ive common school districts, in any amount not exceeding the limit provided by section one hundred and fifty-seven and one hundred and fifty-eight of the present Constitution of this State, for the purpose of providing suitable grounds, school buildings, furniture and apparatus, for their respective graded common school districts. Provided, that due notice of the election be given by the trustees of their respective districts, by written or printed posters not less than one foot square, signed by the trustees of their respective districts, stating the time, place and hours of said election, posted at not less than six public and conspicuous places in the district, for ten days previous to the day of election, and by one insertion thereof in the newspaper, if any, published in said district. The board shall appoint two judges, a clerk and a sheriff to hold said election, who shall first be duly sworn before acting, and shall be housekeepers and taxpayers, resident in the district for which they are appointed, and one of the judges shall ask of each voter: Are you in favor of the issue of bonds by the trustees of the graded common school of this district, for the purpose of providing suitable grounds, suitable buildings, furniture and apparatus for this district?" and the clerk shall record the answer "Yes" or "No" as given by the voter. If twothirds of the voters voting at said election vote in favor of the issuing of the bonds, then the trustees of such graded common school district may issue the bonds of said district for any amount not exceeding the constitutional limit, and in conformity with the Constitution of this State. And, for the purpose of meeting the interest on such bonds and create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof, the board of trustees of their respective districts, where the issue of such bonds is voted, are authorized and empowered to levy annually a tax in addition to that already voted, which shall not increase the tax rate for school purposes in their respective school districts mo than seventy-five cents on each one hundred dollars wor of taxable property within this district. The said bond may be of any denomination in even hundreds not excee ing one thousand dollars each, running not exceeding thir years, and bearing interest at the rate of not exceeding s per cent. per annum, payable annually or semi-annual as expressed in said bonds, payable to bearer with intere coupons attached. They shall be signed by the preside of said board of trustees, and attested by the secreta thereof, and shall pass by delivery, and shall be redeemab at the option of said board. Said bonds shall be sold the trustees, or their authorized agent, for the highest pri obtainable, but not for less than their face par value ar accrued interest, and the proceeds paid over to the trea urer, and applied to the uses and purposes contemplated this law. (Acts one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, cha ter four, approved March twelfth, one thousand eight hu dred and ninety-six.) § 3. By reason of the fact that many of the graded scho districts desire to add to or improve their buildings ne spring, an emergency is declared to exist, and this act sha take effect from its passage. Approved March 21, 1902 CHAPTER 50. N ACT to provide for an amendment to section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth § 1. That upon the concurrence of three-fifths of all the personal property, tangible and intangible, based on inome, licenses or franchises, in lieu of an ad valorem tax ereon: Provided, Cities of the first class shall not be auhorized to omit the imposition of ad valorem tax on such roperty of any steam, railroad, street railway, ferry, ridge, gas, water, heating, telephone, telegraph, electric ght or electric power company," so that said section, hen so amended, shall read as follows: "§ 181. The General Assembly shall not impose taxes for he purposes of any county, city, town or other municipal orporation, but may, by general laws, confer on the proper uthorities thereof, respectively, the power to assess and ollect taxes. The General Assembly may, by general ws only, provide for the payment of license fees on franises, stock used for breeding purposes, the various ades, occupations and professions, or a special or excise x; and may, by general laws, delegate the power to counes, towns, cities and other municipal corporations, to imose and collect license fees on stock used for breeding purposes, on franchises, trades, occupations and profes sions. And the General Assembly may, by general law only, authorize cities or towns of any class to provide fo taxation for municipal purposes, on personal property tangible and intangible, based on income, licenses or frar chises, in lieu of an ad avlorem tax thereon: Provided Cities of the first class shall not be authorized to omit th imposition of an ad valorem tax on such property of an steam railroad, street railway, ferry, bridge, gas, wate heating, telephone, telegraph, electric light or electri power company." § 2. This amendment shall be submitted to the voters o the State for their ratification or rejection at the time an in the manner provided for under section two hundred an fifty-six of the Constitution of Kentucky, and under th provisions of the act of May twelfth, one thousand eigh hundred and ninety-seven, being section one thousand fou hundred and fifty-nine of the compilation of laws know and designated as the Kentucky Statutes. CHAPTER 51. AN ACT to regulate the practice of barbering, the registering an licensing of persons to carry on such practice and to insure th better education of such practitioners and insure better sanitar conditions in barber shops, and to prevent the spreading of di ease in the State of Kentucky. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealt of Kentucky: § 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to follow the o cupation of barber in all cities of the first, second and thir class of this State unless he shall have first obtained a cer tificate of registration as provided in this act; provided owever, that nothing in this act contained shall apply to r affect any person who is now and for the past three ars has been actually engaged in such occupation. A erson so engaged less than three years shall be condered an apprentice, and at the expiration of three ears of such employment shall be subject to the provisions f this act as hereinafter provided. § 2. A board of examiners, to consist of three persons hereby created to carry out the purposes and enforce the rovisions of this act. The Governor shall on or beore July first, nineteen hundred and two, appoint he barber to serve for one year, one barber to serve or two years and one barber to serve for three years, who, ith their respective successors, to be appointed annually ereafter, and to serve for a term of three years, shall onstitute a board of examiners of barbers, all of whom all be practical barbers who have been actually engaged the business of barbering for at least five years. ember of said board shall give a bond in the sum of ne thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by he Secretary of State, conditioned for the faithful perormance of his duties, and shall take the oath provided by w for public officers. Vacancies in said board shall be lled by the Governor for the unexpired portion of the erm. Each § 3. Such board shall have power to adopt reasonable ules and regulations prescribing the sanitary requireents of a barber shop in cities of the first, second and hird class, subject to the approval of the State Board of Health, and to cause the rules and regulations so approved o be printed in suitable form, and to transmit a copy theref to the proprietor of each barber shop in cities of the rst, second and third class. It shall be the duty f every proprietor, or person operating а barer shop in cities of the first, second and third class |