OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC PASSED IN THE Sixty-second year of the Reign of Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA AND IN THE SECOND SESSION OF THE NINTH LEGISLATURE BEGUN AND HOLDEN, AT QUEBEC, ON THE TWELFTH DAY OF JANUARY, AND CLOSED BY PRINTED BY CHARLES PAGEAU PRINTER TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY ANNO DOMINI, 1899 ANNO SEXAGESIMO SECUNDO VICTORIE REGINE CAP. I An Act granting to Her Majesty the moneys required for the expenses of the Government for the financial years ending on the 30th June, 1899, and on the 30th June, 1900, and for other purposes connected with the public service MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN, [Assented to 19th March, 1899]. 19RARY WHEREAS, it appears by messages from the Honourable Preamble. Louis Amable Jetté, Lieutenant-Governor of this Prov ince, and the estimates accompanying the same, that the sums hereinafter mentioned are required to defray certain expenses of the Government of the Province, not otherwise. provided for, for the financial years ending on the 30th June, 1899, and on the 30th June, 1900, and for other purposes connected with the public service; May it, therefore, please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted, by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, that: 1. From and out of the consolidated revenue fund of this $67,136.99 Province, there shall and may be taken a sum, not exceeding may be taken for the year in the whole sixty-seven thousand, one hundred and thirty- ending 30th six dollars and ninety-nine cents, for defraying the charges June, 1899, and expenses of the Government and public service of the out of consolProvince, for the financial year ending on the 30th June, nue fund, for 1899, as set forth in Schedule A, annexed to this act. idated reve purposes mentioned in Schedule A $1,967,684.78 for the year 2. From and out of the consolidated revenue fund of this may be taken Province, a sum, not exceeding in the whole one million, ending 30th nine hundred and sixty-seven thousand, six hundred and June, 1900, eighty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents, may be taken for defraying, during the financial year ending on the 30th nae fund, for June, 1900, the charges and expenses of the Government and purposes public service of the Province, as set forth in Schedule B, mentioned in' Schedule B. annexed to this act. out of consol idated reve Payments to 3. Every payment or application of moneys, appropribe made sub- ated by this act, shall be held to be made provisionally, and subject to all adjustment in account hereafter, in respect of the Dominion and of the Province of Ontario, and of special the Dominion funds, which this act may in any manner affect. ject to settlement of accounts with and Ontario, Accounts to 4. Accounts, in detail, of all moneys expended under the be rendered to authority of this act, shall be laid before both Houses of the Legislature of the Province, at the next session thereof. ნაth_Houses of the Legis lature. Moneys ex pended to be 5. The application of all sums expended under the auaccounted for thority of this act shall also be accounted for to Her Majesty. to Her Ma jesty. Coming into force. 6. This act shall come into force on the day of the sanction thereof. |