Imágenes de páginas

Woman's Beauty.

CHICAGO, Aug. 31, 1894.

Some people seem to think that a tonic is only necessary when they have run so low as to have to consult a physician. This is incorrect. I say, every physician says, "Eat well, drink that which is nourishing and energy-giving." I know of nothing which answers this purpose better than Pabst Malt Extract. The "Best" Tonic. Ladies, espe. cially, will find Pabst Malt Extract a splendid tonic to build up their systems, chang ing that weary, tired

feeling to one of energy and activity, giving them
strength, both physical and mental, to bear those
thousand and one exacting household cares.
Sold by Druggists. Secret Books Free. Mention this
paper and address
PAPST, Miwaukee, Wis.


A perfect table water.
Refreshing, invigorating and absolutely pure.
Doctors say: A wonderful Kidney Water.
In bottles-Sparkling or still.
JUJ1U HIRCH & CO., 749 Broadway, N. Y

At the End of Your Journey you will find it a great convenience to go right over to


Fourth Ave., 41st aud 42d Sts., Opposite Grand Central Depot, New York. Central for shopping and theatres. Baggage to and from 42d St. Depot free. Rooms, $1.00 per day and Upwards.

New Books.

The thousands of sons of Harvard and many others interested in college history in this country should read the book by George Birkbeck Hill, D. C. L.. honorary fellow at Pembroke college, Oxford, entitled Harvard College by an Oxonian. The history of Harvard goes back over 250 years, and its progress during that time marks the progress of ideas regarding higher education in this country. The fact that the author is not a graduate of Harvard will not militate against his work. for he has the true college man's spirit as shown in the many amusing incidents and customs described throughout the book; besides his experience enables him to compare student life in this institution with that at Oxford. The more solid portions of the book treat of the growth and development of the col. lege courses, the various bequests to the institution, the college faculty, the library, etc. The chief charm of the book to the general reader, however, will be the details concerning student life. The frontispiece is a portrait of Pres. Charles W. Eliot. (Meɔmi!lan & Co., New York. $2.25.)

No American has carried the art of ora

tory to a higher point than Daniel Webster.
It is asserted with truth of him that his
every utterence- before a jury, in the
United States supreme court, and in the
senate of the United States-was classic in
form and national spirit. This is what gives
his orations an enduring value and makes
them models well worth the study of young
Americans. It is therefore gratifying to see
that his First Bunker Hill Oration has
been issued in Heath's English Classics
series. It has a preface, introduction, and
notes, by A. J. George, A. M., of the New-
ton, Mass., high school. (D. C. Heath &
Co., Boston. 20 cents.)

To be able to know the wild flowers is a
desirable qualification; it is not always that
those who walk among them can do this.
The work done by the publishers of How
to Know the Wild Flowers is worthy of
the highest commendation. It is a moder-
ate sized volume with short descriptions.
There are 156 plates of wild flowers and
these are drawn from nature; the drawings
of Marion Satterlee are both truthful and

artistic. No book hitherto has shown such
faithful illustrations. The first edition
proved, as it ought to be, popular and has
been followed by a revised edition contain-

TEACHERS WANTED ing fifty-two new plates. We cannot too

For Vacation Work $100

a month Last season we engaged over 500 men and women Teachers and Students who averaged more than $100 a month in canvassing for us. We want 1,000 more this season for the grandest and fastest selling book out entitled

By REV. FRANCIS E. CLARK, President of the United
Societies of Christian Endeavor. This is the best
profitable work. It is the king of all subscription

chance to make money ever offered to all who want

much commend the conscientiousness of
book, and foresee it will become, as in-
tended, a guide to many of the wild flowers.
(Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.75.)

[merged small][merged small][graphic]

BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINGS which lasts as long as the skirt and do not deface the shoes.

A set of the "S. H. & M. miniature figures showing the latest Parisian costumes, with Booklet on How to Bind the Dress Skirt, mailed for 10c. in stamps. The S. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box 699, N. Y. "S.H.&M." Dress Stays are the Best.

