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tific methods with children in the rural schools. Teachers will get a new vision of the importance of their work and a great inspiration for their daily duties, by reading these interesting experiences and meditations.

HOW TO MEASURE IN EDUCATION. By William A. McCall, Ph.D. The Macmillan Company.

A book of 416 pages, dealing in six thorough-going chapters with the following main divisions of this, one of the latest discoveries and achievements of modern educational science, and written by an assistant professor in that great educational laboratory, the Teachers College, Columbia University. It would take a whole number of EDUCATION adequately to review this monumental treatment of this fascinating subject. Suffice it to say that herein the scholarly teacher will find all the latest knowledge of the subject, carefully stated and reenforced by citations of facts, investigations of the best and most skilled investigators, tables of comparative results, logical and experimental validations of tests, etc. This is a field in which the modern scientific educator has had, and is having, his greatest triumphs; and they mean much, and will mean still more, to the cause of education.

TEACHING TO THINK. By Julius Boraas. The Macmillan Company. A much needed book, which should have a wide circulation among school boards and parents, as well as among teachers and their pupils. Real success in any enterprise undertaken by any one, any where, depends chiefly upon the real thought bestowed upon it. This means not only the amount of thought but also the quality of the thought. Real success in each and every vocation depends not upon chance, but upon thought and faithful application of intelligence to the work in hand. The skilled worker is always at a premium and never without a job. The careless and the thoughtless workers think a good deal about favoritism. It is usually brains and persistence that achieve the results that they see and envy in others. A book then that emphasizes and stimulates thinking is a book with a mission. We believe that this one should be studied in all schools which are graduating young men and women for entrance upon various vocations.

WOMEN PROFESSIONAL WORKERS. By Elizabeth Kemper Adams, Ph.D. The Macmillan Company.

This is a most useful book of counsel and guidance to thoughtful girls and women, so many of whom are now-a-days entering into all the professions. Various professions are studied and their "ins and outs" discussed by this well qualified writer. If in doubt as to what line of work to take up, consult this volume. It gives facts and advice that will be of utmost value.

RURAL SCIENCE READER. By Samuel Broadfoot McCready. D. C. Heath & Co.

This book belongs in the Rural Education Series edited by Harold W. Foght. It is a most attractive text book for those pupils who are likely to spend their days in the rural districts in agricultural occupations. It would be well for city children, also, to know about the wonders of nature and the arts of man by means of which human needs are supplied. We have in this attractive volume a series of reading lessons which deal with real things and which progressively unfold the processes of nature which supply the human race with its necessary food and also minister to the mind and soul in forms of beauty and of life. This book will make strongly for good citizenship. It is fully illustrated,—and as the classes read the successive chapters the children will learn about their own neighborhood and its necessities; the animals, and how these minister to human lives; how to raise flowers, fruits, crops of various kinds; how to take care of domestic animals; what to do to make home and community valuable to the world at large; and a thousand other things that make life worth living. What a contrast to the dull old reading lessons,-away up above our heads, which were inflicted upon some of us older ones in our long-ago school days!

TEACHING MANUAL AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS. By Ira Samuel Griffith. The Manual Arts Press.

This is a valuable text book for normal schools and colleges. It is based upon sound psychology and pedagogy and admirably bridges the gap between theory and practice. It is no longer enough either to know the theory of what we do, or to be able to do what we undertake without knowing the theory. Theory and practice must go hand in hand, in the manual arts as well as in all learning and all teaching. Thus the mind is satisfied and the material world comes to its own. We commend this book, without reserve, to teachers and students of the industrial arts.

DAYS OF THE DISCOVERERS. By L. Lamprey. Illustrated by Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis. Frederick A. Stokes Company.

A pleasing volume in the "Great Days in American History Series." Some of the illustrations are in color. These stories will make excellent supplementary reading for classes in history in the upper grades and Junior High Schools.

YANK BROWN, HALFBACK. By David Stone. Illustrated by H. L. Hastings. Barse and Hopkins. Price $1.00.

A story that will interest boys of preparatory school age and in early

college years. It tells how "Yank" made the "Varsity" team in freshman year and covered himself and his class with glory.

READINGS IN EVOLUTION, GENETICS AND EUGENICS. By Horatio Hackett Newman. The University of Chicago Press. Price $3.95, postpaid.

This volume covers the essentials of the various phases of evolutionary biology, including genetics and eugenics. The spirit in which the author has approached the subject is that of the Christian scientist who feels that science and Christianity are not opposed the one to the other, but, when really understood, are permeated by a common spirit of truth and reality. This book is intended as a college text book. It is written in a style that adapts it also to the needs of the general reader.

A MINIMUM COURSE IN RHETORIC. By Henry C. Edgar, A.M. Price $1.50. The Century Company.

Adapted to the needs of classes in Rhetoric in the upper high school grades. The material covers the minimum essentials in a thorough manner. There are adequate exercise materials. Special difficulties are treated in the appendixes. An exceptionally concise, clear, and at the same time comprehensive treatment of an important subject.

LIPPINCOTT'S HORN-ASHBAUGH SPELLING BOOK. By Ernest Horn, Ph.D., and Ernest G. Asbaugh, Ph.D. Parts I (for Grades 1 to 4), II (Grades 5 to 6), III (Grades 7 to 9). J. B. Lippincott Company.

