ments, may obtain thy gracious Promifes, and be made Partaker of thy heavenly Treasure, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. IV. For Effects of I adore, O Lord, that miraculous Grace, Fet CHAP. 1 144 Levit. 12. Exod. 2, 15. CHA P. XII. The Purification of the Blefled HAT Festival doth the Church celebrate this Day? A. The Presentation of Chrift in the Temple, commonly called The Purification of the bleffed Virgin Mary. 13. Q. What was the Law of Purification? A. All the Women were obliged to separate themselves from the publick Congregation forty Days after the Birth of a Male Child, and eighty Days after the Birth of a Female. And when the Days of their Purifying were fulfilled, if they were rich, they brought a Lamb of the first Year for a Burnt-offering; and a young Pigeon or a Turtle Dove for a Sin-offering; if poor, two Turtles, or two young Pidgeons, which the Prieft offered before the Lord, and made an Atonement for them. What doth this Purification import? A. That fince Adam's Fall we are conceived in Sin, that our Birth is impure, and that we derive from our Parents an hereditary Stain, whereby we are naturally unclean, and Children of Wrath; and to fhew the Contagion thereof, not only the Child was circumcifed, but the Mother alfo was cleansed by a Sacrifice for Sin. Q. What did the Law require concerning the Presentation of the First-born? A. That every Male that openeth the Womb fhould fhould be holy to the Lord; that is, confecrated and fet apart for his immediate Service. For when God exempted the First-born of the Hebrews from that Deftruction he brought upon the First-born of the Egyptians, he commanded that the First-born of the Hebrews fhould be de- Num. 18. dicated to him, or redeemed at the Price of five 16. Shekels. As therefore the Firstlings of clean Beafts were feparated for the Ufe of the Altar, fo the First-born of Men were for the Ufe of the Tabernacle, till the Levites were fubftituted Num. 8. in their Stead by God Almighty's particular Di- 16,17,18. rection. After which remained ftill the Footfteps of the old Law, that Mothers were obliged to prefent their First-born in the Temple, and to pay a Ransom to the Priest. The Price of the Redemption was the fame both to Rich and Poor; as were the Charges of their Burials; admonishing us of that Equality Nature hath established between all Men in coming into the World, and going out. Q. What doth the redeeming of the First-born fignify to us? A. The Redemption of God's People, called the Church of the First-born, which are written Heb. 12. in Heaven, and not redeemed with corruptible 23. Things, as Silver and Gold, but with the precious Blood of Chrift. Q. Since there was no Impurity in the Birth of our Saviour, and that the Bleffed Virgin contracted no Pollution by bringing him forth; why did they Submit to thefe Laws? A. Being born under the Law, it became our Saviour to fulfil all Righteoufnefs, who came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it: And the bleffed Virgin being expofed to the publick Opinion, L Luke 2. 25, 36. Luke. 2. 24. Opinion, and common Reputation, of an ordinary Condition, thought it reasonable to comply with all the Obligations of fuch Circumstances; and hereby the expreffed great Humility, Obedience, and Reverence to publick Sanctions. Befides, there was thus an Occafion given for the first publick Declaration of our Saviour by good old Simeon, and Anna the Prophetess. Q. What may we learn from the Confequence of this Inftance? A. That the Injunctions of publick Authoty, whilft lawful, ought to be obeyed; though all the Ends of their firft Inftitution fhould not be alike ferved by them; Obedience to Authority being a neceffary Duty, even when the Rites it requireth are no otherways neceffary than as they are enjoined. Q. What Offerings did the bleed Virgin make? A. The Offerings of the Poor, a Pair of Turtles or two young Pigeons. Such mean and low Circumftances did our bleffed Savicur chufe, when he came into the World upon the Work of our Redemption; fuch was his great Bounty and 2 Cor. 8. Kindnefs, that though he was rich, yet for our Sakes he became poor, that we through his Poverty might be rich. 9. Luke 25, 26. Q. How was our bleffed Saviour known to Simeon and Anna? 2. A. Simeon being a juft and devout Man, waiting for the Confolation of Ifrael, which was the Expectation of the promifed Meffias, God was pleased to reveal to him, that he fhould not fee Death, before he had feen the Lord's Chrift; and, at this very Time, when Christ was prefented in the Temple, he was, by the Guidance and Dictate of God's Spirit, brought thither. And the Prophetess Anna Luke 2. conftantly attending the Service of the Temple, 37, 38. remarkable for Mortification and Devotion,came in at the fame Inftant. They both gave Thanks unto the Lord, and fpake of him to all that looked for Redemption in Jerufalem; Simeon in Ver. 29: that admirable Hymn, which our Church hath adopted into her Offices, and with which fhe daily nourishes the Devotion of her Children. Q. What may we learn from this Hymn we fo frequently repeat ? A. That though we cannot fee our Saviour with our bodily Eyes, as Simeon did, yet he being daily in the holy Scriptures prefented to the Eyes of our Faith, we ought to thank God for that wonderful Salvation he hath prepared both for Jew and Gentile. That we muft never think of dying in Peace, till we have embraced our Saviour with our Understandings, and Affections; till we heartily believe what he revealed; and fincerely practice what he taught. That nothing will ftand us in Stead in a dying Hour, and fupport us when all earthly Comforts forfake us, but the Remembrance of a well-fpent Life, and the Performance of thofe Conditions. upon which Salvation is promised. Q. What doth this great Honour bestowed upon Simeon and Anna teach us?. A. Conftantly and devoutly to attend the Ordinances of our Religion; not to neglect thofe Means God hath established for the building us up in his holy Faith. For if we fervently perfevere, God will abundantly communicate his Grace and Favour towards us. |