[blocks in formation]


I can't understand why people complain of hard times, when any woman or man can make from $5 to $10 a day easily. All have heard of the wonderful suc cess of the Climax Dish Washer; yet we are apt to think we can't make money selling it; but anyone can 8478.36 in the last three months, after paying all exmake money, because every family wants one. I made penses and attended to my regular business besides. You don't have to canvass; as soon as people know you have it for sale they send for a Dish Washer. Ad ticulars. Go to work at once, and you will very soon dress the Ciimax Mfg. Co, Columbus, Obio, for parhave a full pocket book and a light heart. I think it a also think it a duty to improve them while we may. duty to inform each other of such opportunities, and Try it at once, and publish your experience so others



may be benefited.

[blocks in formation]

Dialogues, Speakers, for School,

Number seventy-five of the Riverside PLAYSClub and fear or Catalogue free.

Literature series is a double number of 248

pages in which Horace E. Scudder gives a
historical biography of George Washington.
The chief events of this great man's life are
related with that clearness, simplicity, and

books, and outsells them all. 200 superb engravings. force for which Mr. Scudder's style is noted.
Distance is no hindrance, for We Pay
Freight, Give Credit, Premium Copies, Free Outfit. The frontispiece is a portrait of Washing-
and Exclusive Territory. We want to correspond with
every Teacher who desires to turn his vacation to ton. (Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston.
the most profitable account. Send for our terms to
agents, and specimens of the illustrations. Address 30 cents)

A. D. WORTHINGTON & CO., Hartford, Conn'

Buy direct from MANUFACTURER and save all Middlemen's profits.

[blocks in formation]

Literary Notes.

The Messrs Crowell announce a new before you pay for popular edition, with illustrations, of The


You take no risk. logue, giving full description and illustration of our organs


We will send our beautiful cata



T. S. DENISON, Publisher. Chicago.
BY MAIL. Three lessons free


The most practical book on the subject that has yet appeared.

It marks out a graded series of lessons.

It gives efficient directions for making each object.
It tells how the clay should be handled and cared for
It tells about the tools to be used.

It is profusely illustrated.

It is entirely new-just published.

It is the book you have long been looking for.

It is neatly bound in limp cloth covers.

It costs only 27 cents net, including postage.

Narrative of Captain Coignet, Soldier of Hintz's Illustrative Blackboard Sketching.
the Empire.

J. B. Lippincott Company are about
Address us with your ready to issue the memoirs of Gen. James

full address,
P. O. Box No. 696 Washington, N.J.

[blocks in formation]

Are you a teacher, and

Have you ever needed to illustrate some point of a lesson on the blackboard and not been able to do so because you could not draw?

If so, this is the book you want.

It will show you how anyone can learn rapid blackboard sketching.

The ability to do this is one of the most valuable possessions of any teacher. It enables her to interest and hold the attention of her pupils.

It contains many illustrations and is nicely printed and bound.

Price, 30 cts.; to teachers, 24 cts.; postage, 3 cts. E. L. KELLOGG & CO., New York.

Publishers' Notes.

How is that new school building getting along? What provision has been made for teaching physics and chemistry? If no arrangements have yet been made for a laboratory write to Eimer & Amend, 205 Third avenue, N. Y., and they will aid in fitting it up. Glass and metal apparatus, special, are made to order, according to drawings. Glass blowing and engraving are done on the premises.

Commencement day is very near at hand, and in hundreds of schools the children will be made happy with diplomas. Of course the teachers all desire to give them something as pretty and appropriate as their means will allow. The Ames & Rollinson Co., 202 Broadway, N. Y., furnish them as plain as you please as ornate as you please, but always chaste, artistic, and correct. Special designs are made to order in a few days.

An examination of the Silurian Water of the Silurian Mineral Springs Co., Weukesha, Wis., shows that it possesses some remarkable properties. It contains chloride of sodium, sulphate of sodium, bi-carbonate of sodium, carbonate of calcium, carbonate of magnesiam, carbonate of iron, phosphate of iron, phosphate of manganese, alumina, sillca, carbonic acid gas, and only a trace (one part in 100,000,000 of organic nitrogen) organic matter. The water of Lake Michigan yields fourteen times as much organic nitrogen. Bacteriologically, the water is also of great purity, as shown by a num ber of examinations. The average results of the several tests indicate the presence of only two bacteria to the cubic centimeter, a cubic centimeter being about fifteen drops. This water is being used very much in families. Full information may be obtained by addressing Julius Hirsch & Co., sole agents, 749 Broadway, N. Y.

