LONDON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1867. CONTENTS.-N° 302. NOTES:- Coleridge at Rome in 1806, 281-Leonine and Alexandrine Verses: why so called, Ib. - Henry Purcell: the Chapel Royal - The Literary Institutions, Libraries, and Newspaper Press of Brazil -Tennysoniana - Warrant for Searching the Houses of Disaffected Persons in the County of Surrey, &c. - Prime: Offal: Freer: Scar-Duke of Roxburgh - Dreams in the New Testament, and a Statement of Bengel - Inscription, 282. QUERIES:- Registrum Sacrum Americanum, 284-American Navigation Laws - Bedeguar Robert Byng Church-door Proclamations "The Constant Lover's Garland:" E. Ford-Excellency - John Eycke, 1630Inscription in Melrose Churchyard - The "Joco-Serin" of Melander-Old London Bridge-"Les Misérables:" Bishop of D... - Oldham's Poems-Richardson of Rich Hill-The Soldier who pierced Christ-Sylla, a Sufferer from the Gout, 284. QUERIES WITH ANSWERS: - Waterloo - Sir Anthony Ashley and Cabbages - The Bayonet - Druidic Circle at Addington - Daniel Webster - Registrum Sacrum Hibernicum - Flashing Signal Lamps, 286. REPLIES: - Homeric Traditions and Language, 288 Shenstone and the Leasowes, Ib. - Theobald Wolfe Tone, 289-Henry Peacham - Bishop Taylor's Works - Michael Mohun - Christian Names - Prior's Poems George Pickering - Lord Raby's Dragoons, &c. - Oath of Bread and Salt-Family of Fisher, Roxburghshire - Raypon Reginald Peacock, Bishop of Chichester - Unknown Object in Yaxley Church-Baptising Boys before Girls Style of Reverend, &c. - Snowdon Castle - Smith Queries Source of Quotations wanted - Farran Family - Mottoes of Orders-Vent, 290. Notes on Books, &c. Notes. COLERIDGE AT ROME IN 1806. In the charming letters of Gottlieb Schick, the German painter (1779-1812), there is an allusion which, I think, refers to Coleridge's life and way of living at Rome. Schick, whom the Germans cannot sufficiently thank for his ennobling and purifying influence on the German school of painting, writes from Rome to his relations at Stuttgart (July 5, 1806) : "I do not remember whether I have told you that an Englishman had come to lodge with Wallis for a few months. This gentleman was very poorly; he slept mostly during the day, and was awake during the whole night. He was the cause that the whole house got out of its proper every-day order, and I did not dine on that account at Wallis', as this Englishman (who, however, is a celebrated poet and scholar) made me lose too much of my time." (Beiträge aus Würtemberg, von Professor Dr. Ad. Haakh, Stuttgart, 1863, p. 206.) The Wallis here referred to was the English landscape-painter, George Augustus Wallis (17651846), who, though a clever painter, became, in the latter part of his life, more celebrated as a picture-dealer. He eventually became the fatherin-law of Gottlieb Schick; and as most of the artists and authors with whom Coleridge became acquainted when at Rome were friends of Schick's and frequented Wallis's house, I think it more than probable that it is Coleridge who was staying with Wallis. In the very pleasant Biographical Memoir of Coleridge, written by Ferdinand Freiligrath (who employed the best sources) for the Tauchnitz edition of Coleridge's Poems, we read that when at Rome "He made the acquaintance of Ludwig Tieck, was painted by Washington Allston, and had to thank Wilhelm von Humboldt for a warning which enabled him to escape from the snares of Bonaparte." (Memoir, p. xv.) Ludwig Tieck, Washington Allston, Wilhelm von Humboldt, were very dear and intimate friends of Schick; also the distinguished art-critic Cavaliere M.A. Migliarini, of whom we read in the ArtJournal (S. H. January, 1863), that, "Between the years 1805-8, chance made him acquainted with the poet Coleridge, with whom he soon formed an intimate friendship. Coleridge had come from Malta to Rome, where he and Migliarini passed many evenings together in delightful conversation-Coleridge explaining Shakespeare, and Migliarini reciting and commenting on Dante, of whose merits the English poet was a competent judge, being well acquainted with the Italian language. Their evening entertainments were varied by philosophical discussions, when Coleridge found a respectful listener in Migliarini." It is also probable that Coleridge employed his pen in favour of some of Schick's pictures; for in another letter, dated July 26, 1806, the latter says: "I am already somewhat known in England, for several English journals have spoken of me. I have seen two of them at Wallis' myself." (Beiträge, &c., p. 212.) Did Coleridge write these critiques, and for the Morning Post? It seems Coleridge commenced his "Political Papers" in that journal in 1797, joining "the badly-paid staff on his return from Germany, November, 1799" (see Walter Thornbury's Haunted London, 1865, pp. 177, 178), and it is possible that those critiques were written by him, not only because Schick at that time meditated upon visiting England, but because he must have been charmed with the young painter's productions. HERMANN KINDT. 