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Thomas Bailey Aldrich says:


"Yet 'twas the king of England's kings,
The rest with all their pomp and trains
Are moldered half-remembered things-
'Tis he alone that lives and reigns."

We are proud of our claim to Shakespeare, the mighty dramatist, who now belongs to the ages.

HERALD announces "An American Colonist."


We left our mother land to come to America for religious freedom and that has been the American ideal ever since. We showed our love for England by naming our towns after hers and by using the best of her laws as the foundation of our Constitution.

We had not been in America long before we established schools for all the children and to this day, education has been an important factor in American life. Though it cost much suffering, we taught England the lesson that every colony in her dominion should have its rights.

Now we are proud of our connections with England, and of our century of friendly relations.


So do we appreciate the spirit of friendship and the common aims of these two great English-speaking nations.

HERALD announces "Queen Victoria."


My long reign of sixty-four years is considered one of the greatest and most prosperous in the history of the British Empire. Long strides were taken toward public education and the establishment of public libraries and playgrounds.

The condition of the working people was greatly benefited by better laws and by the Saturday half-holidays and by the special interest I took in them.

In the main my reign was one of peace, and with the aid of skillful advisors like the Prince Consort, Lord Melbourne and Gladstone, my influence throughout the world has been for good. ENGLAND:

We are justly proud of you, the "Mother Queen of History" and appreciate the blessing of a long reign under wise guidance and under the influence of a good woman.


Dance-Sweet Kate.

HERALD announces "India.”

I am one of England's mightiest possessions and am the home of many millions of people with many different languages.

My contribution to the British Empire is cotton and my great mineral wealth; and with her co-operation, I am slowly progressing in my various industries. I am proud of my wonderful talent for carving on wood and ivory and of the beautiful workmanship of my buildings, the Taj Mahal being considered the most beautiful building in the world.


We are thankful to have such a country as India with its vast resources under our control.


HERALD announces "Canada."

I, too, am one of England's greatest possessions and am a great store house of food, minerals and lumber. In spite of my size, I have only eight million inhabitants, for much of my land is forested or cold or barren. For this reason I am called "Our Lady of the Snows."

My men, however, have developed my vast resources, and are brave and daring. They have proven loyal to the mother country in helping to win the greatest war in history.

The beaver, a symbol which shows the industry of my people, and the maple leaf, our national emblem, are to us what the heather and thistle are to Scotland.


Though you have so few inhabitants, your importance to the Empire will long be remembered as will your fine spirit in the World War.


HERALD announces "Africa."

The lure of the diamond mines draws many people to my lands. Stanley and Livingston, the great explorers and missionaries, opened up the wonders of Africa to the rest of the world.

Not until late years have I contributed part of my resources to the British Empire.

My chief exports are diamonds, gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, palm oil and rubber. There is great wealth in my vast forests of mahogany, oil palm and other valuable woods. We are all working for a peaceable development of South Africa.


England appreciates the loyalty of her African subjects, as well as her many resources.


HERALD announces "Egypt."

Egypt, the land of the Pyramids and the Sphyinx, is famous for her early civilization. She has suffered many invasions for the sake of her fertile Nile valley. During the present troubled times, Egypt is under the control of Great Britain.

Her long-fibered cotton is known the world over, and ivory, gum arabic, rubber and ostrich feathers are the most important products. To-day Egypt is the home of ten million people. ENGLAND:

The Egyptian farmers have made great strides in the last four years, and Egypt will become a growing market for improved machinery.

HERALD announces "Australia."


My country embraces a whole continent and yet is part of the British empire. Millions of sheep find pasturage on my plains and produce the finest of Merino wool for world commerce. supply meat and dairy products to the British Isles.


Adventurous Englishmen came here when gold was discovered and found large tracts of land worth settling and developing. England's great merchant marine travels many miles to get my exports of wool, gold, silver, copper, hides, skins and lumber, and to bring to my shores textiles, iron and steel goods and machinery.

Like Canada, my population is small but my sacrifices for the World War have been very great.


Australia is indeed an important part of the British Empire, and gladly do we honor her.

HERALD announces "The Art of England."


All phases of art are expressed in our English life. Our folk dances of olden times are being revived, and our folk songs are well known in many parts of the world.

Landseer, the great painter of animals, Sir Joshua Reynolds, the portrait painter, and Turner and Cotman, the painters of landscapes, and many others have brought fame to England. Sir Arthur Sullivan was our great composer.

We have reason to be proud of our progress in literature. In the field of architecture, the beauty of our cathedrals and ancient castles ranks high.


England has not been too busy to develop the art side of life.

HERALD announces "Great Men of Past."


The British Isles can boast of many famous men and women of the past,―great inventors like Watt, Stephenson, Arkwright, Crompton, and Cartright. Great writers like Scott, Dickens, Thackeray and Carlyle, George Eliot, Defoe and Ruskin, have added to the world's literture.

Among our great poets are Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Tennyson, Spencer, and Browning.

The names of Wellington, Nelson, Kitchener and Rhodes will be remembered as long as English history endures.


The names of England's honored dead will never be forgotten.

HERALD announces "Great Men of Present.”

We can lay claim to many living great men also; Lloyd George, the present premier, being the most prominent.

Among our other great statesmen are Asquith, Campbell, Bannerman, Robert Cecil, Winston Churchill and Lord Northcliffe, who largely controls the press of England.

Our king, George V, is well beloved by his people at a time when kings are not highly honored. Lady Astor is the first English woman to take her rightful seat in parliament. Among our great military leaders are Haig, French, Townsende and 'Allenby.

Our greatest living poet, Rudyard Kipling, adds his share of glory to the literature of the world.


We are grateful that to-day so many famous names can be added to our record.

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