The Magic Touch

Of Hood's Sarsaparilla. You smile at the idea. But if you suffer from Dyspepsia

And Indigestion, try a bottle, and before you have taken half a dozen doses, you will involuntarily think, and no doubt exclaim,

"That Just Hits It!"

"That soothing effect is a magic
touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently
tones and strengthens the stomach
and digestive organs, invigorates the
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, and
in short, raises the health tone of the
entire system. Remember



Take Hood's Pills for Sick Headache.

Dr. T. Felix Gouraud's

For the meeting of the National EducaOn April 29 the Michigan Central Rail- tional Association at Denver, Colo., in July, road moved its offices from Exchange street, next, the Western trunk lines have named a Buffalo, to 219 Main street, in the Briggs rate of one standard fare, plus two dollars Building. The ticket offices will continue for the round trip. Variable routes will be A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. in charge of their popular and gentlemanly permitted. Special side trips at reduced Eastern Passenger Agent, W. H. Under-rates will be arranged for from Denver to ORIENTAL CREAM, MAGICALBEAUTIFIER, wood. They are on the ground floor and all the principal points of interest throughhandsomely finished and well adapted to the largely increased business of the company, while the location is a most convenient one in the heart of the business center. On the third floor of the same building will also be the offices of the Michigan Central's freight department, Mr. John Crampton, general Eastern freight agent, and of the Blue Line and Canada Southern lines, operating over the Michigan Central.

[blocks in formation]

The summer Latin school of Drake university, Des Moines, Ia. (fifth annual session). will be held from June 24 to Aug. 23. The length of the term and the concentration of attention on a single subject enable the students to make great progress. Address C. O. Denny, professor of Latin.

Teachers who intend to attend the National Educational Convention at Denver would do well, before selecting their routes to write to any of the representatives of the Missouri Pacific railway (whose addresses are given in an advertisement in another column) for a copy of the recent publication,

out Colorado, and those desiring to extend
the trip to California, Oregon, and Wash-
ington, will be accommodated at satisfac-
tory rates. Teachers and others that desire,
or intend attending this meeting or of mak-
ing a Western trip this summer, will find
this their opportunity. The Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul Railway (first-class in
every respect) will run through cars Chica-
go to Denver. For full particulars, write to
or call on Geo. H. Heafford, General Pas-
senger and Ticket Agent, Chicago, Ill.

It is probably not generally known that
Gen. Grant lived upon Bovinine during the
last four months of his life. This prepara-
tion is not a medicine, but a food, and the
weakest stomach will retain it. Surgeon-
General Murray used it successfully for ner
vous dyspepsia in his own family, Puny
and feeble infants and children grow plump
and rosy on this food. It has been found
useful in cases of alcohol and opium habit.
Ail druggists keep it.

Literary Notes.

The latest success of the Lordon literary season seems to be The Gods, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickenham, the new novel by John Oliver Hobbes. G. W. Smalley devotes much space to this novel in a recent cable dispatch, and he declares that the author has secured permanent fame.

Eureka Students and Other Poems, is



No other

metic will do.

Removes Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Moth-Patches, Rash and Skin Diseases, and every blemish on beauty; and defies detection. On its virtues it has stood the test of 46 years-no other has-and is so harmless we test

it to be sure it is properly made. Accep no counterfeit of similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A. Sayer, said to a lady of the hautton (a pa tlent): "As you


lades will use them, I recommend 'Gouraud's Cream bottle will last six months using it every day. Also Poudre Subtile removes superfinous hair without in

as the least harmless of all sk preparations." One

jury to the skin.

FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St., N. Y.
For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers
Also found in N. Y. City at R. H. Macy's, Stern's,

throughout the U. S., Canada and Europe.
Ebrich's, Ridley's, and other Fancy Goods Dealers.

Beware of base imitations. $1,000 Reward for

arrest and proof of any one selling the same.


Is absorbed into the circulation almost in

"St. Louis Through a Camera," which will the title of a volume of poems by Edwardstantly. Beef teas and

be mailed free on application.

Doyle, editor of the Uptown Visitor, 2088 broths contain no nour

Lexington avenue, N. Y. In speaking of a
former collection of poems The Independ-

Beecham's pills are for bilious- ent said; "If one did not know that he is ishment whatever.

ness, bilious headache, dyspep- contrasts, lapses, limitations and peculiarity
dyspep-blind, one would be amazed at the strange
sia, heartburn, torpid liver, diz- of Mr. Doyle's work. Taking this misfor-
tune into consideration, the conclusion is
forced at once that here is a talent of high
and remembering the light.""
order working its way through the dark,

ziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sallow skin, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.

