18. By the war, the United States debt was increased To which add the debt, owing in 1812, of 1815. The amount of debt was $80,000,000 45,000,000 $125,000,000 1816. The tariff was revised, a national bank established, and a course of policy entered upon by the government, having in view the support of the government, the payment of the interest of the national debt, and its subsequent liquidation. 1823. The national debt was $91,000,000. 1824. The tariff was again revised. 1828. The tariff was again revised. 1832. The tariff was again revised, and important alterations made in it. Prior to this date, the duties on imports were payable at 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 18 months. By this law, the duty on woollens, and all sums under two hundred dollars, were made cash. On sums over two hundred dollars, three and six months' credit only was allowed. This law went into operation in 1833, from and after the 3d of March. 1833. The removal of the deposits took place. Kendall's letter to the state banks, dated in August. 1834. In May, the money for the payment of the national debt was placed in the United States Bank. 1834. The law changing the standard value of gold went into operation July 1. 1834. The withdrawal of small bills from circulation was directed in many of the states. In December, 1834, the amount in New York was $3,730,902. This was, by a law of the legislature, ordered withdrawn in nine months. 1835. In December was the great fire in New York, and loss of insurance stock. '34, '35, and '36, excessive importations of specie took place. 1836. The final withdrawal of the United States Bank branches from the states took place, and the distribution of the public revenue. 1836. The specie circular was issued. 1837. There was a deficiency of bread stuffs, and the suspension of specie payments by the banks took place. 1838. The extension of duty on imports, to 6, 9, and 12 months, was directed by government. 1839. The law of 1833, making months, was again in operation. the duties cash, and 3 and 6 Prior to 1833, the credit given by government on importations of salt was nine months. Importations of wine, 12 months. On other imports: - from the East Indies, 8, 10, and 18 months. From round Cape Horn, 8, 10, and 18 months. From the West Indies, 6 and 9 months. From Europe, 8, 10, and 12 months. Prices Current, exhibiting a Comparative View of the Relative Value of Bank Notes in 1816 and in 1829, Norfolk. 1816. 1829. 1816. 1829. 1816. 1829. 1816. 1829. 1816. 1829. 1816. 1829. 1816. July 1. Dec. 5. July 1. Dec. 5. July 1. Dec. 5. July 1. Dec. 5. July 1. Dec. 5. July 1. Dec. 5. July 1. 1829. Dec. 5. par. dis. at various Places. Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Richmond. SPANISH DOLLARS, par. adv. 18 adv par@18 adv... 20 @ 22 9 @ 10 adv. par. adv. par. AMERICAN DOLLARS, par. par. 17 adv. par. do. par. do. GOLD,...... 17 adv. 44 adv. BOSTON NOTES, 7 adv. par. 17 adv. par. 12 @ 14 20 @ 22 adv. dis. 8 adv. NEW YORK NOTES, PHILADELPHIA NOTES, 7@8dis.@ 9 adv. par. 8 @9 adv. par. adv. adv. par. 5 adv. par. 17 dis. par. 2 adv.... 6@7 adv. par. 4 dis. par. PENNSYLVANIA NOTES, 11 dis. par. 6 @ 7 par. par. BALTIMORE NOTES,.... dis. par. 19@20dis.@20@21 dis.@ dis. 4 dis. par. 2 adv. par. 7@9 par. MARYLAND NOTES,.... 10 dis. dis. VIRGINIA NOTES, 13 dis. 1 dis. 4 adv. adv. dis. par. par. DIS. OF COLUM. NOTES, 21@22 dis.@ 7 dis. dis. dis. par. 9@10 1 dis. N. CAROLINA NOTES,.. 13 dis. 1 dis. 4 adv. 2 dis. par@par@ 1 3 dis. dis. 5 dis. 1@1 10 @ 12 S. CAROLINA NOTES,.. 7@8 dis. 1 dis. 6 adv. 11⁄2 dis. adv. do. do. 2@2 do. dis. GEORGIA NOTES,...... do. 1 dis. do. do. do. GOLD,....... GEORGIA NOTES,...... SPANISH DOLLARS, 12 @ 15 adv. par. 18 @ 25 adv. par. 6 @ 8 AMERICAN DOLLARS, adv. par. 10 adv. par. BOSTON NOTES,.. 8 adv. par. par. 2 adv. par. 5 @9 NEW YORK NOTES, 2 adv. par. dis. 11⁄2 dis. 4 adv. par. 2 adv. par. 5@6 PHILADELPHIA NOTES, dis. par. do. 3 adv. par. 2 adv. par. 10 adv. par. PENNSYLVANIA NOTES, do. 11⁄2 dis. 8@9 BALTIMORE NOTES,.... dis. par. do. par. 9 adv. par. MARYLAND NOTES,.... do. 11⁄2 dis. VIRGINIA NOTES, do. dis. 4 adv. 1 dis. DIS. OF COLUM. NOTES, do. N. CAROLINA NOTES,.. 