344, Stretford Road, Manchester. Such verses abound in mediæval times, and one is naturally anxious to know whence they derived their name. As to this point, there is a passage in Massieu's Histoire de la poesie Françoise (Paris, 1739), which is worth attention, and of which I here give a translation: "We read that a certain Leonius or Leoninus, a canon, first of St. Benedict, afterwards of St. Victor, who had composed ten books in verse on the subject of Sacred History, and many other pieces which manifested genius, and sometimes even sallies and felicitous boldnesses (saillies et des hardiesses heureuses), gave up this kind of poetry which he abandoned by everyone, order to take up with another to which everyone was hurrying; and, accordingly, he became one of the most determined rimers (rimeurs) in Latin who have ever lived," &c.P. 86. On p. 88 we find respecting the origin of the word Leonine-the following: " I remark, in two words, that there have been three different opinions on this point. Some suppose that they were so called from Pope Leo the Second, from the false persuasion that this pope was the inventor of rime. Others say that our ancestors, in their simplicity, named them Leonines, from the word Lion; fancying that, as this animal surpasses all others in courage and strength, so verses bristling with rimes had also a something them that was more masculine and vigorous than others. But the majority believe that these verses owe their name to the famous Leonius or Leoninus, of whom we have just spoken; who, of all the authors of his age, composed the best lines, and who contributed most towards bringing them into vogue. The last opinion is probably the correct one." As regards Alexandrine verses, he gives the following opinion at p. 111: "It is commonly held that the authors of the Romance of Alexander were contemporaries of Maître Eustache.** .. It is certain that they wrote under Louis le Jeune, or under Philippe Auguste. There were four who laboured at this work, consecrated to the glory of the famous King of Macedon, whose name it bears. Lambert le Court and Alexandre de Paris sang his exploits; Pierre de Saint Clost versified his 'Testament'; and Jean de Nivelois wrote a book on the manner in which his death was avenged. Till then, in former romances, only the verse of eight syllables had been used, but in this they employed one of twelve syllables as being more majestic, and moving with more display and more pomp. And hence are such verses named Alexandrine, either from Alexander, the hero of the poems, or from Alexandre de Paris, the most celebrated of the four poets who employed themselves upon this work." Cambridge. WALTER W. SKEAT. HENRY PURCELL: THE CHAPEL ROYAL. - In a volume entitled "Westminster: Memorials of the City, St. Peter's College, the Parish Churches, Palaces, Streets, and Worthies, by the Rev. Mackenzie E. C. Walcott," occur the following passages, which I extract: 1. "At the coronation of King Charles II. we find in the roll of musicians of the chapel - Cook, Henry Lawes, * He wrote the romance of Le Brut in 1155. Christopher Gibbons, Lowe, and Thomas Purcell, and that Henry of whom it was said that he was 'gone to that blessed place where only his harmony could be exceeded."" 2. "King Charles [the Second] introduced a band of twenty-four violins with violas and bases, instead of the grave tones of the majestic organs, into the service of the chapel. Tom D'Urfey made his song upon the innovation, Four-and-Twenty Fiddlers all in a Row.' The king withdrew his new music." In the first extract Mr. Walcott has made a slight mistake by confounding the father with the son. The Henry Purcell was born in 1658, consequently he was about two years old at the Re storation. In the second extract Mr. Walcott tells the reader that Tom D'Urfey made his song, beginning "Four-and-twe Four-and-twenty fiddlers," on the occasion of the introduction of this instrumental band into the Chapel Royal! Now, I venture to say that the writer never read the song in question. He could not have done so, or he would not have made so rash a statement. D'Urfey's song had nothing whatever to do with the royal band except in name. It is a mere tissue of absurd nonsense, without the slightest wit or fun. It contains no sting of any kind; the opening lines alone mention fiddlers, the rest of the song relates to cobblers, tailors, tinkers, and a variety of trades. But Mr. Walcott does not stop here. He tells us that the royal band was withdrawn from the chapel in consequence of this song! Never was a statement more unfortunate. We have evidence to show that Purcell and Blow continued to write their anthems with instrumental accompaniments, and that they were performed in the Chapel Royal down to the end of the king's reign, and even far on into that of his successor. Statements like these are too common, I am sorry to say, in books of the present day. I mean in books where we have a right to expect something better than the ad captandum stuff of the magazines. