Imágenes de páginas

even her land:-and, 7thly, in the fame province, Madame de Liftenay was forced to make the fame surrender of her property, with a halter round her neck, and her two daughters lying near her in a ftate of infenfibility, having faintedaway with terror at the fight :-and, 8thly, the very respectable Marquis of Ormenan, an old gentleman, trembling with the palfy, was forced to fly from his country-seat in the middle of the night, to avoid being murdered by the mob, and was afterwards pursued by them from town to town, till he got out of the province, and arrived at Bafle, in Switzerland, almoft dead with fatigue and terror, with his daughters, who had accompanied him, and reduced to a ftate of defpair:-and, 9thly, the Count of Montefu and his wife, were kept by the mob in a state of continual terror, with pistols held to their breafts, for three hours together, (during which time they defired the people, as a favour, to put them to death without delay,) and were at laft dragged out of their carriage in order to be thrown into a pond and drowned, when they were faved by the interpofition of a regiment of foldiers, who happened to come-by at that instant:-and, 10thly, the Baron of Mont Juflin was taken by a mob, and kept in a ftate of continual terror under the apprehenfion of inftant death, for the space of an hour and a half, by being held on the top of a well, while they deliberated, in his hearing, whether they should put him to death by letting him drop into the well, (where he would have been drowned,) or fhould deftroy him in fome other manner:and, 11thly, Count Lallemand and the Duchefs of Tonnerre were treated with great cruelty; and the Chevalier d'Ambli was taken by force from his country-houfe, and barbarously dragged, naked, along the village that belonged to him, and then thrown upon a dunghill, after having had his eye-brows, and the hair cf his head, plucked-out by the roots, while the people who were fpectators of this


cruelty, amufed themfelves with dancing round him; befides a number of the like cruel outrages, committed in the provinces of face and Dauphiny, and the city of Troyes in Champagne, and alfo in the neighbourhood of Paris, almost within fight of the National Affembly. This is a fhort account of the actions which the Count de Mirabeau has called neceffary precautions, arising from a want of confidence, and which he cenfures me for having unjustly mifreprefented as acts of inhuman ferocity. I leave the reader to determine which of us has denoted them by the more proper appellation.

And, upon this occafion, I cannot forbear afking thofe gentlemen who talk of the want of confidence in the intentions of the Court, and the Nobility, as having been the motive that urged the people to commit thefe acts of violence, as prudential measures neceffary to their own safety;

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I fay, I must afk thefe gentlemen, who it was that infpired the people with this want of confidence, and thereby became the first authors of the mifchiefs it occafioned? Who was it that encouraged the people to rife in a feditious manner, both in the open countries, and great towns of the kingdom? Who was it that wrote letters to the people at Vefoul, to inform them that the reprefentatives of the Nobility, who had been fent to the National Affembly, had formed a plot to blow up with gunpowder the great room in which the Affembly met, at a time when only the reprefentatives of the Third Eftate, or Commonalty, were affembled in it?-Who was it that perfuaded the peasantry of the province of Franche-Comté, that the Nobility were the King's enemies? Who was it that forged thofe pretended orders from the King to authorize and encourage the common people to fall upon the Nobility, or Gentry, whereever they met them, and to demolish and lay-wafte their houfes and poffeffions? Why was that moft diabolical lie

which was fpread-about against Monf. de Mefmay, "of his having caufed a great number of the common people to be invited into a room in his houfe, that had been undermined with gunpowder, in order that they should then be all blown-up at once;" and which for a confiderable time excited against him, in the minds of all the world, the indignation and horror that fuch an action ought to produce; I fay, why was this most abominable calumny, when it was discovered to be but a calumny, fuffered by the National Affembly to die-away in filence and negle&t; inftead of being fifted to the bottom, in order to find-out and punish the villains who had invented it, against whom all the indignation, that had before been felt against Monf. de Mejmay, ought then to And have I not reafon to complain, that, when I have expreffed, in the National Affembly, the indignation and horror with which both the commission of fo many horrid crimes, and the impunity that attended them, had filled me, my fentiments fhould be confidered, at fome times, as a mark of a weak and effeminate fpirit, and, at others, as an indication of luke-warmness in the caufe of Liberty?—They little know the temper of my mind who put these interpretations on my conduct. No man is

have been directed?