3 dis. 4 adv. S. CAROLINA NOTES,.. par@ adv. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. SAMUEL ADAMS. THE memories of few men will perhaps be cherished, by their posterity, with a more jealous and grateful admiration than those of the patriotic individuals who first signed the political independence of our country. They hazarded by the deed not only their lands and possessions, but their personal freedom and their lives; and when it is considered that most of them were in the vigor of existence, gifted with considerable fortunes, and with all the offices and emoluments at the disposal of royalty within their reach, the sacrifice which they risked appears magnified, and their disinterested patriotism more worthy of remembrance. Although many of them can rest their sole claim to lasting distinction upon the one great act with which they were adventitiously connected, still their lives present a valuable transcript of the times in which they lived, and afford examples of inflexible honesty, heroic decision, and noble energy of mind, quite as interesting as any records of the eccentricities of genius, or the grasping efforts of ambition. This Not one of the least ardent and uncompromising assertors of the rights and liberties of his country, was the subject of our present sketch SAMUEL ADAMS. gentleman, descended from a respectable family, which emigrated to America with the first settlers of the land, was born at Quincy, in Massachusetts, September 22d, 1722. In 1736, he became a member of Harvard College, and took his degree of master in 1743. On this latter occasion, he proposed the following question, in which he maintained the affirmative: "Whether it be lawful to resist the supreme magistrate, if the commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved." On quitting the university, he commenced the study of the law; but soon afterwards, at the request of his mother, became a clerk in the counting-house of Thomas Cushing, at that time an eminent merchant. The genius of Adams was not suited to commercial pursuits. His devotion to politics, and his interest in the welfare of his country, diverted his attention from his own business concerns; and he retired from his mercantile connections poorer by far than when he entered into them. In 1763, when a committee was appointed by the people of Boston to remonstrate against the taxation of the colonies by the British ministry, the instructions of that committee were drawn by Mr. Adams, and gave a powerful proof of his ability and zeal. He soon became an influential leader in the popular assemblies, and was bold in denouncing the oppressive acts of the mother country. In 1765, he was chosen a representative to the General Court of the state, from the town of Boston. Here he soon made himself conspicuous, and became clerk of the legislative body. About this time, he was the author of several spirited essays, and plans of resistance to the exactions of the British ministry. He suggested the first Congress at New York, which was a step to the establishment of a Continental Congress, ten years after. In 1770, two regiments of troops were quartered in the town of Boston, apparently to superintend the conduct of the inhabitants. This measure roused the public indignation to the utmost, and soon gave occasion to a quarrel between a party of soldiers and citizens, in which eleven of the latter were killed or wounded by a guard under the command of Captain Preston. This rencontre, which is well known under the name of the "Boston Massacre," and will long remain memorable as the first instance of bloodshed between the British and Americans, did not tend to allay the excitement caused by the presence of the troops. On the following morning, a meeting of the citizens was called, and Samuel Adams first rose to address the assembly. His style of eloquence was bold and impressive, and few could exercise a more absolute control over the passions of a multitude. A committee, of which he was one, was chosen to wait upon Governor |