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So many books are sent to this department of EDUCATION that it is impossible to review them all. Naturally we feel under obligation to give preference to the books of those publishing houses which more or less frequently use our advertising pages. Outside of the limitations thus set, we shall usually be able and glad to mention by title, authors, and publishers, such books as are sent to us for this purpose. More elaborate notices will necessarily be conditional upon our convenience and the character of the books themselves.

HOW TO COACH A HIGH SCHOOL TRACK TEAM. By Sam Barry, Director of Athletics, Knox College. Wilson Athletic Library, Thomas E. Wilson & Company, New York, Chicago, San Francisco.

This latest pamphlet in the "Wilson Athletic Library" has an especial interest for schoolmen, because it represents a new side of the pedagogy of sports. For the past half-dozen years and more the Western universities have been offering courses of technical lectures and class exercises for students who were looking forward to entering the highly specialized athletic branch of the teaching profession. Even the cultural colleges have taken up the idea, so that Knox College, for example, has an advanced course in physical education work with theoretical and "laboratory" work for athletes who expect to be high school teachers of physical training. It is inevitable that in a small school the same man will be teacher of physical training, teacher of one or two other subjects, and coach of all the teams. It is for this busy educator that Coach Barry's little book is chiefly intended. It is addressed, not to the athlete himself, but to his instructor. The high school boy who "goes out for track" may learn much from the book, to be sure, but the emphasis is upon what the coach or director should know and how he should impart the knowledge to his aspiring youngsters. The sixty pages are compactly informative, plainly written, with few flourishes and little of the technical slang that might confuse the young teacher whom the force of circumstances compels to undertake the burden of coaching a track team. Sections on the treatment of athletic injuries and the organization of a track meet are particularly helpful. This book seems a worthy pioneer in a new field of pedagogical textbook making.-Review by R. C. W., Knox College.

THE TRAINING OF A SECRETARY. By Arthur L. Church. J. B. Lippincott Company. Price $1.75 net.

A much needed volume, presenting the claims of secretaryship to the respect of the public and setting forth its attractiveness to young people as a useful and remunerative career. The author has found that there is a dearth of materials in the shape of books and articles upon this subject. He has had to study it, de novo, and he has done his work in a way that will win the gratitude of many already "placed" and many more who are looking forward toward this modern and worthy profession.

WORLD HISTORY. By Hutton Webster, Ph.D. D. C. Heath & Co. It is well that a thoroughly competent scholar and experienced teacher should have attempted to meet the needs of the large number of students in our schools who get practically all their knowledge of history in about one year in the high school. A subject so large as that presented by the entire history of the world is not easily condensed into a single volume. It requires a scholar of ripe scholarship and extraordinary judgment to select that which should be excluded and that which should be admitted to a book intended to meet such a need. Yet there should be such a text book. Every educated person must have a fairly comprehensive and accurate conception of what lies back of the civilization of his own day, leading up to and in large measure accounting for the life and opportunities that he enjoys. Otherwise he would not be a truly educated person. A somewhat careful examination of this book will convince the reader that it is adequate to the purpose named. It opens with a chapter on prehistoric times; it traces human progress in its upward march from the stone age to the present. It gives broad outlines of important stages of progress. It opens the way for more particularized studies if time and opportunity allows. It is well arranged, and the table of contents, maps, plates, suggestions for further study, etc., are all valuable and alluring for further study. There are more than 750 pages, including indexes, tables, etc. There are many high class illustrations.

COLLEGE TEACHING. Edited by Paul Klapper, of the College of the City of New York. With an Introduction by Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University. World Book Company. Price $4.50.

This is a book of 583 pages, containing contributions by thirty-one leading authorities on the various subjects taught in the colleges and universities of the United States, both large and small. There is a consistent common aim in all the chapters, which is, to set forth the reason and method of each subject as a subject for the college curriculum and to show its effects upon the national standards of scholarship and aftercollege service in practical American life. There are three "Introductory Studies" on the following subjects: History and Present Tendencies in the American College; Professional Training for College Teaching; and General Principles of College Teaching. Part Two gives account of The Sciences, six separate chapters, each by an expert who has made a life-work and reputation in his particular science. Part Three contains nine chapters on the Social Sciences,-economics, sociology, history, political science, philosophy, ethics, psychology, history of education, theory of education. Part Four treats of Language and Literature.

Part Five takes up the Arts. Part Six treats of Vocational subjects. This volume will be of great value in several ways. It will furnish college authorities with a standard by which to test efficiency; it will aid the individual professor or candidate for a professorship in accu rately determining what will be expected of him; it will inform the public of the standards and aims of the colleges and universities, and will thus set forward the popular estimate of their use and value.

NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK. By Warren E. Hicks. American Book Company.

A new edition of an old and deservedly popular and widely useful book. It is brought up to the times and recognizes the new ideals and the new words brought into prominence by researches such as those of specialists like Ayers, Cook, Pryor, and others. There are six sections, each designed to cover the spelling lessons of a year.

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION. By Joseph Kinmont Hart. Macmillan Company.

Belonging to the Social Welfare Library, this book is the outgrowth of many years' practical work in community life in Western states, where wide opportunity is afforded to workers for country and civic uplift. The book is founded upon basic principles of pedagogy and economic theory, and demonstrates the practical value of educational and sociological thinking.

THE MAN OF TOMORROW. By Claude Richards. T. Y. Crowell Company.

A practical book of vocational guidance. It is addressed to young men but includes, so far as general principles go, young women as well. It is a book which will inspire ambition in any young person to select carefully and wisely the work to be undertaken in life. It will aid in finding the adaptation which will put the individual in his or her right place,-equipped for success. It will also greatly aid teachers in the advice which they are so often asked for, as to what work or profession their individual pupils should choose.

SONS OF LIBERTY. By Walter A. Dyer. Henry Holt and Company. This is a story of the times of Paul Revere. The plot is laid in Boston in the times when our forefathers were building "better than they knew." It is a story that is full of spirit, and any red-blooded boy would like it. At the same time it teaches historical facts and patriotic principles.

New textbooks with distinguishing features

McMurry and Parkins: Geographies

A new series, the culmination of twenty years of growth and development. Representing matured educational practice in the field of geography and furnishing the latest available geographical data.

Baker and Thorndike: Everyday Classics

Primer, First Reader, Second Reader

Combining a simple eclectic method of reading and a rich basic content for the early grades-worked out on the same principles which have made the upper books of the series a real contribution to that subject.

(Ready in May and June)

O'Shea and Kellogg: Everyday Health Series

A new two-book series, presenting a workable program, based on the assumption that personal hygiene, whether good or bad, is a matter of habit.

Beard and Bagley: Our Old World Background

Something more than the conventional idea that Europe's influence on America ceased in 1492—a book which points to the true significance of presentday events.

(Ready in May)


New York


San Francisco

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