Imágenes de páginas


works, etc.,

letting out

Manner of Letting Contracts for Public Buildings.

bridge, causeway, or other public works in any county in this buildings State, the Ordinary, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, or manner of other officer having charge of the roads, revenues and public buildContracts ings of such county, shall cause the same to be built or repaired by eral coun letting out the contract therefor to the lowest bidder, at public ties of this outcry, before the court-house door (or at the place where the Sheriff of the county holds his regular sale), after having advertised the letting out of said contracts, as hereinafter provided.

for the sev


contract to

ed by pro

SEC. II. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Notice of whenever the contract is likely to cost a sum greater than five be publish thousand dollars, the proper officer shall give notice in the public peror gazette wherein the Sheriff's sales are advertised, for once a week for eight weeks, and by posting a written notice at the court-house door for a like time, which notice and advertisement shall embrace such details and specifications as will enable the public to know the extent and character of the work to be done, and the terms and time of payment. When the work to be done is likely to amount to less than five thousand dollars, the notice shall be published as prescribed in this section, once a week for four weeks, and by posting notice as aforesaid for the same period; and it shall further be the duty of such officer to make out and post conspicuously in his office, complete and minute specifications of the proposed public work, or works, which shall be open to the inspection of the public.

Contractors, bonds of, etc.


officer hav

of build

SEC. III. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That contractors who are awarded contracts under this Act, shall be required to give bond in double the amount of the bid, with two good and solvent securities for the faithful performance of the contract, and to indemnify the county for any damages occasioned by a failure to perform the same within the prescribed time. And it shall be unlawful to let out any contract for building or repairing any public building, bridge, or other public work, unless the provisions of this Act are complied with; and any contractor doing, or having done, any work of the kind in any other manner shall not be entitled to recover any pay therefor: Provided, that the requirements of this Act shall not apply to the building or repairing of any public bridge, building, or other work, when the same can be done at a less cost than one hundred dollars, but such officer may have such work of building or repairing done by hiring hands and furnishing materials.

SEC. IV. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if Ordinary or any Ordinary, Commissioner of Roads and Revenues, or other ing charge officer having charge of the roads and revenues and buildings of ings, etc, the county, shall let out any contract for building or repairing any penalty for public work, as herein before mentioned, without complying with this Act; or if any one of the aforesaid officials shall receive, take, or contract to receive or take, either directly or indirectly, any part of the pay or profit arising out of any such contract, he shall


in office.

Encouragement of Immigration.

be deemed guilty of malpractice in office, and, upon conviction therefor, shall be punished, as is prescribed by the law in other cases of malpractice.

SEC. V. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

Approved September 29, 1879.


No. 313.

An Act to encourage Immigration to Georgia, and for other purposes.

State land


SECTION. I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That from and after the passage of this Act, the Governor shall appoint, Governor to subject to the approval of the Senate, a suitable person to be appoint known as the State Land and Immigration Agent. Said agent and immishall, by advertising, by the dissemination of correct information gration as to our seil, climate, productions and resources, by the arrangement of special rates of transportation between the cities of the North and West, and of Europe, to this State, and by such other Governor to methods as the Governor may approve, invite and encourage immi- acts of. gration, including co-operative colonization.




SEC. II. Be it further enacted, That said Agent may appoint a Secretary to assist him in performing the clerical duties of his Agent may office. He may also appoint Agents at suitable points, subject to secretary the approval of the Governor.

and agents.


SEC. III. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Register of Agent of Land and Immigration to keep in his office a register of lands for lands for sale in Georgia, and the names of persons who desire to purchase lands or secure employes or employment in Georgia, in the manner and on the terms hereinafter provided.

may regis

bear seal of

SEC. IV. Be it further enacted, That any citizen of Georgia may Citizens of register in the office of the Commissioner any lands owned by Georgia him or her in the State, giving an abstract of the titles to the said ter lands. land, with a condensed description of the same, on payment of a Titles to fee of three dollars to the Agent of Land and Immigration for Clerk of each separate tract or parcel of land so registered: Provided, an Superior abstract to the titles of said lands, bearing the seal of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county in which said lands lie, shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner, and the fees for such registration shall be paid before such registration is made.


SEC. V. Be it further enacted, That any person desiring to pur- who may chase lands, to secure employes or employment as a skilled register, laborer in Georgia, may register his or her name, with a statement what. of his or her wants in the office of the Agent of Land and Immi

and for

etc., to be

issued when.

Encouragement of Immigration-Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

gration, on the payment of a fee of one dollar to said Commissioner.

SEC. VI. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the amount reCirculars, ceived from such fees shall justify it, the said Agent shall issue circulars or pamphlets, truthfully and concisely setting forth the inducements to immigrants to buy or lease lands and settle in the Nature of State singly, in families or colonies, and shall distribute said circulars and pamphlets in such number and manner as will best promote the objects of this Act.


be kept.