With full instructions to teachers, based on a discussion of modern principles and scientific methods, these graded books furnish the means for an intelligent approach to this difficult and much discussed subject, both from the theoretical and the practical standpoints. The use of the series will interest the pupil in the subject and the most desirable results will be likely to follow.

BOOKS RECEIVED BY THE BOOK REVIEW Department of EDUCATION. The Technique of Teaching. By Sheldon Emmor Davis, Ph.D. The Macmillan Company.

Art and Education in Wood-Turning. By William W. Klenke. Manual Arts Press. Price $1.40.

Grammar and Practice. By Susan I. Frazee and Chauncey W. Wells. Macmillan Co.

Superintendent's Notes of Visits. Compiled by Charles A. Wagner, Ph.D. Price 75 cents. Bruce Publishing Company.

Supervisor's Notes of Classroom Visits. Price 35 cents. Bruce Publishing Company.

The Palmer Method of Business Writing. In Spanish. By A. N. PalThe A. N. Palmer Co.


A Manual of the Dutch Language. By B. W. Downs, M.A., and H. Latimer Jackson, D.D. London, Cambridge University Press.

The Colonial Entry-Books. By C. S. S. Higham, M.A. Macmillan Company.

Methods of Teaching Vocational Agriculture. By Samuel H. Dadisman. Price $2.00. The Gorham Press.

The Psychology of Learning. An advance text in educational psychology. By William Henry Pyle. Warwick & York.

A Christian's Appreciation of Other Faiths. By Rev. Gilbert Reid, D.D. Price $2.50. The Open Court Publishing Co.

Body and Soul. By Elizabeth H. Marsh. Price $1.50. The Cornhill Publishing Company.

The Isolation Plan. With Papers on the Covenant. Blymer. Price $2.00. The Cornhill Publishing Company.

By William H.

The Crisis. By Winston Churchill. Edited by Walter Barnes. Macmillan Company's Pocket Classic Series. Price 48 cents.

Lecturas Para Principantes. By Medora Loomis Ray. American Book Co.

A Manual of the Mechanics of Writing. By Raymond Woodbury Pence. The Macmillan Company.

El Alcalde De Zalamea. By Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Edited by Ida Farnell. Longmans, Green & Co. Price $1.10.

Self-Cultivation in Extemporaneous Speaking. By Glenn Clark. Published at the Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. Price 25 cents.

Geographical Factors. By H. J. Fleure. D.Sc., F.S.A., etc. Macmillan Company.

Modern Applied Arithmetic. By James Killius and R. R. Neely. P. Blakiston's Son & Company. Price 70 cents.

Practical Electricity for Beginners. By George A. Willoughby. The Manual Arts Press. Price $1.00.

Outline of Bird Plates. By L. A. Fuertes. The Comstock Publishing Company.

Ditto of Animal Plates. Ditto of Zoo Animals; Game Birds; Flowers. The Forward Pass in Football. By Elmer Berry, B.S., M.P.E. Price 50 cents. A. S. Barnes and Company.

The Teacher's Word Book. By Edward L. Thorndike. Teachers' College, Columbia University.

The Conflict. A Health Masque in Pantomime. By Gertrude K. Colby, B.S., with Introduction by Thomas D. Wood, A.M., M.D. Published by A. S. Barnes and Company.

The Technique of Pageantry. By Linwood Taft, Ph. D. A. S. Barnes and Co.

2,000 Sentences for Class Drill. Selected by James F. Willis. Lloyd Adams Noble, publisher.

The Marking System of the College Entrance Examination Board. By L. T. Hopkins. Edited by Walter F. Dearborn. Published by Harvard University. Paper covers.

Figure Construction. For Art Students, Costume Designers and Teachers. By Almon Bement. The Gregg Publishing Company. Price $2.50.

Forms to accompany Clerical Practice First Lessons in Business. By William Lincoln Anderson, B.C.S., Arthur W. Ross, and Z. Carleton Staples, A.B. The American Book Company.

Selections from Virgil's Georgies. Edited by John Masson, M.A., LL.D. Cambridge University Press. Macmillan Co.

The Selection of Text Books. By C. R. Maxwell. Houghton, Mifflin Company. Price $1.35.


Hunter's Civic Biology

In Two Books

A Civic Biology (Textbook)
Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology

By GEORGE WILLIAM HUNTER, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Knox College,
Galesburg, Ill., Formerly Head of the Department of Biology, DeWitt
Clinton High School, City of New York.

'HE study of Biology should be part of the education of


every boy and girl, because society itself is founded upon the principles which Biology teaches.

The ideal textbook in Biology should show boys and girls living in an urban community how they may best live within their own environment and how they may co-operate with the civic authorities for the betterment of the environment. It shoud build up logically around interesting problems which bear on the ultimate aim of the entire course, that of preparation for citizenship in the largest sense.

Such a course is Hunter's Civic Biology which happily combines Botany, Zoology and Physiology. In many schools it will be found to cover the required work in Botany and Physiology.

The textbook is accompanied by a laboratory manual for the pupil in which all the problems are presented very explicitly with significant problem questions which are designed to develop the pupil's power of thought. The work is modeled on the Problem Method and thus is in harmony with the best modern pedagogical thought.







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