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A TEXT-BOOK OF SIMPLE NURSING PROCEDURE FOR HIGH SCHOOLS. Together with Instructions for First Aid in Emergencies. By Amy Elizabeth Pope. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Price $2.50.

A course of the kind described in this volume should be given as an essential part of the education of every liberally educated person in the land. Such use of this book would be a paying investment for the state from whatever standpoint we view the matter. It would save lives, and it would save vast sums of money now expended because of disabilities and break-downs and loss of lives that might have been saved and made productive of life and service to the commonwealth. The Preface of this book calls attention to the facts that at least 1 per cent of the 20,000,000 school children of the United States are mentally defective, and 15,000,000 of them have some physical defects which are potentially or actually detrimental to health. A large majority of the handicaps to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can be eliminated by scientific care and treatment. Should not such, care then, be given in every school? The question answers itself. And this book should be in the hands of every teacher and school official, and its subject be included in the curriculum of the High School.

SEX, FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS. By William Leland Stowell, M. D. Illustrated. The Macmillan Company. Price $3.00.

A thoroughly sane, comprehensive, tactful and practical book for the instruction and guidance of teachers and parents who would rise to one of the most important and difficult duties of all who have to deal with children and young people, that of giving instruction on the subject of sex. A thoughtful reading of this book will aid any intelligent person in meeting this serious responsibility.

GOLDEN DEEDS IN CHARACTER AND EDUCATION. By M. A. Cassidy, M. A., Superintendent of Schools, Lexington, Kentucky. The Bobbs-Merrill Company.

A charming little book, teaching in prose and verse how to lead the minds of young children to comprehend the nature of golden deeds and wholesome habits in the realm of common, every-day experience. It relates to such duties and habits as cleanliness, politeness, kindness to people and to animals, honesty, and all the other common duties and graces. And the beauty of it is that all the lessons are taught so deftly.

New books on Education for classes in colleges, normal schools, reading circles, teachers, and all who are interested in up-to-date developments in pedagogy.


BY BOYD H. BODE, Professor of Education, Ohio State University.

This volume deals with the standards of value which should determine the materials of the curriculum, the organization of the school, the methods of instruction, and the teachers' relations with pupils the philosophy of education untrammeled by traditional preconceptions.


By EDWARD L. THORNDIKE, Teachers College, Columbia University.

The application of the newer dynamic psychology to the teaching of arithmetic-the result of years of investigation and testing. A study of unique and permanent value. This is the first volume of a series on The Psychology of the Elementary School Subjects by this author.


By WILLIAM A. MCCALL, Assistant Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.

A summary of all the significant work which has been done in the field of education. Methods and technique for the construction and standardization of texts are fully presented.

THE INTELLIGENCE OF HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS (January, 1922) By WILLIAM F. BOOK, Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of the Psychologi cal Laboratory, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

The author has not only set forth the fact he has discovered through psychological tests concerning the intelligence of seniors in Indiana high schools, but he has interpreted the facts with a view to securing for these students the higher education for which these tests prove they have the capacity. This study will appeal particularly to high school teachers and principals, and to all others interested in secondary school problems.



New York


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Devoted to the Science, Art, Philosophy and Literature

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R&T no time in the history of the human race do we


find man indifferent to the question of education. Every age, according to its ability, evolved schemes and devices which enabled it to lift itself to a plane of higher perfection than the preceding one. The aboriginal, with his snare and crude trap, finds himself succeeded by the cave man with his well balanced club and primitive ax, and he in turn is pushed into the background by the man with the quiver and bow and the deadly lance.


Driven by necessity, man is found at our first glimpse of him to be using his cunning and skill to successfully combat adverse environment, to be devising improvements which tend to make existence more agreeable for himself and others.

As the utility of education impressed itself on succeeding generations, the necessity thereof stepped ever farther to the forefront, until at the present time this necessity is so widely acknowledged among civilized nations that it ranks as a self-evident truth.

Today, in popular esteem, education has been elevated to the empyrean heights of a universal fetish which everyone must adore or suffer the ostracism which is the inevitable concomitant of intellectual narrowness.

In order to arrive at an intelligent understanding of what education really is, it is essential that we first acquaint ourselves with its basic meaning. Through an etymological dissection of the term itself we find that education is derived from the Latin ex and ducere, and literally means to lead forth, or draw out. A more liberal translation, however, signifies to develop, and this latter and broader interpretation conveys a concrete understanding of all that is comprised in the word, education. To proceed beyond the mere term, education is an expansion, a development from within, which is achieved through the co-operation of internal and external forces, even as the rose blooming in our gardens is the result of a mysterious force within the stalk operating under the influences of external environments. This, then, is the meaning of education in its limited sense; its broader signification shall be unfolded as we proceed with our treatise.

Just now our next logical step is to ascertain the purpose of education. Of what material or spiritual benefit is it to man that he should voluntarily offer up a great part of his life for its attainment? Briefly the purpose of education is primarily to produce human beings capable of utilizing to the greatest advantage to themselves and their fellow-men the concealed and unconcealed powers with which God has endowed them.

Born in a plastic state, every mortal is endowed with certain spiritual, psychic and physical possibilities, each is intended to enact a certain role for the weal or woe of individual life, and it should be the province of education to develop and train these innate powers, so that each will judiciously play its part-no more, no less-producing the most desirable thing under heaven, a man of unshakable symmetry and poise.

In the course of time the pupil will outgrow the supervising influence and directive interests of his elders, to guide his own destiny through life, and if the disciple is not prepared to stand

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