THE INTELLECTUAL REPOSITORY AND NEW JERUSALEM MAGAZINE VOL. XXII.-ENLARGED SERIES. VOL. L-ENTIRE WORK. 1875 вот LONDON: Published by the General Conference of the New Church, SIGNIFIED BY THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE REVELATION: AND SOLD BY JAMES SPEIRS, 36 BLOOMSBURY STREET. Essays. CONTENTS. Address from the General Conference to Africa: its Wrongs and its Claims, 132, Angels, Employments of, 197, 263, 370, Assyrian-Flood Legends, The, 149 Bishop Berkeley, 526 Botany, Scripture, 12, 119, 125, 210, Cares of the World, On the, 173, 245, 315 Christmas and the New Year, 34 Conversion, how and when Effected, 268, Spiritual Miracles, 101 Lord's (The) Miracles Illustrative rather Spreading the Truth, The Means of, 388 Like and Unlike, 53 than Evidential, 2 Lowliness, 314 Man's Twofold Nature, 256 Miracle (The) of Multiplying the Loaves Studies of the Spiritual Sense-I., 558 Swedenborg's Name in New Church Missionary Efforts, On giving Promin- Swedenborg Society, 330 Woman's Rights based on her Duties, 22 |