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known as "World Goodwill Day," when programs may be given such as will promote international friendship.

Undoubtedly this will be one of the greatest and most significant educational congresses in the history of the world.

School medical inspection in New York State has been developed to a high point of efficiency. The Legislature of 1913 passed the first state-wide school medical measure in the United States. The enforcement of the law is placed in the hands of the Commissioner of Education, who is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as may be found necessary to carry into full force the purposes and intent of the law. The Commissioner of Education is required under the statute to appoint a competent physician who has been in the actual practice of his profession for a period of at least five years, as State Medical Inspector of Schools. This was done from a civil service list in January, 1915. The State Medical Inspector of Schools began his duties on February 1, 1915. He is required, under the supervision of the Commissioner of Education, to perform such duties as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the law.

Some of the chief purposes of this law are stated as follows: 1. To discover physical, dental, mental, or other defects of school children, and to secure their correction if possible.

2. To co-operate with school authorities to so teach practical hygiene to pupils that they may by its daily application to their lives escape many of the physical and mental defects so often acquired in school.

3. To examine teachers and to assist them to establish and to maintain a high standard of physical fitness.

4. To co-operate (a) in the training of teachers and prospective teachers in the fundamental essentials of practical hygiene; (b) in the training of teachers to recognize mental and physical defectsand how to deal successfully with them.

5. To co-operate with health authorities in the recognition and suppression of communicable diseases among school children, and in the maintenance of high standards of sanitation in school buildings and on school premises.

6. To co-operate with all agencies interested in health and sanitation in schools and to utilize such agencies in such manner that the best results may be accomplished.

7. To bring the school and the home into closer and more co

operative relation with each other, to the end that good health may be popularized in both and many of the physical defects so common among school children be prevented or corrected.

8. To systematize, standardize and stimulate school medical inspection in its general interpretation, that the best results may be accomplished in the enforcement of the purposes of its various provisions.

9. To acquaint the medical, dental, nursing, and other professions with the real purpose of school medical inspection and to enlist their co-operation and guidance, to the end that proper preventive and corrective assistance may be given to teachers and to pupils in our health service in schools.

The reasons for going to high school have been summed up in three little booklets, entitled, "Your Money and Your Life" (for boys), "Come On, Girls, Let's Go" (for girls), and, "Why Graduate" (for both). These booklets show how high school pays, the doors of opportunity opened to high school graduates, the financial success of graduates, the social advantage, the good times, friendships and pleasures of four years high school attendance. These three booklets are addressed to pupils in the upper grade and those that are debating whether to discontinue their high school work. Copies can be secured by addressing the Institute for Public Service, 1125 Amsterdam Avenue, New York City.

"Childhood is the basis of the future, and I believe in religious instruction for American children. The future of the nation cannot be trusted to the children unless their education includes their spiritual development. It is time, therefore, that we give our attention to the religious instruction of the children of America, not in the spirit of intolerance, nor to emphasize distinctions or controversy between creeds or beliefs, but to extend religious teaching to all in such form that conscience is developed and duty to one's neighbor and to God is understood and fulfilled."-WARREN G, HARDING, President of the United States. From Religious Education, Chicago, August, 1921.

Sick and disabled World War veterans scattered through the regular hospitals of Boston, found sprigs of bright holly decorating the gift stockings given then on Christmas, because pupils at the

Prince School, in the Back Bay section of Boston, chewed gun when gum shouldn't be chewed. The pupils of the Prince School are loyal members of the Junior Red Cross of the Boston Metropolitan Chapter. There is a school rule that gum shall not be chewed during school hours, and the pupils decided voluntarily that each one who broke the gum-chewing rule should be fined ten cents for each offense. By the end of a month a number of dollars in gum fines had accumulated. The money was used to buy holly.

The National Education Association has made public the following editorial which should be widely reproduced by the press of the country:

"The Constitution of the United States commits the control of education to the respective states. The National Education Association believes that the control of education should remain in the states, and that the Federal Government should discharge its educational responsibilities by conducting researches in the various fields of education and by financial co-operation with the states in certain fundamentals which are essential to good citizenship in both state and nation.

