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Church Quarterly Review, July 1907 (Vol. Ixiv, No. 128: Spottiswoode & Co.). The future of the University of Durham-H. M. VAUGHAN St David and the early Welsh Saints-William Archer Butler-F. B. JEVONS Evolution and morality-The theology of the Wisdom literature-M. BRAMSTON The unpopularity of the AbbeysBooks about children-The New Theology-Short notices.

The Hibbert Journal, July 1907 (Vol. v, No. 4: Williams & Norgate). E. RUSSELL John Watson-J. ROYCE Immortality-H. JONES Divine immanence-A. C. M'GIFFERT Divine immanence and the Christian purpose-BISHOP OF CLOGHER The sufficiency of the Christian ethic-J. L. THOMAS The free Catholic ideal-W. R. HUNTINGDON Tract no. xci-J. COLLIER Who is the Christian Deity?-W. W. FOWLER Religion and citizenship in early Rome-P. E. MATHESON Character and citizenship in Dante-S. A. BARNETT The religion of the peopleJ. J. FINDLAY 'What are you?' the child's answer-DiscussionsReviews-Bibliography.

The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1907 (Vol. xix, No. 76: Macmillan & Co.). J. H. A. HART Corban-I. LAST Sharshoth Kesef: the Hebrew dictionary of roots, by Joseph Ibn Kaspi-G. H. SKIPWITH 'The Lord of Heaven '-I. ELBOGEN Studies in the Jewish liturgy IIE. J. WORMAN Forms of address in Genizah letters-A. COHEN Hebrew incunabula in Cambridge-H. S. Q. HENRIQUES The political rights of English Jews II-Critical Notices.

The Expositor, July 1907 (Seventh Series, No. 19: Hodder & Stoughton). A. E. GARVIE The risen Lord-J. IVERACH Pantheism— F. C. CONYBEARE The newly discovered treatise of Irenaeus-J. H. MOULTON The Epistle of James and the Sayings of Jesus-J. MOFFATT Wellhausen on the Fourth Gospel-W. B. NEATBY Mr William Kelly as a theologian-N. H. MARSHALL The philosophical method of the New Theology.

August 1907 (Seventh Series, No. 20). W. M. RAMSAY The divine child in Virgil: a sequel to Professor Mayor's study―G. S. STREATFEILD The apologetic value of criticism-W. O. E. OESTERLEY The demonology of the Old Testament illustrated by Psalm xci—

J. IVERACH The relation of God to the world-N. H. MARSHALL The philosophical method of the New Theology-W. H. HOLDSWORTH Faith in the Fourth Gospel.

September 1907 (Seventh Series, No. 21). W. M. RAMSAY A Christian city in the Byzantine age-H. R. MACKINTOSH Christian theology and comparative religion-B. W. BACON The martyr apostles —J. H. MICHAEL The gift of tongues at Corinth—F. R. M. HITCHCOCK The dramatic development of the Fourth Gospel-J. MOFFATT Literary illustrations of the Book of Ecclesiasticus.


The American Journal of Theology, July 1907 (Vol. xi, No. 3: Chicago University Press). H. RASHDALL The motive of modern missionary work-Recent changes in theology in the Protestant episcopal church-A. C. M'GIFFERT Mysticism in the early Church-H. A. YouTZ Three conceptions of God-B. W. BACON Acts versus Galatians : the crux of apostolic history-W. KÖHLER Modern Italy and Pius XCritical Notes-Recent theological literature.

The Princeton Theological Review, July 1907 (Vol. v, No. 3: Princeton University Press). B. B. WARFIELD Augustine's doctrine of knowledge and authority-W. H. JOHNSON Was Paul the founder of Christianity?-G. Vos The priesthood of Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews-D. BEATON Thomas Boston-Reviews of recent literature.


Revue Bénédictine, July 1907 (Vol. xxiv, No. 3: Abbaye de MaredSOUs). A. WILMART L'Ad Constantium liber primus de S. Hilaire de Poitiers et les Fragments historiques (suite et fin)—D. DE BRUYNE Fragments retrouvés d'apocryphes priscillianistes-G. MORIN Le commentaire inédit de l'évêque latin Epiphanius sur les Évangiles-L. GOUGARD Les conceptions du martyre chez les Irlandais-H. SCHUSTER L'abbaye de Farfa et sa restauration au xie siècle sous Hugues I (suite et fin)-D. DE BRUYNE Le dernier verset des Actes: une variante inconnue-G. MORIN I L'anamnèse de la messe romaine dans la première moitié du ve siècle: II Un écrit de S. Julien de Tolède considéré à tort comme perdu-R. ANCEL Notes à propos d'études sur la diplomatie pontificale au xvie siècle-U. BERLIÈRE Lettres inédites des bénédictins de Saint-Maur au Cardinal GualterioComptes rendus-Notes bibliographiques.

Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, July 1907 (Vol. viii, No. 3: Louvain, 40 Rue de Namur). F. CAVALLERA Les fragments de saint Amphi



- loque dans l'Hodegos et le tome dogmatique d'Anastase le SinaïteA. FIERENS La question franciscaine: Le manuscrit II 2326 de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique: III La vita S. Francisci anonyma Bruxellensis (suite, à suivre)—L. WILLAERT Négociations politicoreligieuses entre l'Angleterre et les Pays-Bas catholiques (1598-1625): II Intervention des souverains anglais en faveur du protestantisme aux Pays-Bas (suite, à suivre)-Comptes rendus-Chronique: 1 K. BIHLMEYER François Xavier Funk: 2 Nouvelles-Bibliographie.