Go by the book. Pills 10c. and 25c. a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal Street, New York.

Annual sales more than 6,000,000 boxes.

Hygiene and Physical Culture for Women, by Dr. Anna M. Galbraith, is published by Dodd, Mead & Co.

Pleasure Cycling, by Henry Clyde, is an
illustrated volume attractively produced by
Little, Brown & Co., Boston, and The Cause
of Hard Times, an essay by Uriel H.
Crocker, is from the same publishers.

The Best is Pond's Extract, because it is the
strongest, purest, and most uniform article made.
Note bottles with buff wrappers.


Medical College and Hospital


The thirty-sixth annual course of lectures in this institution will commence September 10, 1896. New college building. Well equipped laboratories. Experienced teachers. Low fees. Equality in sex. New Hospital of 225 beds now open. Send for announcement. JAS. B. COBB, M. D., 8156 Indiana Ave., Chicago.



A new class organized every September.
Eva B. Whitmore, Anna E. Bryan, Margaret W.
Morley, Mari Rurf Hofer.
For further information address Chicago Free Kin-
dergarten Association.


Armour Ave. and 33d Street, Chicago.

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clean are com

other feature of the number is a group of fortable.

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three educational articles. These are Rational Correlation of School Studies," by Dr. J. M. Rice; "An American Educational System in Fact," by E. P. Powell, which is an explanation of the advantages of state control of universities; and a thorough examination of the management of their finances by our universities and colleges, by Pres. Charles F. Thwing. of the Western Reserve university.

The June Atlantic contains installments of the two leading serials by Mrs. Ward and Gilbert Parker, also a short story of frontier garrison life by Ellen Mackubin entitled "Rosita." Lafcardio Hearn contributes a delightful paper entitled "In the Twilight of the Gods," which, with Mary Stockton

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Do you like a Oup of GOOD TEA?

If so, send this advertisement and 15

cents in stamps and we will send you alb. sample of the best T imported. Any kind you may select.



Are the old dishes chipped and cracked, and unsuited to setting off a spotless table-cloth? We will replenish it FREE.

Why drink poor Teas and Coffees, and ruin your health, when you can get the best at cargo prices? PREMIUMS for all-Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Banquet and Hanging Lamps, Watches, Clocks, Music Boxes, Cook Books, Watch-Clocks, Chenile Table Covers, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Knives and Forks, Tumblers, Goblets, given to Club Agents.

GOOD INCOMES made by getting

orders for our celebrated Teas, Coffees, Baking Powder and Spices. Work for all. 3% lbs. of Fine Teas by mail or express for $2.00; charges paid. Headquarters in U. S. for Pure Teas, Coffees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices.

Beautiful Panel (size 14x28 inches) FREE to all Patrons. For full particulars, address

The Great American Tea Co.,

31 & 33 Vesey Street, P. O. Box 289. NEW YORK.

Hunter's poem, "A Japanese Sword Song, The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.,


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gives this issue a distinct flavor of the OriPercival Lowell continues his readable papers upon Mars. Other important features are Reminiscences of Christina Rossetti," by William Sharp, the completion of "A Week on Walden's Rridge," by Bradford Torrey, and "Vocal Culture in its Relation to Literary Culture," by Hiram Corson.

A notable article entitled "The Discovery of Glacier Bay," in The Century for June is the record which that magazine has induced John Muir to make of his discovery of the great Alaska glaciers. It seems strange considering the present accessibility of this region, that it was not until the latter part of 1879 that these glaciers were known to civilization. The largest of them and the largest glacier in the world, bears the name of its discoverer. Mr. Muir's narrative has all his characteristic picturesqueness and feeling for nature, and contains a description of a morning scene on the Muir Glacier which is a remarkable piece of descriptive literature. The article is illustrated by an engraving of Thomas Hill's painting of the Muir Glacier made for the explorer and by drawings by John A. Fraser after sketches made by Mr. Muir in the course of his tireless investigation of this wonderful region.

During the Teething Period. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over FIFTY YEARS bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.