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. THE LITERARY INSTITUTIONS, LIBRARIES, AND NEWSPAPER PRESS OF BRAZIL. -A very interesting and instructive Catalogue of the Brazilian portion of the Paris International Exhibition has been published in English, edited by Miguel Antonio da Silva, Capitaine du Génie, Membre de la Commission Brésilienne à l'Ex. Univ. de Paris. It is an octavo volume of 331 pages, and contains a large map of the empire. It was printed at Rio de Janeiro by E. & H. Laemmert, 1867. The first 134 pages contain "A Glance at the Empire of Brazil," its geography, physical aspect, political constitution, statistics of commerce, education, natural products, manufactures, &c. &c., more complete than the accounts given in any geographical or commercial encyclopædia. The following epitome deserves a corner in "N. & Q.": Scientific Societies. - In Rio, the capital, there are eleven literary and scientific societies. The Historical and Geographical Institute, which has now been in existence twenty-eight years, publishes a Quarterly Review. It holds its meetings twice a month, "and these are always honoured by the presence of II.M. the Emperor." The Society for the Aid of National Industry is also often honoured by the presence of II. M. the Emperor. The National Library possesses 66,000 volumes, many of which are of great value. The Naval Library possesses 10,000 volumes, 2,800 charts, and numerous plans. Newspapers. There are four daily papers published in Rio; the oldest, the Diario do Rio, is in its forty-seventh year. The Jornal do Commercio, in its forty-sixth year, circulates 13,000 per diem, and consumes 376 tons of paper and 13 cwt. of ink yearly. O Apostolo, a religious, and Brazil Historico, an historical paper, are published periodically. "Besides these, there are sundry political, illustrated, and literary papers published." A paper and two literary journals are published in French. The Anglo-Brazilian Times, treating principally on colonization, and the Rio Commercial Journal, of commerce, are in English. In the provinces there are published, in the Amazonas, 2; Para, 2; Maranhão, 2; Piauhy, 1; Ceara, 4; Rio-Grande do Norte, 1; Parahyha, 2; Pernambuco, 3 (one in its forty-third year); Sergipe, 2; Bahia, 5; Rio de Janeiro, 8; S. Paulo, 10: Parana, 4; Santa Catarina, 2; S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul, 7; Minas Geraes, 3; Goyaz, 1; Matto-Grosso, 1. This makes a total of 66, all of which are specified by name in this work (p. 115-118). Of these, three are in the German language. J. P. TENNYSONIANA. I am somewhat surprised that the editor of Tennysoniana and other hunters after the fugitive pieces of the laureate have overlooked the stanzas in Punch, March 7, 1846, with which he supplemented the famous verses in the preceding number upon Lord Lytton's satire of "The New Timon." The signature, the style, and the very title chosen should have revealed their authorship. They are signed as the previous stanzas are signed, "Alcibiades," and they are entitled, with evident allusion to them, "AFTER THOUGHT. "Ah, God! the petty fools of rhyme, "That hate each other for a song, WARRANT FOR SEARCHING THE HOUSES OF DISAFFECTED PERSONS IN THE COUNTY OF SUR REY, DURING THE REBELLION OF 1715. - The following document, transcribed from the original belonging to the Baroness North at Wroxton in Oxfordshire, may perhaps be interesting to the Surrey collector. It is to be observed that one of the persons named was Mr. Arthur Moore of Fetcham, and it was among his papers that the original was found, now among Lady North's muniments. "Octobr 1715. Major Boyd of Richmond, Muster Master of this county, apoint'd by ye Duke of Argyle, accompanyed by Mr Nutall, Jun, came to search for Armes, Horses, &c. by virtue of a Warrt signed by eighteen Dept Lievtent", reciting that whereas there was an actuall Rebellion, &c., and that they had receiv'd Information, and had good reason to suspect that the persons following. were papists, nonjurors, or disloyall and disafect'd persons, and aiding or assisting to ye sd Rebellion, therefore to search, seize, and take away all armes, horses, &c. "Depty Lievts. - Mr Fielding, Sr Fr. Vincent, Sr Ja. Bateman, Sr J. Evelyn, Mr Tho. Onslow, Mr Pe. Hussy, Mr Geo. Evelyn, St Wm Scowen, St Tho. Scowen, Mr H. Temple, Mr Wm Clayton, Mr Ro: Wroth, Mr Harding, Mr Ja. Layton, Mr Tho: Broderick, Mr P. Dockminique, Sr N. Carew, Mr Wa: Kent. 18. "The Persons to be search'd.