Revue de l'Orient Chrétien, April 1907 (2nd series, Vol. ii, No. 2: Paris, Rue du Regard 20). F. NAU Les Patrologies syriaque et orientale et la Revue de l'Orient Chrétien-E. PORCHER Sévère d'Antioche dans la littérature Copte-F. NAU La légende des saints évêques Héraclide, Mnason, et Rhodon, ou l'apostolicité de l'église de Chypre Une lettre apocryphe de Paul et Barnabé aux CypriotesS. GRÉBAUT Littérature éthiopienne pseudo-Clémentine: I La seconde venue du Christ et la résurrection des morts: II Le mystère du jugement des pécheurs-F. TOURNEBIZE Étude sur la conversion de l'Arménie au Christianisme ainsi que sur la doctrine et les usages de l'église arménienne primitive (suite)—F. NAU Histoires des solitaires égyptiens (suite; ms. Coislin. 126, f. 167 sqq.)-L. LEROY Les églises des chrétiens (tradition de l'arabe d'Al-Makrisi)-E. TISSERAND Les découvertes archéologiques en Palestine à propos d'un livre récent -Bibliographie: Van den Steen de Jehan De la situation légale des sujets ottomans non musulmans (J. BOUSQUET); E. Sachau Syrische Rechtsbücher (M. A. KUGENER); J. Rosenberg Phoenikische Sprachlehre und Epigraphik (F. NAU): C. Diehl Études byzantines (F. NAU): Livres nouveaux.

Analecta Bollandiana, July 1907 (Vol. xxvi, Nos. 2, 3 Brussels, 775 Boulevard Militaire). H. DELEHAYE Saints de Chypres: I Textes inédits Narratio de monacho Palaestinensi; 2 Laudatio S. Polychronii; 3 Laudatio SS. Andronici et Athanasiae; 4 Laudatio S. Theosebii Arsinoitae; 5 Laudatio S. Arcadii ep. Arsinoes; 6 Oratio de terrae motibus; 7 Laudatio S. Diomedis; 8 Laudatio S. Gennadii archiep. CP.; Appendix, Vita S. Tychonis; II Les sources de l'hagiographie cypriote; III Le Panegyricon de Néophyte le ReclusA. PONCELET Récit de la mort du pape S. Leon IX; note complémentaire E. HOCEDEZ La Vita prima Urbani V auctore anonymo— Bulletin des publications hagiographiques-Appendix; A. PONCELET Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum bibliothecarum Romanarum praeterquam Vaticanae; VI Codices bibliothecae Angelicae; VII Codices bibliothecae Casanatensis; VIII Codices bibliothecae Chisianae; IX Codices bibliothecae Corsinianae.


Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde des Urchristentums, September 1907 (Vol. viii, No. 3: Giessen, A. Töpelmann). J. KREYENBÜHL Der Apostel Paulus und die Urgemeinde -H. KOCH Zeit und Heimat des Liber de rebaptismate-F. C. CONYBEARE Epiphanius on the Baptism-P. DREWS Der literarische Charakter der neuentdeckten Schrift des Irenäus 'Zum Erweise der apostolischen Verkündigung'-H. LIETZMANN Bemerkungen zu H. von Sodens Antikritik-Miszellen.

Theologische Quartalschrift, July 1907 (Vol. lxxxix, No. 3: Tübingen, H. Laupp). ROHR Schichten in der Apokalypse?-BELSER Zu Luk. 4, 23.-VAN BEBBER Der Brevierhymnus: En clara vox redarguitMINGES Beitrag zur Lehre des Duns Scotus über die Person Jesu Christi -STOLZ Пapoiκía, parochia und parochus-Rezensionen-Analekten.

Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, August 1907 (Vol. xxviii, No. 3: Gotha, F. A. Perthes). DREWS Über altägyptische Taufgebete— v. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG Die Papstwahlen und das Kaisertum (1046– 1328) HERRMANN Luthers Tractatus de indulgentiis-Nachrichten--Bibliographie.


Theological Studies



SINCE the publication of The Gospel in the Gospels, it has been obvious that Dr Du Bose must be reckoned one of the foremost philosophical theologians of our time. The Gospel in the Gospels has been quickly followed by The Gospel according to St Paul, and by the republication of an earlier book, The Soteriology of the New Testament. There is now, therefore, considerable material for the estimate of Dr Du Bose's contribution towards a philosophy of the Christian religion.

That contribution takes the form of an unusually coherent system. It is true that the form of the books themselves is somewhat unsystematic, that the style is homely and at times slipshod, that there is considerable repetition, and that the outward appearance of great work is lacking. But through all this there emerges one coherent view of God and man, held with a singular conviction and clearness of grasp; and though this is often in the background, its influence is all-pervasive. Though the exposition is sometimes devoid of order, the thought is always clear and harmonious; and though the language may be homely, the thought is of such elevation that it often carries the language with it to real heights of eloquence. In no writer is there less attempt at fine writing; but high thinking must have its effect on the style in which it is embodied.

The theory which emerges from these books, in which it lurks as an ever-present major premiss, is really nothing less than a philosophy of the Christian religion. Christianity is true, becauses it recognizes the facts of human nature and illuminates them it would be untrue if it did not spring from those facts, and were not necessitated by them. Dr Du Bose tries to shew in outline, what those facts are, that by themselves they con

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