SEC. VII. Be it further enacted, That the said Agent shall keep Accounts to in his office an accurate account of all moneys received for registration, and report to the Governor at the end of each quarter, and to the Legislature biennially at each regular session, the amount Expenses of thus received. The expense of registration, printing and mailing. circulars to said circulars, shall be paid out of the fees received for registration, from fees. and from no other source.

be paid

Offices of agent where located,

SEC. VIII. Be it further enacted, That the offices of said Agent of Immigration shall be located in Atlanta, Georgia, and the city of New York.

SEC. IX Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws conflicting with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved October 17, 1879.

Selling, hiring or

dren for



No. +342.

An Act for the prevention of cruelty to children.

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That any person whatever, who shall sell, apprentice, apprentic give away, or let out, or otherwise dispose of, any child under ing child twelve years old, to any person, for the vocation, occupation, or objects pro-service of rope or wire walking, begging, or as a gymnast, contortionist, circus rider, acrobat or clown, or for any indecent, obscene or immoral exhibition, practice or purpose whatever, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punishable under section 4310 of Act, guilty the Code of Georgia; and whoever, under such selling, apprenticing, or letting out, shall receive and use such child, for any of the purposes herein condemned, shall be guilty and punishable in like



of misdemeanor.

[blocks in formation]


SEC. II. Be it further enacted, Whenever any child under the age aforesaid, shall be brought before the Ordinary of the county of such child's residence, upon the sworn allegation of any citizen, that such child was found under circumstances of destitution and suffering, or abandonment, exposure, or of begging, or that such child is being reared up under immoral, obscene, or indecent influ

Prevention of Cruelty to Children-Suppression of Obscene Literature.

ences likely to degrade its moral character and devote it to a vicious life, and it shall appear to such Ordinary by competent evidence, including such examination of the child as may be practicable, that by reason of the neglect, habitual drunkenness, lewd, or other vicious habits of the parents or guardians of such child, it is necessary to the protection of such chiid from suffering or from degradation, that such parents or guardians shall be deprived of the custody of such child, such Ordinary may commit such child to any orphan asylum or other charitable institution established according to law in this State which is willing to receive such child, or to appoint a proper guardian therefor, or make such other disposition of them as now is, or may hereafter be, provided by law in cases of disorderly, pauper, or destitute children.


SEC. III. Be it further enacted, Whoever shall torture, torment, Cruelty to deprive of necessary sustenance, mutilate, cruelly, unreasonably how punand maliciously beat or ill treat, or cause to be tortured, tormented, ished. deprived of necessary sustenance, mutilated, cruelly, unreasonably and maliciously beaten, or ill treated, any child, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished as prescribed in section 4310 of the Code of Georgia. Approved October 20, 1879.


No. 326.

An Act to suppress and prevent the introduction, exhibition, circulation or use in this State, of obscene literature and of indecent prints, pictures and other objects of immoral use or tendency therein defined. To prevent and suppress obscene writings or drawings in public places; to make the same penal, and to punish therefor.

tions, etc.

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That if any person shall bring, or cause to be brought, obscene into this State for sale or exhibition, or shall sell or offer to sell, publicaor shall give away or offer to give away, or having possession thereof, shall knowingly exhibit to another any indecent pictorial Misdenewspaper tending to debauch the morals, or any indecent or meanor to obscene book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, lithograph, engraving, distribute. daguerrotype, photograph, picture, or any model, cast, instrument or article of indecent and obscene use, or shall advertise any of said articles or things for sale, by any form of notice, printed, writ ten or verbal, or shall manufacture, draw or print, any of said articles, with intent to sell or expose, or to circulate the same, such person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on

tures, etc.,

etc., misdemeanor.

Suppression of Obscene Literature -Supreme Court Reports Furnished Certain Counties.

conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in section 4310 of the Code of this State.

SEC. II. Be it further enacted, That if in a public place, on Spreading any fence or wall or other surface contiguous to the public street, obscene pic or on the floor or ceiling, or on the inner or outer wall of any on walls, closet, room, passage, hall or any part of any hotel, court-house, church, school, station house, depot for freight or passengers, capitol or other buildings devoted or open to other or like public uses, or on the walls of any out-building or other structure pertaining thereto, and frequented by the users thereof, any person shall make or cause to be made, any obscene drawing or picture, or obscene writing or print, liable to be seen of others passing or coming near the same, such person so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished as provided in section 4310 of the Code of this State.

Approved October 18, 1879.


be supplied with Su preme Court re



No. 305.

An Act to authorize and require the Governor to furnish to counties whose court-houses have been burned, and the new counties of Douglas, Dodge, McDuffie, Rockdale and Oconee, certain copies of Supreme Court Reports of this State, Code of Georgia, and standard weights and measures where the same have been destroyed.

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That in all cases where court-houses have been burned in this State, and counties to any portion or all of the copies of the Supreme Court Reports of this State, Code of Georgia, and the standard weights and measures, therein contained, have been destroyed, and the new counties ports, Code, of Douglas, Dodge, McDuffie, Rockdale and Oconee, who have weights and not received their full compliment of said books and standard weights and measures, the Governor is hereby authorized and required to replace said Supreme Court Reports and Codes, as far as practicable, from the State Library; and, also, to supply such counties with standard weights and measures, to be kept and used as the law directs.


SEC. II. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.

Approved October 18, 1879.

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