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AN ACT to amend an act, entitled "An Act for the government of cities of the first class," and section 173 thereof, approved July 1, 1893, being section 2957 of the Kentucky Statutes, relating to branches of education to be taught in the public schools.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth f Kentucky:

§ 1. That an act for the government of cities of the first lass and section one hundred and seventy-three thereof pproved July first, one thousand eight hundred and ninetyhree, being section two thousand nine hundred and fiftyeven of the Kentucky Statutes relative to the branches of ducation to be taught in the public schools be, and the ame is, hereby amended by adding thereto the following Fords:

Schools may be open as a part of said school system to each children of the ages of four, five and six by the kin. ergarten method. Nothing contained in this section shall e construed as affecting in any way the present method of aking the school census or as increasing or reducing the ro rata of the school fund to be received from the State f Kentucky by the school board of cities of the first class, or to be considered as conflicting with or changing in any way sections one hundred and sixty-six and one hundred nd eighty-nine of the act for the government of cities f the first class being now sections two thousand nine undred and forty-nine and two thousand nine hundred nd seventy-four of chapter eighty nine of the Kentuck tatutes. Said section as amended is hereby re-enacted nd shall read as follows:

§2957. The board shall prescribe the branches of educaion to be taught, and the text books to be used. Text ooks once adopted shall not be changed, except by the nanimous consent of the board, until notice of said proosed change shall be given and entered upon the records

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of the board one scholastic year, and then only by

affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the membe

Schools may be open as a part of said school system teach children of the ages of four, five and six years the kindergarten method. Nothing contained in this s tion shall be construed as affecting in any way the prese method of taking the school census or as increasing or ducing the pro rata of the school fund to be received fr the State of Kentucky by the school board of cities of first class nor to be construed as conflicting with or cha ing in any way sections one hundred and sixty-six a one hundred and eighty-nine of the act for the governm of cities of the first class, being now sections two thousa nine hundred and forty-nine and two thousand nine h dred and seventy-four of chapter eighty nine of the K tucky Statutes.

Approved March 21, 190


AN ACT to amend and re-enact an act, entitled "An Act to am and re-enact section 189 of an act, entitled 'An Act for the g ernment of cities of the first class,' which became a law Ma 21, 1898, the same being now section 2974 of the Kentucky Statut

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwed of Kentucky:

§ 1. That the section of the statute named in the t of this act be, and the same is hereby amended and enacted so as to read as follows, namely: "When a of the first class establishes and maintains a system common schools, which all applying for instruction permitted to attend free of charge, the same shall deemed one school district for taxation purposes, and titled to its proportion of the school fund. Such ci

ake its annual report to the Superintendent of Public struction at the time and in a similar manner to that quired of trustees of other districts.

The school board shall also, in the year one thousand ne hundred and two, and every third year thereafter, ke the census of children of school age, and make rerns thereof to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, t the same time other school trustees are required to ake their returns, and for neglect of their duties in that espect the members of said board shall be liable to the me penalties.

The secretary of the board shall employ, subject to the oproval of the board, a sufficient number of enumerators take the census within the time required by law and ay, subject to the same approval, remove without notice, y enumerator for incompetency, neglect of duty, malfeasice or misfeasance, and at once fill a vacancy arisg from this or any other cause; provided, however, at said school board shall be allowed thirty additional ys if in their opinion the same is deemed necessary for naccurate and complete census. Each enumerator shall e at least twenty-one years of age and a bona fide resient of the ward whose territory or a part of whose tertory he is appointed to enumerate, and shall take an ath or affirmation that he will take the census accurately nd truly to the best of his skill nd ability. The census all be returned by wards, each block of which shall be umerated on a separate list or lists, the street and numer of residence, if any, of such person so listed, to be ven. The list shall be made out in duplicate, one to e filed with the school board and one to be forwarded the Superintendent of Public Instruction as aforesaid. o enumerator shall take the census of any child not residg in the territory to which he is assigned nor of children ho have recently removed into the district and who have


been previously reported in the census of pupil chil for the year in the district from which they have rem or who have recently removed into the district from an State or county.

Nor shall more than one enumerator be assigned t same territory. In case any parent, guardian, hea family, master of apprentice, or any person emplo having charge of or harboring any child entitled to s privileges, shall refuse to report to the enumerator facts required herein necessary to the full and acc census, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than five more than twenty-five dollars. Each enumerator when making return of said census to the secretary o board, make affidavit or affirmation that he has retu the enumeration in accordance with the provisions of act, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that list contains the name of all persons entitled to be e erated, and no others.

Each oath or affirmation provided for in this se shall be made a part of the blanks on which the c is taken, and a matter of record in both the office o school board and that of the Superintendent of F Instruction. Each enumerator shall be allowed re able compensation per diem for his services, to be pai of the school fund of said city.

Any school officer, or other person appointed as en ator, or any officer through whose hands the school c required by this act shall pass, who shall knowingly e erate persons not entitled to be listed, or who shall i manner, add to or take from the number actually en ated, shall in addition to being liable to punishmen the crime of false swearing, be deemed guilty of a demeanor, and, upon conviction of such offense, sha fined in any sum not less than five nor more tha

red dollars, or imprisoned in the co



ten nor more than thirty days, in the discretion of court.

Le county superintendent of the county in which such s are located, shall have no control over the school in districts, but the same shall be governed in all rets as herein provided.

2. For the years in which no census is required to be n hereunder, the Superintendent of Public Instruction determine the amount of per capita to be paid over to school board of such cities, by adding annually to the ber of children of school age as shown by the next preng census actually taken, such increase or addition e may ascertain to be the annual increase of children hool age in the district upon averaging the yearly inse shown by the three actual enumerations next preg. Provided, however, that the school board or Supendent of Public Instruction may elect to take an actcensus in any of such years, in which case the return uch census shall govern.

e Superintendent of Public Instruction shall in his ial report give statement of the estimated census for years included in said report wherein distribution of apita may have been made upon estimated census, as ided herein, in such manner as to show clearly the l enumeration upon which such estimates may have based and the manner in which the estimated cenhas been computed.

. This act shall take effect from and after its passage approval by the Governor, and all laws and parts of in conflict with its provisions are hereby repealed.

Approved March 21, 1902.


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