[blocks in formation]

Assets $15,653,366.60.

H. M. PHILLIPS, Secretary.


JANUARY 1, 1895.
Liabilities, $14,509,694.31. Surplus, $1,143,672.29.

If you will write your name, date of birth, and address, in the blank form below, and send it to the above address, we will take pleasure in showing you. not an 64 ESTIMATE but a "STATEMENT" showing the exact values in cash and paid up insurance which would appear in a Policy issued at your age. was born on the My Name is ..

Address is.

Study LAW



BY MAIL We prepare students for

the Bar. Course in Business Law for business men. Thorough and system. atic, best text-books and able teachers. Postal brings handsome catalogue and testimonials from practicing lawyers.

day of..

Sprague Correspondence School of Law, No. 46 Telephone Bdg. DETROIT, MICH, the year.




It contains fifty different colored plates of the human body, one-third life-size. Every organ in proper position over the next. Plates printed on cloth and durably mounted on heavy binders' Loard, and bound in cloth. Fifty thousand manikins have been sold for trom $25 to $60 each. This one thougn smaller answers the same purwhen communicating with advertisers Special price to subscribers, $4, postpaid, securely tioning THE SCHOOL JOURNAL packed, complete with manual E. L. KELLOGG & CO., New York and Chicago

READERS will confer a favor by mr Spec It is just right for the student. Price, $5.

[blocks in formation]



By CHARLES DE GARMO, Ph.D., President of Swarthmore College. 268 pages. $1.00. net. (Great Educators Series.)


Just at this time no subject is attracting the attention of educators so much as the Report of the Committee of Fifteen at the Cleveland meeting, Department of Superintendence. The subject of this book was also the subject of chief interest there, and its author, Dr. DeGarmo, was a conspicuous leader in the discussion. The book is a careful exposition of the Herbartian Theory of Education as expressed by Herbart himself and developed by Ziller, Stoy, Frick, Rein, and the American school.

Sent postpaid at the given price. Write for a complete circular of the Series.

Alison's History of Europe



I vol. Cloth. Illus. Price, $2.00 ALISON'S HISTORY is the standard authorlty on the era of Napoleon and as such holds a conspicuous place in all public and private collections. In its original form it consists of eight or ten volumes which placed it beyond the reach of the average reader. Mr. Gould's abridgment brings the entire work into one volume and is commended by eminent scholars as judicious and fitting and particularly suited to the wants of students and young people. In its present form it is worthy of a place in every library For sale by booksellers or sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of price by the publishers.



The Committee of the Whole.



By Mail or
Prepaid Express


By GORDON A. SOUTHWORTH, Superintendent of Schools, Somerville, Mass.
Book I. is now ready. Book II. is in the hands of the printers and will soon be out.

Neither the Committee of Ten nor the Committee of Fifteen had had the privilege of reviewing these books before making their reports.

The above Committee are earnestly invited to confer with us in regard to them, either personally or by letter.

LEACH, SHEWELL & SANBORN, New York, Boston, Chicago.

of all publishers to anybody, anywhere!

Singly or by dozens

New and secocd-hand


4 Cooper Institute, New York City
Brand new, complete catalogue, free,
if you mention this ad.


are our Specialty. A topically arranged General Library List of the Standard Books of all Publishers mailed on application. Estimates on submitted lists promptly furnished.

THE BAKEN & TAYLOR CO., Wholesale Book Dealers, 5 and 7 East Sixteenth Street, NEW YORK.


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The touch is lightest,
The speed is greatest,
The work is finest

[merged small][merged small][graphic]

This Series of French Texts is intended principally for beginners, although it will contain some volumes suitable for students who have attained some proficiency in reading. Each volume is carefully edited, by an experienced teacher, with notes or vocabulary, or both, as the case may be. The type is large and clear, and the volumes are tastefully bound.

Specimen copies sent by mail on receipt of the price.

MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO., Publishers, 43, 45, and 47 E. Tenth St., N. Y.

