or in the several islands in Great Briof ferfey and Guernsey, or fhall be of the houfhold, or in the tain, &c. service or imployment of his Majefty, or of his royal highness George prince of Wales, or her royal highnefs the princess of Wales, or their iffue, and all ecclefiaftical perfons, heads or go- all ecclefiaftivernors, of what denomination foever, and all other members cal perfons, of colleges and halls in any univerfity, that are or fhall be of the foundation, or that do or fhall enjoy any exhibition, (being of the age of eighteen years) and all perfons teaching or reading to pupils in any univerfity, or elsewhere, and all schoolmafters all schooland ufhers, and all preachers and teachers of separate congre- mafters, &c. all ferjeants at gations, all conftables, and every perfon that fhall act as a ferlaw, &c. jeant at law, counsellor at law, barrifter, advocate, attorney, folicitor, writer in Scotland, proctor, clerk, or notary, by practifing in any manner as fuch in any court whatsoever, who fhall inhabit, refide, or be within the cities of London or Weftminster, refiding within or within thirty miles diftant from the fame, on the firft day of 30 miles of Michaelmas term next, at any time during the faid term, fhall London, fhall perfonally appear before the end of the said term in his Majefty's lowing oaths court of chancery, king's-bench, common pleas or Exchequer, in one of the and there, in publick and open court, between the hours of courts at Weftnine of the clock and twelve in the forenoon, take the oaths herein after mentioned; that is to say, I B, So help me God. A. B. do fwear, that I do from my heart abhor, deteft and abjure, as impious and heretical, that damnable doctrine and pofition, That princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, or any authority of the fee of Rome, may be depofed or murthered by their fubjects, or any other whatsoever. And I do declare, that no foreign prince, perfon, prelate, state or potentate, hath or ought to have any jurifdiction, power, fuperiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclefiaftical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God. &c. take the fol, minster. 2. c. 23. The oaths. I A. B. A. B. do truly and fincerely acknowledge, profefs, teftify and declare, in my confcience, before God and the world, That our fovereign Lord King George is lawful and rightful King of this realm, and all other his Majesty's dominions and countries thereunto belonging. And I do folemnly and fincerely declare, That I do believe in my confcience, that the perfon pretended to be prince of Wales, during the life of the late King James, and fince his decease pretending to be, and taking upon himself the file and title of King of England, by the name of James the Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or the file and title of King of Great Britain, hath not any right or title whatsoever to the crown of this realm, or any other the dominions thereunto belonging, and I do renounce, refufe, and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him. And I do fwear, That I will bear faith and true allegiance to bis majesty King George, and him will defend to the utmost of my power, against all traiterous confpiracies and attempts whatsoever, which shall be made against his perfon, crown or dignity. And I will do my utmost endeavour to difclofe and make known to his Majefly, and bis fucceffors, all treafons and traiterous confpiracies which I fball know to be against him, or any of them. And I do faithfully promise, to the utmost of my power to fupport, maintain and defend the fucceffion of the crown against him the Jaid James, and all other perfons what12 & 13 W. 3. foever, which fucceffion, by an act, intituled, An act for the further -limitation of the crown, and better fecuring the rights and liberties of the subject, is and stands limited to the princefs Sophia, electorefs and dutchefs dowager of Hanover, and the heirs of her body, being proteftants. And all these things I do plainly and fincerely acknowledge and fwear, according to thefe express words by me fpoken, and according to the plain and common fenfe and understanding of the fame words, without any equivocation, mental evafion, or fecret refervation whatsoever. And I do make this recognition, acknowledgment, renunciation and promife, heartily, willingly and truly, upon the true faith of a chriftian. C. 2. the fame. So help me God. And fubfcribe Unto which oaths fo taken, every fuch perfon fo taking the fame, fhall fubfcribe his name, or if he cannot write, fhall make his mark, and during the time of taking the faid oaths, all pleas and proceedings in the faid refpective courts fhall cease; and all and every the faid refpective perfons and officers, ...not having taken the faid oaths, and fubfcribed the fame, as . aforefaid, fhail on or before the twenty-third day of January next, at the general or quarter-feffions for that county, riding, liberty, city, borough, town corporate or place, where he or they shall be, inhabit or refide on the first day of December next, take the faid oaths in open court, between the faid hours of nine and twelve of the clock in the forenoon, and fubfcribe his name, or if he cannot write, make his mark under the fame. Or in the quarter-fefons for the County, &c. where they refide. II. And fhall within county where II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, All perfons That all and every person and perfons that thall be admitted, who before the roth of entred, placed or taken, into any office or offices, civil or miAug 1715. litary, or fhall receive any pay, falary, fee or wages, by reafon fhall be adof any patent or grant from his Majefty, or fhall have com- mitted into mand or place of truft from or under his Majefty, or by his au- any office, &c. thority, or by authority derived from him, within that part of three months Great Britain called England, or