more inflamed with zeal for that nobleft of all caufes in which men of spirit can be engaged, than I am: No man can more admire the heroic conduct of the English NorthAmericans, in their late refiftance to the endeavours of Great Britain to enslave them, or that of the Dutch, of the century before laft, when they freed themfelves from the ty ranny of the King of Spain, than I do: No man can more fympathize with both those nations in the various events of thofe twonoble ftruggles for Liberty, nor more fincerely rejoice at the final happy fuccefs of them. But to fee downright robberies juftified by quibbling pretenders to reafon ! to fee the poor peasants excited to go-about and burn honeft men's houses,

houses, by a fet of rogues, that forge pretended orders from their Sovereign for fo doing! to fee affaffinations of the Nobility encouraged by declaiming orators, that fet-up for the patrons of Liberty! and this, when the Nobility made no oppofition to the measures which the publick welfare made neceffary ;-when they confented to every proposal ;— when it was not in their power to oppofe any thing;when a confiderable part of them had zealously embraced the interests and defigns of the commonalty, and all of them had agreed to give-up their exemption from taxes, and other pecuniary, or profitable, privileges, and would have been contented with retaining only their honorary diftinctions!-To fee fuch things done and encouraged, and not to be shocked and disgufted, and difpirited, at the fight, is, I confefs, above my pitch of firmnefs, and, as I fuppofe, above that of any other man, who is not totally divested of every fentiment of justice and humanity.

End of the Translation of the Note, in Count Lally's Letter.

IT is much to be lamented that, after thefe atrocious actions had been committed in France and were well known in England, that eminent member of the English House of Commons, the late Mr. Charles James Fox, did not join with Mr. Burke, (his former great affociate in politicks,) in expreffing a proper deteftation of them and of the wild and extravagant Revolution in the French Government to which they were intended to be fubfervient. If he, and all his numerous partizans, (who were in the habit of adopting his opinions upon political fubjects,) had confidered that dreadful event in the true light in which it had been represented by Mr. Burke, as being, from the very begin

ning, a fyftem of Robbery and Murder directed against the owners of Landed property in France, both of the Clergy and the Laity, which threatened to over-throw the most powerful and best-established monarchy in Europe, and ultimately to deftroy every trace of the people's former Liberties and Privileges, and reduce them to a state of complete slavery under the abfolute and arbitrary rule of fome upftart Military Defpot (which is the ftate in which we now behold them,) there is reafon to think that a declaration made by him and his friends, in their speeches in parliament, of fuch a disapprobation of the violent mcafures of the first National Affembly of France and of the riotous mobs of Paris in fupport of them, would have checked them in their career of Injuftice and Folly, or, at leaft, would have prevented their falling into the mistaken opinion that the great body of the English Nation were full of Admiration of the new and bold changes which they had made in their Government, and were wishing and preparing to imitate their noble example, by making fimilar changes in the Government of England. But, instead of joining with Mr. Burke in this prudent and patriotick conduct, Mr. Fox, long after the abominable outrages, described above in Count Lally's note, were known in England, declared in the Houfe of Commons, "that be looked-upon the French Revolution as the highest effort of buman Wisdom, for the promotion of buman Happiness that be bad ever beard-of." And many other perfons in England feemed to entertain the fame opinion of it for more than three years together, or till September, 1792; when the cruel maffacres of great numbers of inoffenfive priests and laymen (who were confined in the prifons of Paris), perpetrated with the knowledge and confent, or, rather, by the. direction, of Danton, then newly-appointed Minifter of Juftice, and the numerous fubfequent, almost daily, murders


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