AN EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS; WITH THE PRELIMINARY EXERCITATIONS. BY JOHN OWEN, D. D. REVISED AND ABRIDGED; WITH A FULL AND INTERESTING LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, A COPIOUS BY EDWARD WILLIAMS, D. D. Search the Scriptures........ JOHN V, 39. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. III. BOSTON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG; No. 50, CORNHILL, WRITING & WATSON, NEWYORK; HOWE & DEFOREST, NEWHAVEN, AND W. W. WOODWARD, PHILADELPHIA, 1812. EXPOSITION. i CHAPTER V. VERSE 1. For every high priest taken from among men, is ordained for §1. Introduction. §2, The chapter and particularly this verse analized. §3. (1.) §1. IF we consider the relation of these words to the foregoing parts of the epistle, (which treated of the person of Christ, his kingly and prophetical offices,) they contain an entrance into a full and particular description of the sacerdotal office of the Messiah, with its excellency and benefits, which was the principal design of the epistle. And it was a design highly important; for besides the excellency of the doctrine in itself, and the inestimable benefits which the whole church received thereby, it was, on many accounts, peculiarly necessary for the Hebrews. §2. There are three general parts of this chapter. First; a description of the office and duties of an high priest, verse 1-4. Secondly; the application of this general description to the person and priesthood of Jesus Christ in particular, verse 5-10. Thirdly; an occasional reproof and expostulation about their backwardness in learning the mysteries of the gospel, ver. 11-4. i : |