"The scant support which the Bureau of Education has received at the hands of the Federal Government is a disgrace to the nation. Men and women of proved educational ability have been paid salaries that would be too low even for mere clerks. In many cases the Government has been unable to obtain the services of recognized experts for the salaries provided. Important investigations have been left unmade or have been taken up by agencies less well fitted. than the Government to make them. Whole departments of educational activity have lacked that stimulus which would come from a careful study of the facts. The gravity of the situation is well set forth in the report of the Commissioner of Education, Hon. John J. Tigert, for the year ending June 30, 1921, in which he says:

"I am of the opinion that the Department should seriously consider the question as to the advisability of continuing the Bureau of Education on the present basis of wholly inadequate support. The need for a national governmental agency to perform the functions expected of this bureau is imperative and unquestioned. The efforts to meet the need, however, are largely nullified by the legislative restrictions and financial limitations by which the Bureau is at present handicapped. In my judgment, it would be better for the Federal Government to withdraw from this field of activity

entirely, unless provision is to be made for it on a more liberal basis, and the policy definitely adopted of attempting to render in an effective and authoritative way the kinds of constructive service which the people and the educators themselves demand. It is futile to continue this organization on the present penurious basis and to expect returns that justify the outlay.""

The complete report of the National Committee on Mathematical Requirements in Secondary Schools is in the press and will be ready for distribution in April. It is published under the title, "The Reorganization of Mathematics in Secondary Education," and will constitute a volume of about 500 pages. Through the generosity of the General Education Board the National Committee is in a position to distribute large numbers of this report free of charge. It is hoped that the funds available will be sufficient to place a copy of this report in every regularly maintained high school library and also to furnish every individual with a copy free of charge who is sufficiently interested to ask for it. Requests from individuals for this report are now being received. They should be sent to J. W. Young, chairman, Hanover, New Hampshire. Individuals interested in securing a copy of this report are urged to send in their requests as early as possible. If the number of requests received exceeds the number the committee is able to distribute, the earlier requests will receive the preference. The contents of the report includes the following particulars: A brief outline of the report; aims of mathematical instruction-general principles; mathematics for years seven, eight and nine; mathematics for years ten, eleven and twelve; college entrance requirements; lists of propositions in plane and solid geometry; the function concept in secondary school mathematics; terms and symbols in elementary mathematics. Also chapters on: "The present status of disciplinary values in education," by Vevia Blair; "The theory of correlation applied to school grades," by A. R. Crathorne; "Mathematical curricula in foreign countries," by J. C. Brown; "Experimental courses in mathematics," by Raleigh Schorling; "Standardized tests in mathematics for secondary schools," by C. B. Upton; "The training of teachers of mathematics," by

R. C. Archibald; "Certain questionnaire investigations," "Bibliography on the teaching of mathematics," by D. E. Smith and J. Ã. Foberg.

Initiative is a powerful force. It should be encouraged in young folks at home and in school. Don't do their thinking for them when you can by any tactful means get them to do it for themselves. Your doing it for them is a kind of self-conceit on your part. The chances are that they will follow your lead, if you lead them; but they will almost certainly run wild and wide of the goal if you try to drive them. The stimulus of the thought that you expect your child to work out most of his problems for himself will make him capable of doing it. This confidence will be an all-powerful influence to carry him through difficult duties. It will be far more effective than all the commands, penalties for not doing, scoldings, punishments, sarcasms and reproaches which are so often in evidence. These are discouraging. Get yourself out of the way, leaving the boy or girl with the feeling that you have confidence that the given problem can and will be handled wisely, and the battle is more than half won. It will put the child on his mettle. And when he has found the way out and solved his problem, he has not only solved this one, he has acquired a new strength and confidence for the next one, and for the next, and so on. Life is full of problems, and every person has to learn how to solve them. The parent who dogs his children's footsteps and tells them to do this and not do that, and will not let them out of sight of the home chimney, is a criminal. He is preparing for himself and for his child draughts of disappointment and sorrow. The teacher who answers all the questions and solves all the problems that any pupil asks him to, after class or in class, is no true teacher. Telling is not teaching. What we should be after is mental and moral fiber; this comes in the same way as physical muscle, by use and exercise. We shall never make a man of a boy by treating him as a baby.

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