-Sr Charles Orby, Tho. Orby, att Egham; St James Clarke, Molsey; John Smith, Byfleet; George Mitchell, Richmond; Vernon, Farnham; - - Waters; Weston, Sutton E. P. SHIRLEY. PRIME: OFFAL: FREER: SCAR. - I find the following among my scraps, whence taken, however, I omitted to note, but I believe from the Report of the Royal Commission on Sea Fisheries. On the east coast of England, and in the London fish market, the trade divide the fish into two classes-"prime" and "offal," the first comprising sole, turbot, brill, and cod; the second chiefly haddock, plaice, and whiting. The term "offal" was introduced at a time when the demand for fish and the means of conveying it to market were much more limited than at present, and DUKE OF ROXBURGH. The visit of Her Majesty to this nobleman at his seat near Kelso has re called to my mind a query which I more than once intended to make, which is this: -Why is the title always spelt Roxburghe, instead of Roxburgh, as it ought to be, when alluded to by the newspapers? It was, of course, originally taken from the ancient burgh and castle of Roxburgh, and was always thus spelt till of late years; and our Royal Duke might as well call himself Duke of Edinburghe, as Roxburgh be spelt in this absurd If the name must be Anglicised, pray let it be spelt, correctly, Roxborough, at once! manner. I am not an old man yet, and I recollect when the name of the duke's residence was spelt Fleurs instead of Floors, as it is now. Being somewhat old-fashioned, I dislike changes of this sort, unless some very good reasons are assigned for them, and these I have never heard yet. E. C. DREAMS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, AND A STATEMENT OF BENGEL. - Dreams are very frequent in the Old Testament, but very rare in the New. I can only recall four-two to Joseph, one to the Magi, and one to Pilate's wife. Visions are a different thing. The Greek is a distinct word. One is almost unwilling to suggest any inaccuracy on the part of such a writer as Bengel; but I am unable to reconcile his following note on Acts xvi. 9 with Matt. xi. 12, where the dream of the Magi is recorded. Bengel's words, speaking of the vision which appeared to St. Paul at Troas, are: "Non dicitur fuisse somnium (i. e. a dream) tametsi nox erat. Sec. c. xviii. 9. Nullum aliud somnium in N. T. memoratur, nisi quæ Josepho obtigere, primis illis temporibus, Mat. 1 & 2, et Pilati, ethnici, uxori." As the Greek of Matt. xi. 12 is unquestionably "dream," not "vision," I cannot at present admit this to be correct, but should be most happy to be proved wrong in regard even to this small charge against the accuracy of such a precious commentator. Islip Rectory, Oxford. FRANCIS TRENCH. INSCRIPTION. - The following is a copy of the inscription on the stone which once covered the grave of the father and mother of the late Bishop Herbert Marsh. The stone now lies on the south side of the chancel of Faversham church: "The REV. RICHARD MARSH, М.А., thirty-four years Vicar of this Parish, died the 30th of August, 1778, aged 67; and ELIZABETH his wife, the 30th January, 1771, aged 49; SARAH, their daughter, the 8th of April, 1757, aged 2 years." J. M. COWPER. Queries. REGISTRUM SACRUM AMERICANUM. Where are there to be found the names of the bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, with dates and places of consecration, and names of consecrators? Percival's work, An Apology for the Doctrine of Apostolical Succession (2nd edit. 1841), and The Church Magazine for 1843, vol. v. (G. Bell, 186, Fleet Street, London), are the only authorities I have been able to refer to. The former brings down the succession, very carefully, to Feb. 28, 1841, and the latter to Oct. 13, 1842; from that period there are brief and incidental notices, from time to time, in the Colonial Church Chronicle (Rivingtons, London), which I think might be fuller. What I desiderate are similar data of all the consecrations, from that of John Johns, Bishop-assistant of Virginia, in 1842, up to the present time. Bishop Johns was the thirty-ninth in the American succession, commencing with Bishop Seabury of Connecticut, in 1784; and Bishop Tuttle, consecrated Missionary-bishop of Montana on May 1, 1867, appears to be the eighty-fourth on the listthus leaving no less than forty-five prelates to be recorded. Now that a "Pan-Anglican Synod," or rather a General Council of the Anglican Communion, is about to assemble, under the auspices of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Patriarch of the West, would it not be interesting to have a complete record of