RIP VAN WINKLE AND OTHER AMERICAN ESSAYS FROM BY WASHINGTON IRVING WITH INTRODUCTION, EXPLANATORY NOTES AND New Edition Cout bien ou rien The Riverside Press BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY The Riverside Press Cambridge K 19.542 COLLEGE CONTENTS The selections from "The Sketch Book" included in COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. PERIOD COVERED BY IRVING'S LIFE. George III. king of Assembly of Nota- Thomas Babington CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE (continued). PERIOD COVERED BY IRVING'S LIFE. peror of the French. Victory of Nelson at Trafalgar. End of the old German Empire. 1802 Enters law office of 1804-6 First voyage to Eu горе. 1806 Admitted to the bar. and Paulding, 1809 Knickerbocker's New York. 1810 Enters his brother's business. 1801-5 War with Tripoli. 1807 1809 1811-15 Edits Analytic Mag- 1812-14 azine, first called Select Reviews. 1814 Serves for four months as Gov. Tompkins' aid and military secre tary. 1803 Ralph Waldo Emer- 1804 Alexander Hamilton Nathaniel Haw- Fulton's steamboat. 1807 H. W. Longfellow born. John Greenleaf 1809 Oliver Wendell 1811 Second War with 1812 1811-50 Great development of the West. Holmes born. Edgar Allan Poe Harriet Beecher 1814 John Lothrop Mot- 1815 North American Review founded. 1810 Alfred Tennyson 1811 William Makepeace 1812 Charles Dickens 1799-1804 Government of the Consulate. 1796-1815 Napoleon First Con sul. Napoleonic Wars. 1804-14 Napoleon I. Em 1805 1806 1813 Battle of Leipsic, Robert Browning "Battle of the 1814 Napoleon exiled to 1815 Congress of Vi enna. |