Children's Recollections of the Duke-Anecdotes-Three Divisions of his History-His Birth-Letter of his Mother-His Family Education-Campaign in Holland-Goes to IndiaAccount of India-Tippoo Saib-Seringapatam-DoondiahVoyage to Bombay-Illness-Return to Mysore-Marhatta
War-Ahmednuggur-Aurungebad-Assaye-Argaum-Treaties-Return to England-Anecdotes.
THE lives of most men are not written till after they are dead; but several lives of the great Duke were published during his life. These have been all written for grown-up people, and contain much that children cannot understand: but they can enter into a history of his great deeds. And he was so fond of children, and took such delight in making them happy, that they have a right to have a life of him written for themselves. Many who read this book may say, "Oh yes, I remember him; I have seen the Duke, a venerable old man, with