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Object of the
State Board of

Shall have power to make and cause to be enforced, rules and regulations.

To prescribe the text books.

Additional duties and powers of the Board.

May require teachers to

Section 2. The object of the State Board of Education shall be to systematize and harmonize the work in the various free schools of this State, to render said schools more useful and efficient and to raise the standard of instruction and education therein. The said Board shall have power to make, and to cause to be enforced, all such rules and regulations for the conduct of the schools aforesaid, and for the work done and instructions imparted therein, as it shall deem necessary for the attainment of the object aforesaid.

In furtherance and not in limitation of power aforesaid, the said Board shall have power to prescribe the text books to be furnished the schools as hereinafter provided, and to make contracts for the prices at which such books shall be furnished; to regulate the curricula in the schools, to determine when and upon what conditions and under what restrictions the County Superintendents shall issue certificates to teachers or applicants to teach; and to prescribe rules and regulations for the sanitary equipmment and inspection of school buildings and to take such other action as it may deem necessary and expedient to promote the physical and moral welfare of the children of the free schools of this State.

The said State Board shall make investigation of such furnish needed facts and conditions as will give a fuller knowledge of the


May employ

cator or expert.

needs of our schools, and to this end may require teachers and school officers to furnish all needed information concerning the particular schools and school districts in charge of such teachers and school officers; and it may, if

a trained edu- it deem necessary, employ for a limited period a trained educator or educational expert to advise said State Board and to assist it in the performance of its duties.

To hear and determine all appeals.

The said State Board of Education is hereby vested with sole and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine finally all appeals from the several County School Commissions hereinafter created and all appeals of teachers, applicants for Certificates, County Superintendents and members of School Committees and Boards of Education.

State Auditor

and act upon

The rules, regulations and decisions made by the said State Board shall be followed and acted upon by the State sale dito Auditor in settling the accounts of school officers, and by the State Treasurer and Trustee of the School Fund in ions, etc., made by making the apportionment of State appropriations to Board. schools, and the distribution thereof.

and recom

The said State Board shall report and recommend to shall report the Governor and the General Assembly, such legislation mend to the as it deems will promote the cause of Education in this State.


be secretary,

no vote.

of meetings.

two consecu

The State Auditor shall be the Secretary of the said State Auditor State Board but shall have no vote or voice in its proceed-but shall have ings. The said Board shall have such other officers as it deems necessary, define their duties and elect them annually. It shall fix the times of its regular meetings and the manner of calling special meetings. It shall make its shall fix time own by-laws and all regulations deemed necessary to carry on the proper work and affairs of the Board. Absence Absence from from two consecutive meetings of the State Board by any tive meetings may be of its members, except for cause considered good by a ma- deemed a jority of the members at the second consecutive meeting, To be filled by shall be deemed a vacancy which shall be filled by the the Governor. Governor accordingly. Its regular meeting place shall be Regular meetin Dover but it may from time to time hold meetings at be in Dover. other places. It shall have the right to use for its meet-Shall have the ings the office of the State Auditor or such room in the State Auditor's State House and Administration Building as shall not be in use at the time of its meeting


ing place shall

right to use the


The State Treasurer shall out of any moneys in the State Treasurer general fund of the State, pay all bills for the necessary and necessary expenses incurred by the members of the said State Board in the performance of their duties as such members, whenever such bills shall be presented, countersigned by its then president and secretary, and the said State Treasurer shall also pay such other bills incurred by the said State Board of Education for postage, stationery and printing Postage, and for services rendered to the Board, as shall be coun-printing, etc. tersigned as aforesaid."

shall pay bills




Sec. 23, further amended.

Sec. 24, as amended, further amended.

Section 3. That Section 23 of the Act aforesaid be and the same is further amended by striking out the word "He shall make and sign a Certificate to each person passing such examination as hereinafter provided;" in lines thirty-two, thirty-three and thirty-four of page 197 of Volume 21 of the Laws of Delaware and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "He shall deliver a Certificate, signed by himself, to every teacher or applicant to teach, whom he shall find to be entitled to such Certificate, under the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education in relation to the same, such Certificate to be subject to the conditions and restrictions imposed by said State Board;"

Section 4. That Section 24 of the Act aforesaid as amended by Chapter 113 of Volume 22 of the Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of said Section 24 between the words "Section 24" in the first line of said Section and the words "Every teacher in the free public schools of the State" in the fifth line of page 199 of Volume 21 of the Laws of Delaware, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Every person of good moral character who holds an unexpired Certificate of a County School Superintendent issued to him or her under and in conformity with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, shall be qualified to teach in the schools of the County of such Superintendent so long as said Certificate shall continue in force."

Approved March 14, A. D. 1911.



(Sections 1 and 2 of this act were repealed by the pre

ceding chapter, namely, Chaper 94, Volume 26.)

of county


sion is com

Section 3. The supervision of all the free public schools, Supervision including those for colored children, in each of the coun-School Comties of this State, subject to the general supervision and control hereinbefore vested in the State Board of Education, shall be vested in a County School Commission for each County. The said Commission shall be composed of How commisthree members, no more than two of whom shall be of the posed same political party. They shall be appointed by the Gov- Appointment ernor, and hold office for three years, or until their suc-Term cessors are duly qualified; provided, however, that in the appointment of the first set of County School Commissioners under this Act, one member of each of said Commissions shall be appointed for one year, one for two years Arrangement and one for three years, for each county; and provided further, that in the appointment of said first set of said Commissioners for the several counties, not more than two Political comof either the one year members, or the two year members, or three year members, shall be of the same political party.

of terms



In the appointment of said first set of Commissions, the senior member appointed for each county for one year, shall be the senior member during the first year; the member appointed for two years, shall be the senior member the second year: and thereafter the member serving for his third year in the appoinment of any set of said Commissions, shall be the senior member.

Each County School Commission shall hold meetings Meetings of quarterly, during the first week in the months of Septem-missions ber, December, March and June, in each year, in the office Place of the County Treasurer, or some other convenient place, in its respective County. Special meetings may be held Special upon the call of any two members. The first stated meet

County Com


ing of each of the County School Commissions created by First meeting this Act, shall be held on Saturday, the fourth day of June





By-laws and rules

Object of

in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. The senior member of the Commission shall be its President, and the junior member shall be its Secretary. Two members shall constitute a quorum to do business, but one may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is secured.

Before entering upon the duties of his office, each member of said commission shall be sworn or affirmed to well and faithfully discharge the same. The oath or affirmation may be administered by any member. A vacancy in the office of County School Commissioner, caused by death, resignation, removal, disability, or othwise, shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term, provided that such appointee shall be of the same poltical party as he, to fill whose unexpired term, such appointee is chosen. A commission for an unexpired term as aforesaid shall vest in the holder thereof all the powers, and subject him to all the duties which would have devolved on him had he been commissioned at the beginning of said term. Each of said commissions shall have power to make all such by-laws as are or may be necessary for its own government, and to formulate and carry into effect all such rules and regulations as are requisite and proper for the execution of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Act.

Section 4. The object of the County School CommisCounty Com- sion shall be the investigation of the school system through




Assistan ce of

out the County of its jurisdiction, the methods of instruction and discipline employed in the schools, the performance of their several duties by the various school officers and teachers, and the condition of school property. To this end each commission shall have full power and authority to visit all the schools in its County, including incorporated schools, and to observe and question the teachers concerning their method of instruction and discipline; to examine all reports and papers made to or filed with the County Superintendent for its County, and to confer with and aid him concerning the methods and systems which he

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