in his Majefty's navy, or in the take the fame feveral iflands of Jersey and Guernsey, or that fhall be admitted oath at Weftinto any service or imployment in his Majefty's houfhold or fa- miniter or fefmily, or of his royal highness George prince of Wales, or of her fions of the. royal highnefs the princefs of Wales, or their iffue, and all ec- they refide. clefiaftical perfons, heads or governors, of what denominations foever, and all other members of colleges and halls in any univerfity, that are or fhall be of the foundation, or that do or fhall enjoy any exhibition, being of, or as foon as they fhall attain the age of eighteen years, and all perfons teaching or reading to pupils in any univerfity, or elsewhere, and all schoolmasters and ushers, and all preachers and teachers of separate congregations, high or chief conftables, and every person who fhall act as a ferjeant at law, counsellor at law, barrister, advocate, attorney, folicitor, proctor, clerk or notary, by practifing in any manner as fuch in any court or courts whatsoever within that part of Great Britain called England, who fhall, at any time after the tenth day of August one thousand seven hundred and fifteen, be admitted into, or enter upon any of the before-mentioned preferments, benefices, offices or places, or fhall come into any fuch capacity, or fhall take upon him or Repealed by 2 Ġeo. 2. c. 31. them any fuch practice, imployment or business, as aforesaid, f. 3. and farfhall within three months after he or they fhall be admitted into, ther provisions or enter upon any fuch preferment, benefice, office or place, or relating bereto, come into fuch capacity, or take upon him or them fuch prac- 9 Geo.2. c. 26. tice, imployment or bufinefs, as aforefaid, take and fubfcribe the fame oaths in one of the faid courts at Westminster, or at the general quarter-feffions of the county, city or place, where he or they fhall refide. oath before III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Perfons in That all and every perfon or perfons, as well peers as com- Scotland to moners, who by virtue of any act or acts made fince the union take the faid of the two kingdoms, were bound to take and subscribe the Dec. 1, 1715. oath of allegiance, fubfcribe the affurance, and to take and fign and fubfcribe the oath of abjuration, for or on account of any office, civil or the affurance military, or any other caufe or occafion, within Scotland, fhall following. on or before the first day of December one thousand seven hun- the church of dred and fifteen, take and fubfcribe the oath of abjuration Scotland faabove-mentioned, and shall take and subscribe the faid oath of voured in reallegiance, and fubfcribe the affurance in the words following, lation to this oath, by videlicet. 5 Minifters of Geo. 1. c. 29. f. 6. The affurance. A. B. do fincerely promife and fwear, That I will be faithful, IA. B. do, in the fincerity of my heart, affert, acknowledge and declare, That his majesty King George is the only lawful and undoubted fovereign of the realm, as well de jure, that is, of right, King, as de facto, that is, in the poffeffion and exercife of the government; and therefore I do fincerely and faithfully promise and engage, That I will, with heart and hand, life and goods, maintain and defend his Majesty's title and government, against the perfon pretended to be prince of Wales, during the life of the late King James, and fince his deceafe, pretending to be, and taking upon himself the Stile and title of King of England, by the name of James the Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or the file and title of King of Great Britain, and his adherents, and all other encmies, who either by open or fecret attempts, shall disturb or disquiet his Majefty in the poffeffion and exercise thereof. And that in fuch courts, and within fuch times limited, before fuch judges, in fuch manner, and to be certified as in and by the feveral acts generally above-mentioned is directed. IV. And whereas certain doubts and fcruples have arisen con6 Ann. c. 23. cerning the fenfe and meaning of the claufe following, contained in an at made in the fixth year of her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act to make further provifion for electing and fummoning fixteen peers of Scotland, to fit in the house of peers in the parliament of Great Britain; and for trying peers for offences committed in Scotland; and for the further regulating of voters in elections of members to ferve in parliament; whereby it is enacted, That every person who shall refufe to take the oath laft therein before recited, or being a quaker, fhall refufe to declare the effect thereof upon his folemn affirmation, as directed by an act of parliament made in the seventh year of the reign of his late majesty King William, intituled, An act that the folemn affirmation and de7 & 8 W. 3. claration of the people called Quakers, thall be accepted instead of an oath in the ufual form, (which oath or declaration, the fheriff, prefident of the meeting, or chief officer taking the poll at any election of members to ferve in the house of commons for any place in Great Britain, or commiffioners for choosing burgesses for any place in Scotland, at the request of any candidate, or other perfon present at fuch election, are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) fhall not be capable of giving any vote for the election of any fuch member to ferve in the house of commons for any place in Great Britain, or commiffioners to choose a burgess for any place in Scotland; on account of which words, fome have pretended to vote in the meetings of free elections in Scotland, at the choofing of the prefident and clerk of the meeting, without taking the oath mentioned in the last recited act, whereby it has happened that rolls of electors have been unduly made up, and wrong returns made: and alfo whereas divers of his C. 34. E Majefty's |