all those bishops who are eligible to be present at this great meeting. From my list of the Protestant Episcopate throughout the world, I find that there are in England two archbishops, and twenty-six bishops; in Ireland, two archbishops, and ten bishops; in Scotland, eight bishops; in the Colonies, including missionary and extra-colonial regions, forty-nine bishops; retired bishops, seven; and American Episcopal Church, forty-five bishops: making a and bishops. There are also two bishops who total of one hundred and fifty-one archbishops have been deposed, and deprived of their sees, by their spiritual superiors: 1. Levi-Silliman Ives, formerly Bishop of North Carolina, in United States of America; consecrated 1831, resigned 1852 (on joining Church of Rome), and deposed 1853, by General Convention of American Episcopal Church. And 2. John William Colenso; consecrated Bishop of Natal, in Africa, 1853; and deposed, 1864, by his metropolitan, the Bishop of Capetown, for heresy and schism (though this is disputed by Dr. Colenso, and it is still a doubtful question as to whether he should be considered legal occupant of his see). A. S. A. AMERICAN NAVIGATION LAWS. - Is there any history of them extant?- or any reliable book of BEDEGUAR. - From whence have our botanists or entomologists obtained the word "bedeguar," by which they describe the beautiful gall so often found on the wild rose? C. W. BINGHAM. ROBERT BYNG. I have lately met with two portraits painted by Robert Byng, dated 1716. He appears to have been an artist of considerable ability, and I presume the father of the persons undermentioned. It is of Robert Byng that I venture to ask information. The sons and daughter, as I take them to be, are thus described in Sir R. C. Hoare's Modern Wilts (Sarum, by Hatcher & Benson, p. 643) : "Edward Byng, a portrait-painter, a pupil and assistant of Sir Godfrey Kneller, and had a legacy under Sir Godfrey's will, 1723. "Thomas Byng, lived at Potterne, Wilts. His hatchment on panel in the Vestry at this date. "The sister of Edward and Thomas Byng married Robert Bateman Wray, the celebrated gem engraver." (See the same History.) He was in all probability the engraver employed by many of our Wilts local gentry prior to his migration to London, possibly after. The seals of arms of that date now existing in Wiltshire families are in many cases executed with a masterly hand, and an exactness hardly discernible in most modern cutting. The price was no doubt proportionately high. E. W. CHURCH-DOOR PROCLAMATIONS. "I have written to Stentor to give this couple three calls at the church door, which they must hear if they are living within the bills of mortality; and if they do not answer at that time, they are from that moment added to the number of the defunct."-Tatler, No. 54, August 13, 1709. To what custom does this passage refer? R. F. W. S. "THE CONSTANT LOVER'S GARLAND:" E. FORD. I have received a copy of a ballad, from the collection in the Chetham Library, called "The Constant Lover's Garland." It is more known, I believe, as "Nanny and Jemmy of Yarmouth." The imprint, as given to me, is G. Angus, Printerside, Newcastle. Can you give me any information as to the authorship or date of issue of this ballad? Was G. Angus a regular printer of ballads? "The Norfolk Farmer's Journey to London," in Mr. Halliwell's Anthology, is said to have been written by Edward Ford. Can you give me any particulars respecting the writer? ALPHA. EXCELLENCY.-I was lately contradicted when I stated that the Commander of the Forces in India, and the officer holding the like appointment in Canada, were not entitled to the title of "Excellency," which they commonly receive. I shall be glad to know if I was right in my statement. Also, whether any person except a Viceroy can properly lay claim to the title of "His Excellency"? H. ST. J. М. JOHN EYCKE, 1630.-Is anything known of an artist of this name, painting in England at this date? There is at Milton a portrait of the first Baron Fitzwilliam, in good preservation, with the name "John Eycke, fecit, 1630"-painted upon it; and I cannot find the name in Walpole's account of artists who have painted in this country, nor is it in the octavo edition of Pilkington's Dictionary. Perhaps some of your correspondents may know something of him. G. D. T. INSCRIPTION IN MELROSE CHURCHYARD.-The following lines are sculptured upon the tombstone of "Honest Johnny Bower," once custodian of the abbey, and a special favourite with Sir Walter Scott: "The precious dust beneath this stone In whom there was no guile." Are these lines the "honourable blazon" promised by Sir Walter to his friend? At the time of Washington Irving's visit to Melrose, Johnny was living "in the proud anticipation of a poetic immortality." J. MANUEL. |