H. I. SMITH, Agt., 5 Somerset St., Boston. J. D. WILLIAMS, Agt., 151 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
Charles De Silver & Sons, No. (G) 1102 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
Publishers of Hamilton, Locke & Clark's "INTERLINEAR CLASSICS"

"We do amiss to spend seven or eight years merely scraping together so much miserable Latin and
Greek as might be learned otherwise easily and delightfully in one year."-MILTON.
Virgil, Caesar, Horace, Cicero, Sallust, Ovid, Juvenal, Livy, Homer's Iliad, Gospel of St. John, and
Xenophon's Anabasis, each to teachers for examination, $1.60.
Clark's Practical and Progressive Latin Grammar; adapted to the interlinear Series of classics, and
to all other systems. Price to teachers for examination, $1.00.

Sargent's Standard Speakers, Frost's American Speaker, Pinnock's School Histories, Lord's School His ories, Manesca's French Series, etc.

Sample pages of our Interlinears free. Send for terms and new catalogue of all our publications.

Aids for Teaching Art and History.


The only typewriter ever invented that is a true machine-and produces automatically typewritten work of the highest class.

Write to us for a specimen of HAMMOND" work.

The Prang Educational Company are now publishing a series of THE HAMMOND reproductions of fine photographs of famous buildings and monuments TYPEWRITER CO., as aids for teaching Art and History.

These reproductions are about 20x28 inches in size, of the same color as the original photographs, and do not fade on exposure to light. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR EACH.

An illustrated circular showing the subjects thus far published, will be mailed on appli

cation to

[blocks in formation]

403-405 East 62nd St., New York City


Benches, Tools & Supplies
Lowest Prices. Headquarters. Send for Catalogue.
Special discount for Schools and Classes.

Chandler & Barber, 15-17 Ellot St.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The Classics-Newest Text Books


[ocr errors]

By R. Arrowsmith, late Professor of Greek and Latin. Teachers College, N. Y..
and G. M. Whicher, Packer Institute. Cloth. Illustrated.
"This book cannot fail to find a cordial welcome among Latin
teachers. We shall be glad to accept it as a full equivalent for our en-
trance requirements in Caesar."-WILLIAM H. HOUGHTON, Professor
of Latin, Bowdoin College.

ROMAN LIFE in Latin Prose and Verse

By H. T. Peck, Columbia, and R. Arrowsmith, Late of Teachers College. Cloth.
Beautifully illustrated

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$1.50 The great merit of a work like this is that instead of repelling it is sure to make the study of Latin more attractive to all young students, while stimulating the more ambitious among them to a desire to read more widely.”—-The Nation.

Edited by Frank Ernest Rockwood, Professor of Latin, Bucknell University.

90 cents

“Notable for its double notes, the scope of its introductions, and the convenience of its arrangement, Rockwood's De Senectute seems to me to be the best edition of this single work now in the American market."—KARL P. HARRINGTON, University of North Carolina. HARKNESS'S LATIN TEXTS

The presence, in Dr. Harkness's Latin texts, of those subtle qualities which cause school books to "wear well" is abundantly evidenced in the steadily growing popularity of these books. Dr. Harkness writes: Providence, May 18, 1895.

"The sales of my Latin Grammar and of my Series as a whole
have been larger during the last three years than during any three
successive years since they came from the press, and of these three
years the sales have been larger during the last year than during
either of the other two."



[blocks in formation]


61 East Ninth St., New York. 262 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

VASSAR COLLEGE, Oct. 6, 1894.

[blocks in formation]

I am in receipt of your favor of Sept. 12th, and also of the third edition of GILDERSLEEVE'S LATIN GRAMMAR revised by Lodge. I heartily welcome so valuable an addition to the standard authorities of Latin work in schools and colleges. Even a hasty examination of it shows that, while it has retained all the excellences of the older work, it possesses special features of its own; e. g., the more accurate reference of examples and the index for the syntax of individual authors. While freely adopting the historical method which recent investigations in Latin Syntax have rendered possible, the work at the same time shows a wise conservatism. It is a great misfortune for young students to be compelled to change their authorities. The great value of this Grammar lies in the fact that a student can begin Latin with it and yet find it invaluable in college work. A Latin Grammar that quotes from fifty authors, covering the literature from Nævius to Gellius and Apuleius, may fairly be considered a grammar of the Latin language.

[blocks in formation]

Correspondence concerning our various publications is cord1.12 ially invited.



Portland, Ore.


43-47 E. Tenth Street, New York.

I shall stay him no longer

Than to wish, that if he be

An honest Angler, the east wind

May never blow when he goes a fishing.

Don't fail to provide yourselves with




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