| John AUSTIN (Roman Catholic Writer.) - 1706 - 662 páginas
...Mercy of our God : whereby the Day-fpring from on high hath vifited us ; To give Light to them that fit in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death! and to guide our Feet into the Way of Peace. Glory be to the Father , &c. Ai it mat in the Beginning^ &C. jtnt. Why feek ye the Living... | |
| Jean Frédéric Ostervald - 1712 - 144 páginas
...Mercy of our God ; whereby the Day-fpring. from on high hath vifited us; to give Light to them that fit in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death, and to guide our Feet in to the. Way of Peaqe... . ; ...; ... ,. , . Glory be to the Father, d*e \ • i .. M Hymn frr GaotPFrlcIay.... | |
| 1712 - 140 páginas
...come to call to (Repentance, to reduce fuch Wanderers into the Way, to be a Light to thole who thus fat in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death, and to guide their Feet into the Way of Peace. Had he taken any other Meafures in propagating his Religion 5 had... | |
| Essay - 1747 - 198 páginas
...giving us the Knowledge of Salvation, whereby the Day Spring from on high hath vijited us, and given Light to us that fat in Darknefs and in the Shadow of Death, ts guide fur Feet into the Way of Peace h : Follow him in Life, and follow him in Death ; and follow... | |
| Philip Doddridge - 1752 - 84 páginas
...has <vijited us, that Sun of Right coufnefs, which i» rifen upon us, to give Light to them that fit in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death, and to guide our Feet into the Way of Peace (q) ? Oh Chriftians, (for I now addrefs myfelf to you, whofe Eyes are fo happy as indeed to... | |
| John Conybeare - 1757 - 554 páginas
...ftates the Matter ; The Day-, fpring from on High hath "vifited us, to give Light to them that jit in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death ; and to guide our Feet int<i the Way of Peace. But fome Man may fay, What Occafio» could there be for profecuting this End... | |
| Peter Waldo - 1772 - 432 páginas
...of Right eoufnefs to arife with Healing in his Wings. Mal.iv.,2.— " To give Light to them that fit in Darknefs, and in the Shadow of Death : and to guide our Feet into the Way of Peace" — To' difpel the dark Clouds of Ignorance and Superitition, with which the whole World... | |
| Robert Nelson - 1791 - 614 páginas
...blefled jfefus, and his holy Family. To blefs God that he hath manifested to us the Confolationof Ifrael, to give Light to us that fat in Darknefs, and in the...guide our Feet into the Way of Peace. Above all, to clothe ourfelves with Humility, to be meek and lowly in Heart, that we may find Reft for our Souls.... | |
| John Wesley - 1794 - 738 páginas
...(Lone forth in all its beauty, fplendour, and importance. " The dayfpring from on high vilited us, to give light to us that fat in darknefs, and in the region of the lhadow ot death, and to guide our leet into the way of peace." It is this laft, cleareft,... | |
| Robert Leighton, George Jerment - 1805 - 546 páginas
...Zacharias says, That the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace1. A natural man may attain to very much acquired knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and... | |
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